Space and Residential Values Modelling Interactions Between Geographical Patterns and Property Attri - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Space and Residential Values Modelling Interactions Between Geographical Patterns and Property Attri


Marius Th riault, Fran ois Des Rosiers, Paul Villeneuve & Yan Kestens ... similar people, with the same needs, tend to agglomerate at specific locations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Space and Residential Values Modelling Interactions Between Geographical Patterns and Property Attri

Space and Residential ValuesModelling
Interactions Between Geographical Patterns and
Property Attributes
First Congress of the International Real Estate
Society Anchorage, Alaska, July 25-28, 2001
  • Marius Thériault, François Des Rosiers, Paul
    Villeneuve Yan Kestens

Problem Statement (1)
  • Handling Interaction Between Spatial Factors and
    Values of Specific Housing Attributes
  • In hedonic modelling, values are usually
    specified using fixed coefficients
  • The assumption is that values of attributes are
    invariant across the city
  • However, various types of households have
    different needs and tastes
  • These households form the market of home buyers
  • They are not distributed evenly over space
    (spatial heterogeneity)
  • This could locally distort the demand for
    specific structural attributes
  • There is a need to test, the interaction between
    the structural features of physical and urban
    space and those housing attributes which are
    putatively influenced by these structural
    features spatially adjusted coefficients
  • This paper presents a methodology to handle
    interactions between geographical factors and the
    marginal contribution of each property attribute
    (model its variation over space)

Problem Statement (2)
  • Spatial Autocorrelation Among Residuals of the
    Hedonic Model
  • Spatial autocorrelation is highly detrimental to
    the efficiency of standard statistical tests used
    to assess the statistical significance of OLS
    regression coefficients
  • A city-wide hedonic modelling approach must (1)
    test for the presence of spatial heterogeneity
    (2) implement alternative estimation techniques
    to handle spatial autocorrelation
  • In 1990, Casettis expansion method was used by
    Can for investigating spatial drifts in housing
  • We extend the procedure using several
    neighbourhood quality indexes, and combining them
    with comparisons of each property with its
    immediate neighbours
  • thus allowing for a locally sensitive assessment
    of spatial dependence and for a significant step
    towards an efficient control of spatial

Conceptual Framework (1)
  • Increasing Social Diversity
  • During the last 40 years, rapid social and
    economic changes have been restructuring housing
    demand in North American cities
  • Three tendencies capable of profoundly modifying
    residential markets
  • Rapid increase in female labour force during the
    seventies has diversified household profiles and
    needs (dual earners, domestic outsourcing)
  • Rising income inequalities between households now
    counting on varying numbers of working members
    produce social polarisation into urban space
  • Development of the service sector of metropolitan
    areas and decentralisation of manufacturing
    activities has affected the social profile of
    many neighbourhoods, especially by redistributing
    services locations
  • All these changes have an effect on residential
    relocation behaviour, which is highly related to
    household structure and cycles
  • Social diversity and decentralisation of services
    increases the complexity of rent gradients
    influencing housing markets

Conceptual Framework (2)
  • Tree types of gradients
  • City-wide gradients related to structural factors
    (E.g. urban form, socio-economic status of
    neighbourhoods, location rent)
  • Local gradients linked to externalities (E.g.
    noise caused by the proximity of a motorway)
  • Local gradients reflecting local market internal
    dynamics (E.g. diffusion of home renovation among
    neighbours) and /or emulation among neighbours
    (E.g. adding a swimming pool in the backyard)
  • First two are true gradients (exogenous
    effects), last one is false gradient
    (endogenous effect)
  • True gradients violate the stationarity
    assumption (fixed coefficient) and produce
    spatial autocorrelation among residuals of the
    hedonic model if their effect is not
    appropriately handled
  • False gradients are reflecting evolution of
    market trends and do not yield significant
    spatial autocorrelation among model residuals

Conceptual Framework (3)
  • Socio-demographic profiles and housing market
  • Socio-demographic profiles of the population are
    certainly major determinants of housing market
    differentiation and form city-wide trends
    (exogenous effect)
  • However, the distribution of population is also
    constrained by the housing market (endogenous
  • Those effects are intermingled as demand and
    supply are driven by availability and
    affordability of housing
  • Therefore, these interactions with housing
    attributes should be modelled explicitly and
    translated into space-varying coefficients using
    Casettis expansion method
  • Conceptually, household formation and household
    income are major determinants of housing demand.
    The rate of household formation has a
    quantitative effect on the demand level, while
    income has a qualitative effect on the type of
    demand and selection of needed attributes

