Synchronous Machines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Synchronous Machines


Therefore, a single alternator supplying a variable load cannot be very ... As the demand increases, another alternator can be put on line without causing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Synchronous Machines

Synchronous Machines
Muhamad Zahim Ext 2312 A1-01-06
  • Synchronous Generator
  • Construction
  • Principle of Operation
  • Equivalent Circuit
  • Power Flow
  • Synchronous Generator Operating Alone
  • Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generator
  • Synchronous Motor
  • Equivalent Circuit
  • Torque Speed Characteristic
  • Effect of Load and Field Current Changes
  • Synchronous Motor and Power Factor Correction
  • Starting Methods of Synchronous Motor

  • Synchronous machines are AC machines that have a
    field circuit supplied by an external DC
    source. In a synchronous generator, a DC current
    is applied
    to the rotor winding, which produces a rotor
    magnetic field.
  • The rotor of the generator is then turned by a
    prime mover (mechanical torque which forces the
    rotor to turn), producing a rotating magnetic
    field within the machine. This rotating magnetic
    field induces a voltage within the stator
  • windings of the generator.
  • Synchronous motors reverse this process. The
    essential feature that makes synchronous machines
    different from other electrical machines is that
    its synchronous link between stator and rotor
    magnetic fields. Because of that there is a fixed
    relationship between rotor speed and the
    frequency of induced EMF in the stator.

  • Another advantage that makes synchronous
    machines different from other
  • machines is that varying its field excitation can
    vary its power factor of operation.
  • This property makes it to be useful for the
    Industry, which is always operating at low
    lagging power factor (motor inductive load). So
    part of the load is handled by synchronous
    machine whose field is adjusted such that it is
    operating at leading power factor to improve the
    overall power factor to nearly unity.

  • Synchronous Machines
  • Synchronous Generators A primary source of
    electrical energy largest
    (energy converter).
  • Synchronous Motors Used as motors as well as
    power factor compensators
    (synchronous condensers).
  • Asynchronous(Induction) Machines
  • Induction Motors Most widely used electrical
    motors in both
    domestic and industrial applications.
  • Induction Generators Due to lack of a separate
    field excitation,
    these machines are rarely
    used as generators

  • There are numerous reasons for such an
    inside-out construction of a synchronous
    generator, some of which are listed below.
  • Most synchronous generators are built in much
    larger sizes than their dc counterparts. An
    increase in power capacity of a generator
    requires thicker conductors in its armature
    winding to carry high currents and to minimize
    copper losses.
  • Since the output of a synchronous generator is of
    the alternating type, the armature conductors in
    the stator can be directly connected to the
    transmission line. This eliminates the need for
    slip rings for ac power output.
  • Since most of the heat is produced by the
    armature winding, an outer stationary member can
    be cooled more efficiently than an inner rotating
  • Since the induced emf in the armature winding is
    quite high, it is easier to insulate it when it
    is wound inside the stationary member rather than
    the rotating member.

  • Two terms commonly used to describe the windings
    on a machine are field winding and armature
    windings. In general, the term field winding
    applies to the windings that produce the main
    magnetic field in a machine and the term armature
    winding applies to the windings where the main
    voltage is induced.
  • The magnetic poles on the rotor can be of either
    salient or nonsalient construction. The term
    salient means protruding or sticking out and
    a salient pole is a magnetic pole that sticks out
    from the surface.
  • Synchronous machines are AC machines that have a
    field circuit supplied by an external DC source.
    In a synchronous generator, a DC current is
    applied to the rotor winding, which produces a
    rotor magnetic field.

  • As generators they can be quite large, rated a
    few hundred MV A, and almost all power generation
    is through these machines. Large synchronous
    motors are not very common, but can be an
    attractive alternative to induction machines.
    Small synchronous motors with permanent magnets
    in the rotor, rather than coils with DC, are
    rapidly replacing induction motors in automotive,
    industrial and residential applications. since
    they are more efficient and lighter.
  • Synchronous generators are built with two types
    of rotors
  • Salient-Pole Rotor Driven by low-speed
    hydraulic turbines (btw 50 and 300 rpm). always
    possess a large diameter to provide necessary
    space for the poles.
  • Cylindrical Rotor (non-salient) Driven by high
    speed steam turbines (3600 rpm) are smaller and
    more efficient than low-speed turbines.

