Title: Titrations
2Strong Acid with Strong Base
- Starting pH
- pH -logFAcid
- Just before the Equivalence Point
- H (VacidFacid-VbaseFbase)/(VsolVbase)
- Very Sharp Equivalence Point
- pH 7.00
- Excess base
- pH 14 (-logOH-)
- OH- Fbase(Vbase-V)/(VbaseVsol)
325.00 mL of 0.10 M HCl titrated with 0.10 M NaOH
425.00 mL of ? M HCl titrated with 0.10 M NaOH
5- V 12.50 mL of NaOH
- HCl (12.50 mL)(0.1000 M)/(25.00 mL)
- 0.0500 M
6Strong Base with Strong Acid
- Starting pH
- pH 14 -logBase
- Very Sharp Equivalence Point
- pH 7.00
- Excess acid
- pH -logH)
- H Facid(Vacid-V)/(VacidVsol)
725.00 mL of 0.10 M NaOH titrated with 0.10 M HCl
825.00 mL of ? NaOH titrated with 0.20 M HCl
9- V 12.50 mL of HCl
- NaOH (12.50 mL)(0.2000 M)/(25.00 mL)
- 0.1000 M
10Titrating Monoprotic Weak Acids with Strong Base
- Starting pH Use weak acid dissociation
- Ka H2/(FAcid H)
- pH -logH
- HA OH- ? A- H2O
- Before the Equivalence Point use H-H eq
- pH pKa
- ½ way to Equivalence point, pH pKa
11- At Equivalence point use weak base dissociation
- Kb OH-2/(Fbase OH-),
- where Fbase FHAVHA/(VsolVeq)
- Excess base
- OH- Fbase(Vbase-V)/(VbaseVsol)
- pH 14 (-logOH-)
12Ka 1.010-5
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14Example for Ka 10-5
- Starting pH
- H ((110-50.1)1/2 0.0010 M
- pH 3.00
- ½ way pH pKa 5.00
- At Equiv. pt
- OH- ((110-90.05)1/2 7.110-6 M
- pH 14.00 -log(7.110-6) 8.85
15Titrating Monoprotic Weak Bases with Strong Acid
- Starting pH Use weak base dissociation
- Kb OH-2/(Fbase OH-)
- pH 14.00 (-logOH-)
- A- H ? HA
- Before the Equivalence Point use H-H eq
- pH pKa
- log (FA-VA-- FHClVHCl)/ (FHClVHCl)
- ½ way to Equivalence point, pH pKa
16- At Equivalence point use weak acid dissociation
- Kb H2/(Facid H),
- where FACID FA-VA-/(VsolVeq)
- Excess HCl
- H Facid(Vacid-V)/(VacidVsol)
- pH logH)
17Titrate with 0.10 M HCl
18Example for Ka 10-7
- Starting pH
- OH- ((110-70.1)1/2 0.00010 M
- pH 10.00
- ½ way pH pKa 7.00
- At Equiv. pt
- H- ((110-70.05)1/2 7.110-5 M
- pH 4.15
19Titration of H2A with strong base
- Starting pH weak acid equilibrium
- ½ way to first eq. pH pKa1
- At first equivalence pt
- pH (pKa1 pKa2)/2
- ½ way to 2nd eq. pH pKa2
- At 2nd equiv. pt. weak base equilibrium
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- Starting pH H (10-30.1)1/2 0.0100 M
- ½ way to first eq. pH 3.00
- At first equivalence pt
- pH (pKa1 pKa2)/2 6.00
- ½ way to 2nd eq. pH 9.00
- At 2nd equiv. pt. OH- (10-50.05)1/2
7.0710-4 M, pH 10.85
23Amino acids
- Amphoteric
- Can act as an acid and a base
- Glycine (GH2, GH, G-)
- pKa1 2.350, pKa2 9.778
24Alpha Fraction Plot for Glycine
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26Triprotic system
27Titration of a triprotic acid with strong base
- Starting pH weak acid equilibrium
- ½ way to first eq. pH pKa1
- At first equivalence pt
- pH (pKa1 pKa2)/2
- ½ way to 2nd eq. pH pKa2
28- At 2nd equiv. pt.
- pH (pKa2 pKa3)/2
- ½ way to third equiv. pt. pH pKa3
- At third equiv pt weak base equilibrium
29pKas are 4, 7, and 10
30H3PO4 (pKas 2.2, 7.2, 12.2)