Conceptual Framework (4)
  • Endogenous Market Effects
  • As pointed out by Can (1990), most people prefer
    to live in neighbourhoods where they think the
    return for their housing investment will be
  • People are then willing to invest in maintaining
    dwelling where the return on such expenditures is
    sufficiently high
  • This suggest that home owners are observing their
    immediate neighbours and will be more prone to
    improve their property if the neighbourhood
    itself is upgrading
  • Conversely, home buyers generally try to find
    homes in neighbourhoods having socio-economic
    status similar to their own, implying that
    similar people, with the same needs, tend to
    agglomerate at specific locations
  • Hence the intrinsic nature of spatial dependence
    which governs real estate markets, each social
    group tending to value specific sets of housing
    attributes, while specific attributes may be
    valued differently by various segments of the

  • Main Objectives
  • Measuring the effect of social differentiation
    and residential segregation on the valuation of
    specific amenities
  • Assess the impact of the conformity/difference of
    a house with its neighbours when put on the
  • Example of research issues
  • A cosy house surrounded by poorly-maintained
    properties will loose a large part of its value,
    eventually more if it belongs to the higher
    segment of the local market (buyers with high
    socio-economic status)
  • Provide a procedure to integrate those ecological
    effects in hedonic models methods to isolate the
    marginal impact of this spatial mismatch on the
    sale price and means to identify which specific
    attributes will loose their value

Test Case
  • Market, Geographical Location and Social Status
  • 4040 bungalows (one-story single family house)
    sold within the Quebec Urban Community from
    January 1990 et December 1991
  • Each property is described using a large set
    (nearly 80) of property-specific attributes
    (Table 3) and neighbourhood-related attributes
    (more than 100) computed using GIS functions
    (Tables 1, 2 and 3)
  • Among these neighbourhood characteristics, travel
    times to services (schools and shopping centres)
    and census socio-economic data are linked to each
    property through selecting the nearest street
    corner (accessibility) or using point-in-polygon
    algorithm (census data)
  • Neighbourhood-related attributes are replaced by
    factor scores derived from principal component
    analysis and orthogonal Varimax rotations (Tables
    1 and 2, Maps 1 and 2)
  • Principal components avoid multicollinearity
    problems among independent variables and they
    summarize structural factors behind accessibility
    to services and heterogeneity of households needs

  • Sub-Samples
  • Models are built using 3633 cases (90 of total)
    selected at random with proportional
    stratification by municipality (13), keeping the
    407 remaining observations from an independent
    model effectiveness assessment
  • Tests to Avoid
  • Multicollinearity
  • Autocorrelation
  • Heteroskedasticity
  • Problem solving strategies

Spatial Autocorrelation (1)
  • Spatial autocorrelation
  • Significance tests and measures of fit that
    ignore spatial autocorrelation may be misleading
  • The presence of spatial error autocorrelation can
    make the indication tests for heteroskedasticity
    highly unreliable
  • Ecological fallacy effects often arise strictly
    from the precence of spatial dependency
  • Spatial autocorrelation is based on positional
    information of geo-referenced data which is not
    captured by classical statistics, ncluding OLS
    multiple regression
  • Spatial autocorrelation is a measure of true but
    masked information needed to understand
    mechanisms of urban dynamics its is an artifact
    of specification error in spatial modelling
  • If an important variable is missing from a
    regression equation, the spatial distribution of
    this variable constitutes a communality across
    regression residuals, causing them to appear to
    be autocorrelated

Spatial Autocorrelation (2)
  • Measuring spatial autocorrelation
  • Morans I formula to assess spatial
    autocorrelation (Table 4)
  • Implemented within a GIS software (MapInfo)
    providing a network of 15 nearest neighbours
  • Measuring similarity/difference with the 15
    nearest neighbours
  • Average status of the 15 nearest neighbours
  • Departure form the neighbours

Models and Results (1)
  • Five Steps (Table 5)
  • 1) Standard Hedonic model using property
    specifics and principal components of
    geographical factors (Model A, Table 6)
  • 2) Try to replace each property specific by a
    combination of the 15 nearest neighbours weighted
    average and specific departure from the
    neighbourhood trend (Model B not shown)
  • 3) Compute interactions between each principal
    component and each property attribute and
    externality index using Casettis expansion
    method (
    ) try to add interactions to property
    specifics (model C not shown)
  • 4) Integrate models A, B and C specific
    attributes, neighbourhood trends/specific
    departures and spatial interactions (Model D,
    Table 7)
  • 5) Model the perceived tax burden/opportunity for
    over/under-assessed property (by the
    municipality) using a two-stage approach - Using
    estimates of Model D as proxy to house values
    (Model E, Table 8)

