Title: LongTerm Care Insurance
1Long-Term Care Insurance
- SCOR/????
- ????? ?? Olivier Goualou
- ? ??? (???? ??????)
2Agenda of this presentation
- What is Long Term Care Insurance?
- What are Long Term Care Insurance specificities?
31 - What is Long Term Care Insurance?
- Major markets
- Characteristics
4Two big Long Term Care Insurance Markets
France the most developed european LTCI Market
5 US / French (European) Approaches
- US Market (6.5 millions policies)
- Reimbursement Model
- Nursing home / home help plans
- Temporary payment periods
- French Market (2,000,000 policies sold)
- Fixed benefits model
- Lifetime payment periods
6Japan Market
- LTC an acute issue because of change in terms
of the ageing of the population - A new Public LTC scheme (April 2000)
- LTCI Market
- Rapid initial growth around 2 millions policies
issued during 89-98 and decline of consumer
demand after (public scheme) - LTCI Market could start up again
7Market needs
- Long-term care of the elderly
- Invalidity before 60
- Low incidence for the young
- Medically diagnosed long-term care (physical or
neuro-psychiatric) - Consolidated, irreversible long-term care
8Market needs
- Need for a simple, understandable, objective
definition - Product of the future pushing back mortality,
aging and population statistics
9Definition of LTC Activities of Daily Living
- The long-term care annuity is paid after loss
of3/4 ADL - The functions which human beings must perform to
lead a full, independent and meaningful life
10Fundamental activities of Daily Living (ADL)
- WashingAbility to maintain bodily hygiene to
normal standards without the assistance from
another person. - DressingAbility to dress and undress with
suitable clothing, if necessary, without the help
of another person. - FeedingAbility to serve and eat food
previously prepared - and provided without the help of another person.
11Fundamental activities of Daily Living (ADL)
- ContinenceAbility to use the toilet and
control urinary and faecal eliminations including
the use of protection or surgical devices. - MovementAbility to move around inside the home
of flat surfaces, with the help of suitable
equipment. - TransferAbility to move from bed to chair and
chair to bed without the help of another person.
12Long-term care insurance products
- Individual products
- Long-term care pension plan
- Double your pension
- Group products
- Level mutualized premium
13Product characteristics
142 - What are Long Term Care Insurance
- Deductible period
- Waiting period
15Deductible period
- 90 days
- Avoids managing short dependencies
- Reduces the cost of cover
16Waiting Periods
- 3 years / 1 year depending on the origin of LTC
- Completes medical selection
- Return-insurance of premiums
17Incidence of dementia PAQUID 1988-1995
18Incidence of dementia with respect to initial
wine consumption
19Major LTC claim reasons
15 - 50 9 - 30
20Dementia Antiselection
- Bad risks chase out the good (asymmetric
information). - Proportion of dementia claims among claims
21LTC Pricing
22Price Structure
- Mixed pricing
- Supplementary cost of women
- Possible imbalance of the portfolio
- Application of a couple
- Technical discount
- Commercial discount
23Risk Modeling
- Longevity of non-dependants
- Incidence of long-term care
- Longevity of dependants
24Statistical Data
- Data from experience portfolios
- Population data
- Specific studies and surveys
- PAQUID monitoring a cohort for 15 years
25Price Structure
- Non Guaranteed rates
- Essential for building the product
- Lowers the cost of uncertainty
26The follow-up of pricing assumptions
- in life-death, 1 survival law
- Denied (or not) by the total number of Death if
100 Deaths expected during the year, to have only
60 death deny the Mortality Table. - In LTC , 3 laws
- (Healthy Survival Dependency entrance
Dependant Survival) - Denied (or not) by the watched prevalence
27Multi-states Model
28Incidence law influence of sex and age
29Life expectancy for dependants time influence
30The two pitfalls annual premium and age (at
inception) will this trend remain valid in 30
31The two pitfalls Mathematical Reserve f(age
reached) will this trend remain valid in 30
32Pricing Balance Technical Aspect
- technical assumptions
- mortality of the valid
- probability of entering in dependency
- mortality of the dependants
- other assumptions
- Administration fees,
- Technical rate for the actualization of the
future payments - (contractual increase rate of premiums and
33Pricing Balance Technical Aspect
- Need of using prospective tables
- passed statistics enable quoting... the past
- predictable increase in life expectancy ...
- a) of the valid
- b) of the dependants
- what will be the evolution of entering in
dependency ? - supposed stability in time ?
34Pricing Balance Technical Aspect
- Prevalence law
- proportion of dependants in the general
population at each age - more easily measured
- most part of the public data available
- enables adapting external data (public or
market) to the observations made by the company
- Expected evolution of the reserves
Case of a woman who underwrites her LTC Product
at 50 y.o.
36Parameters sensibility
- Example influence of the incidence
37Parameters sensibility
- Example influence of the financial income
38Specific Risk for Korean Market
- Surrender Value for Product over 7 years.
39LTC a product, which needs to be handle carefully
- A new product on a new market
- Specific pitfalls for LTC
- Korean Market specificities
- Needs specific conditions (waiting period, non
guaranteed rates) - Needs specific follow up