Title: Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change: A Few Reflections
1Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change A
Few Reflections
Tarik Islam 15 Oct 2009
2009 Global Assessment Report, UNISDR
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4Tropical Cyclone
Ref 2009 Global Assessment Report
6Earthquake Risk Zone
7Tsunami Vulnerability
8Source Bangladesh NAPA, 2005
9Disaster Risks Poverty Nexus
10Lessons factored into capacity development
11CC Adaptation and DRR
- Climate change impacts in Bangladesh will largely
in the form of increased disaster risks - Suggested adaptation measures are largely DRR
interventions - Building capacity for present day resilience
would be the effective way to deal with future
challenges - Bangladesh represents a very rich and diverse
experience on CBDRM - Wealth of indigenous knowledge, wisdom and
locally evolved practices - Communities patience, fortitude and resilience
are the key strengths to deal with climate
12Resource the major challenge for DRR
CC MDTF Adaptation Fund LDC Fund
13Downscaling of climate information
14Common Predictors and Predictands
15CC Negotiation LDC priorities
- The need for action to assist the poorest, least
developed and most vulnerable to adapt to the
impacts of climate change which cannot be or will
not be avoided. - The need to agree to and ensure the achievement
of ambitious mid-term mitigation targets by the
developed countries (to prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate
system) - The need for corresponding action by the larger
emitters among the developing countries to slow
the growth of their emissions significantly below
16CC Negotiation LDC priorities
- The need to agree on scaled up financial and
technological support that is mandatory for
mitigation and adaptation action by the least
developed countries. - The need to agree upon institutional arrangements
and governance structures and operating
mechanisms to address the needs of developing
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