Models and Results (2)
  • Adjusted R-square is increasing from 0.768 to
  • Adding 23 spatial variables has a rather marginal
    effect on explanatory power (R-square increase)
  • Standard deviation of residuals are falling very
    slowly, from 0.118 to 0.103 (0.125 to 0.106
    control sample)
  • F ratios are decreasing until Model D (366 to
    277) but show a net improvement for Model E (56
  • Morans I for Model E are closer to that of
    actual sale price (Graph 1) and shows the same
    distance range (1125 m)
  • The most important improvement concerns the
    reduction of spatial autocorrelation among
    residuals Model A (0.16) to Model E (0.08)
  • The inclusion of spatial interactions (expansion
    method) and the relative tax differential is
    generating this improvement, reducing the range
    of spatial autocorrelation to about 375 metres
    (Graph 3)

Discussion (1)
  • Space-dependent values of attributes
  • They generate significant interactions (exogenous
    socio-economic or externality effects) using
    Casettis expansion method
  • Their effect can be split in two parts, that of
    the property itself, that of the weighted average
    of its 15 nearest neighbours (endogenous effects)
  • Isolating functional form of the spatial
  • Annex 1 shows the mathematical specification of
    Model E (multiplicative form)
  • Each space-dependent attribute may be isolated to
    define a spatially adjusted coefficient
  • 15 were found, most of them being very important
    attribute of the house (living area, lot size,
    age), attributes that could be seen outdoor
    (Skylight, Veranda, Shed), taxation rates, or
    internal attributes that are highly
    representative of the general maintenance of the

Discussion (2)
  • Computing spatially adjusted coefficients
  • Since interactions and neighbours adjustments
    involve geographical factors that can be mapped,
    it is possible to compute local values of
    space-Varying coefficients and to build map of
    their distribution controlling for both location
    and size-related (or presence) attributes
  • Map 4 shows an interpolated view of the location
    rent effect of a bungalow situated on a larger
    than average lot (1000 sq. m. versus a geometric
    mean of 622 sq. m. for all sold properties in
  • The absolute effect is very strong, from 44 to
    60 of house value
  • The relative value of land increases with
    socio-economic status and is also related to life
    cycles, favouring mature suburbs inhabited by
  • Map 5 and 6 show depreciation-related spatial
    trends for a 10 years-old and a 40 years-old
  • These functions integrate endogenous and
    exogenous gradients
  • The household maintenance/repair decisions are
    determined by income levels, but also by
    households perception concerning the future
    value of their asset, in turn determined by the
    signals they receive from their immediate
    neighbours, but mediated by their own age

Discussion (3)
  • Map 7 shows the marginal effect of adding a
    second washroom
  • The spatial trend estimator is regional-level
    accessibility to services
  • Per se, a washroom adds 5,4 to the house value
  • There was an average of 1.25 washroom per house
    in that market
  • Young families with middle income far away from
    regional services are forced to go to new suburbs
    to access home ownership and often trade off the
    second washrooms
  • In older neighbourhoods, the second washroom is
    prevalent and there is a penalty for house having
    only one
  • Map 8 shows the marginal effect of having a shed
    on the lot
  • The value of a shed is highly variable in space
    and is increasing home value in sectors that are
    showing less than average household income and
    where the proportion of blue collar is higher
    than average

  • These worked examples clearly show the benefits
    of including interactions with urban dynamics
    within hedonic models
  • The purpose is to enhance our understanding on
    the complex linkages between housing prices and
    the socio-economic evolution of North American
  • An important side benefit it helps reduce
    spatial autocorrelation among models residuals
  • We can further improve handling of spatial
  • 1) by considering a wider range of spatial
    attributes (E.g. environment)
  • 2) by defining more flexible ways of measuring
    spatial dependence (E.g. non linear functions,
    multivariate interactions)
  • 3) by considering information about home buyers
    (E.g. socio-economic status, revealed
  • 4) by splitting principal components scores to
    distinguish city-wide trends (E.g. trend surface)
    and peculiarities of specific areas (departure
    from the trend)

  • This project is funded by
  • the Quebec Provinces FCAR program
  • the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities
    Research Council
  • the Canadian Network of Centres of excellence in
    Geomatics (GEOIDE)
  • the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering
    Research Council
  • The research was realised in co-operation with
  • the Quebec Urban Community Appraisal Division
  • the Quebec Ministry of Transport (MTQ)
  • the Quebec Urban Community Transit Society
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