Motor Construction
Round Rotor Machine (non-salient pole)
The stator is a ring shaped laminated iron-core
with slots. Three phase windings are placed in
the slots. Round solid iron rotor with
slots. A single winding is placed in the slots.
DC current is supplied through slip rings.
Motor Construction
Round Rotor Machine (non-salient pole)
Motor Construction
Salient Rotor Machine (salient pole)
The stator has a laminated iron-core with slots
and three phase windings placed in the
slots. The rotor has salient poles excited by
dc current. DC current is supplied to the rotor
through slip-rings and Brushes
Motor Construction
Salient Rotor Machine (salient pole)
Motor Construction
Operation concept
The field winding is supplied with a DC current
-gt excitation. Rotor (field) winding is
mechanically turned (rotated) at synchronous
speed (ns). The RMF (rotating magnetic field)
produced by the field current induces voltages in
the outer stator (armature) winding.
DC Power Supply
  • DC current must be supplied to the filed winding
    on the rotor. There are two common approaches to
    supplying this DC power
  • From external DC source ? use slip rings and
    brushes (small synchronous machines)
  • From special DC power source mounted directly on
    the shaft. (large synchronous machines)

Small Synchronous Machines
  • Slip rings and brushes create a few problems when
    they are use d to supply DC power to the field
  • Brushes must be checked for wear regularly ?
    increase maintenance
  • Despite, slip rings and brushes are used on small
    synchronous machines.

Large Synchronous Machines
  • Brushless exciters are used to supply DC field
  • Brushless exciters is a small AC generator with
    its field circuit mounted on the stator and its
    armature circuit mounted on the rotor shaft.
  • A 3 phase current is rectified and used to supply
    the field circuit of the exciter (on stator).
  • The output of the armature circuit of the exciter
    (on rotor) is then rectified and used to supply
    the field current of the main machines.
  • To make the generator completely independent, a
    small exciter is included in the system.
  • A pilot exciter is a small AC generator with
    permanent magnets mounted on the rotor shaft and
    a 3 phase winding on the stator.

Block diagram of a large synchronous generator
Speed of rotation of a synchronous generator
  • Operation concept
  • The rate of rotation of the magnetic fields in
    the machine is related to the stator electrical
  • Where fe electrical frequency, in Hz
  • nm mechanical speed of magnetic
    field, in r/min (equal speed of rotor for
    synchronous machines)
  • P number of poles
  • Typical rotor speeds are 3600 rpm for 2-pole,
    1800 rpm for 4 pole and 450 rpm for 16 poles.

The Internal Generated voltage of a Synchronous
  • The magnitude of the voltage induced in a given
    stator is
  • Where EA induced voltage/generated voltage
  • OR
  • The rms. value of the induced voltages is
  • EA 4.44N BA f , (BA f)
  • where
  • N number of turns,
  • B flux density,
  • A cross sectional area of the magnetic circuit,
  • f frequency,
  • f flux per pole
  • This voltage depends on the flux F in the
    machine, the frequency or speed of
  • rotation and the machine construction. The
    simpler form is

Equivalent Circuit of A Synchronous Generator
  • The voltage EA is the induced voltage produced
    in one phase of a synchronous generator. EA is
    not usually the voltage that appears at the
    terminals of the generator. The only time EA is
    the same as the output voltage Vf of the phase
    when there is no armature current flowing in the
    machine (during no load).
  • There are many factors that cause the difference
    between EA and Vf including the resistance of the
    armature coils, the self inductance of the
    armature coils, and the distortion of the air-gap
    magnetic field by the current flowing in the
    stator, called armature reaction.
  • With two voltages present in the stator
    windings, the total voltage in a per phase
    circuit is just the sum of the induced voltage EA
    and the armature reaction voltage EX.

Equivalent Circuit of A Synchronous Generator
A simple circuit
  • We realize that the three phases of a
    synchronous generator are identical
  • except for phase angle. It is very important to
    know that the three phases have the same voltages
    and currents only when the loads attached to them
  • are balanced. If the machiness loads are not
    balanced, more complicated
  • techniques of analysis are required.

Equivalent Circuit of A Synchronous Generator
  • You observe the DC power source supplying the
    rotor field circuit. The figure also shows that
    each phase has an induced voltage with a series
    XS and a series RA. The voltages and currents of
    the three phases are identical but 120 apart in
  • The three phases can be either Y or ? . If they
    are Y connected, then the terminal voltage VT is
    related to the phase voltage by

The full equivalent circuit of a three-phase
synchronous generator
If ? connected
Phasor Diagram
  • Voltages in a synchronous generator are
    expressed as phasors because they are AC
    voltages. Since we have magnitude and angle, the
    relationship between voltage and current must be
    expressed by a two-dimensional plot.
  • It is noticed that, for a given phase voltage
    and armature current, a larger induced voltage EA
    is required for lagging loads than leading loads.

Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator at
unity power factor (Resistive Load).
Phasor Diagram
Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator at
lagging factor (Inductive Load).
Phasor diagram of a synchronous generator at
leading factor (Capacitive Load).
Power Relationships
  • Not all the mechanical power going into a
    synchronous generator becomes
  • electrical power out of the machine. The
    difference between input power and
  • output power represents the losses of the
    machine. The input mechanical power
  • is the shaft power in the generator.

Pconverted (Pm)
Pin (Motor)
Stray losses (Pst)
Core losses (Pc)
Copper losses (Pcu)
Rotational losses (Pr)
Power Relationships
The power converted from mechanical to electrical
is given by
Where ? is the angle between EA and IA.
If the armature resistance RA is ignored (XS gtgt
RA), Therefore
Substituting this equation into Pout, gives.
Where ? is the angle between EA and VT.
The induced torque can be express as.
Power Angle Characteristics
  • The P(d) curve shows that the increase of power
    increases the angle between the induced voltage
    and the terminal voltage.
  • The power is maximum when d90o
  • The further increase of input power forces the
    generator out of synchronism. This generates
    large current and mechanical forces.
  • The maximum power is the static stability limit
    of the system.
  • Safe operation requires a 15-20 power reverse.

Voltage regulation
  • As the load on the generator increases, the
    terminal voltage drops. But,the terminal voltage,
    must be maintained constant, and hence the
    excitation on the machine is varied, or input
    power to the generator is varied. That means, EG
    has to be adjusted to keep the terminal voltage
    VT constant.

? Voltage Regulation, V.R
A 240 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, Y-connected synchronous
generator has a per-phase reactance of 0.2 O
(ignore armature resistance). At full-load, the
armature current is 50 A at 0.83 lagging power
factor. Also at full-load, the friction and
windage loss is 1.2 kW, and core loss is 1.1 kW.
The field current is initially adjusted so that
the terminal voltage is 240 V at no load, after
which it is kept constant. Assume phase voltage
VS /0. i. What is the speed of rotation of
the generator? ii. What is the terminal/generated
voltage of the generator if it is operated at
full-load rated current at 0.83 lagging power
factor? iii. What is the efficiency of the
generator when it is operating at full-load rated
current at 0.83 lagging power factor? iv. What is
the voltage regulation?
Parallel Operation of AC Generators
  • The generation of electric power, its
    transmission and its distribution must be
    conducted in an efficient and reliable way at a
    reasonable cost with the least number of
  • As the demand for electric energy can fluctuate
    from a light load to a heavy load and vice versa
    several times during the day, it is almost
    impossible to operate a single alternator at its
    maximum efficiency at all times.
  • A single alternator cannot ensure such a
    reliable operation owing to the possibility of
    its failure or a deliberate shut-off for periodic
    inspection. Therefore, a single alternator
    supplying a variable load cannot be very
    efficient, cost-effective and reliable.
  • To overcome this problem, it becomes necessary
    to generate electric power at a central location
    where several alternators can be connected in
    parallel to meet the power demand.
  • When the demand is light, some of the
    alternators can be taken off line while the other
    alternators are operating at their maximum
  • As the demand increases, another alternator can
    be put on line without causing any service

Parallel Operation of AC Generators
  • The following requirements have to be satisfied
    prior to connecting an alternator to the infinite
    bus (connection line).
  • The line voltage of the (incoming) alternator
    must be equal to the constant voltage of the of
    the infinite bus.
  • The frequency of the incoming alternator must be
    exactly equal to that of the infinite bus.
  • The phase sequence of the incoming alternator
    must be identical to the phase sequence of the
    infinite bus.

Power System Operation
  • In a network several hundred synchronous
    generators operate in parallel.
  • Each generator operates with the same speed.
  • The load increase is achieved by increasing the
    input power, that increases the power angle d.
    The speed remain constant.
  • The power angle must be less than 90 degrees.
    The load should be 30-20 less than the maximum
    power (d 90o).
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