Title: Sumy National Agrarian University
1invite to a lecture and discussion at Marxerg.
2, 1030 Wien June 20, 2007, 1700-1800
Sumy National Agrarian University
2Rural Development in Ukraine Tendencies, Issues,
and Perspectives
by Serhiy Moroz Candidate of Economic
Sciences Assistant Professor
Sumy National Agrarian University
3The Role of the Agricultural Sector in the
Economy of Ukraine ()
Sumy National Agrarian University
4Dynamics of the Rural Population in Ukraine
Sumy National Agrarian University
5The Birth, Death, and Growth Rates of the
Population in Ukraine (per 1000 inhabitants)
Sumy National Agrarian University
6Demographic Information about the Rural
Resident Population (thousands)
men 16-59 women 16-54.
Sumy National Agrarian University
7Quantitative Changes in Employment of Rural
Residents (at the beginning of the year)
Sumy National Agrarian University
8The Structure of Rural Population Employed in
the Place of Residence, by Type of Economic
Activity, 2005 ()
Sumy National Agrarian University
9The Level of Unemployment in Ukraine on the
Methodology of the International Labor
Organization (the age group 15-70, )
Sumy National Agrarian University
10Dynamics of Gross Agricultural Output, by Farm
Type (in 2000 comparable prices, 1990 100)
Sumy National Agrarian University
11The Structure of Gross Agricultural Output, by
Farm Type
Sumy National Agrarian University
12The Share of Households with Average per Capita
Monthly Expenses below the Living Wage ()
the 4th quarter of 2000 270.1 UAH 2001
311.3 UAH 2002, 2003, and the 1st quarter of
2004 342.0 UAH the 2nd quarter the 4th
quarter of 2004 362.23 UAH 2005 423.0 UAH.
Sumy National Agrarian University
13Housing Amenities in Urban and Rural Areas in
Ukraine ()
Sumy National Agrarian University
14The Share of Rural Settlements with Social
Infrastructure Objects ()
Sumy National Agrarian University
15The Share of Social Infrastructure
Facilities Needed Capital Repairs, 2005 ()
Sumy National Agrarian University
16The Main Directions of the Agricultural Reform
Program in Ukraine
Ensuring the real rights of landowners for land
The Agricultural Reform Program in Ukraine
The creation of a legal framework for private
ownership of agricultural land and assets
The improvement of efficiency in the
agricultural sector based on the transformation
of collective and state farms to market-oriented
private agricultural enterprises
Sumy National Agrarian University
17Structure of Agricultural Land, by Farm Type
Sumy National Agrarian University
18Selected Economic Indicators of Agricultural
Sumy National Agrarian University
19Budget Expenditures to Agriculture (million UAH)
Source Institute for Economic Research and
Policy Consulting of Ukraine.
Continued on the next page
Sumy National Agrarian University
20Budget Expenditures to Agriculture (continued)
Sumy National Agrarian University
21The Main Directions of Complex Development of
Rural Territories
The creation by the State of the system to
regulate demographic processes in rural regions
Ensuring of reliable maintenance of social
The directions of complex development of rural
The reduction of the gap in living conditions
between urban and rural areas
Assistance to income growth of the rural
The promotion of rural employment growth on the
basis of development of state support for the
stimulation of entrepreneurship
The creation of conditions for the preservation
and development of small, remote, and depression
rural settlements
Sumy National Agrarian University
22General Measures for Stabilization of the
Agricultural Sector (the 1st point of view)
- Acceleration of agrarian reform
- Resumption of activities of agricultural
cooperative institutions
- Development of market infrastructure
- Implementation of the state system for the
estimation and the control of - the quality of agricultural products
- Solution to the problem of the lack of qualified
specialists for agriculture
- Improvement of agricultural competitiveness and
adaptation of its state - support mechanisms under WTO rules
- Strengthening agricultural budget support
- Improvement of agricultural taxation
- Providing of equivalence in economic relations
between agriculture and other - branches of the Ukrainian economy
- Elaboration and approval of a complex program
for support and - development of rural areas
Sumy National Agrarian University
23Comparative Evaluation of Approaches for
Development of Rural Areas in Ukraine
Sumy National Agrarian University
24Main Directions of Rural Development Policy in
Ukraine (the 2nd point of view)
Introduction of measures to improve the quality
of rural life and to increase rural incomes
Increase of agricultural productivity and
competitiveness through the establishment of a
favorable investment environment and improvement
of the quality of human capital
Directions of rural development policy
Development of sustainable agriculture in order
to protect the natural environment and to
preserve the rural landscapes
Implementation of programs for the development
of less favored areas
Sumy National Agrarian University
25Primary Goals of the Rural Development Strategy
- Poverty reduction in rural areas
- Diversification of the agricultural production
- Development of non-farm employment opportunities
in rural regions
- Cooperation and economic integration of rural
- Improvement of social and physical infrastructure
- Increase ecological sustainability of production
activities in rural territories
- Preservation and protection of rural landscapes
- Preparation of rural areas for integration of
Ukraine into the global economy
Sumy National Agrarian University
26Directions for Development of Rural Human Capital
Formation of a national extension service
Human capital
Implementation of a program similar to LEADER
Introduction of measures to improve the education
level in rural areas
Sumy National Agrarian University
27Proposed Components of the Agricultural Strategy
in Ukraine
- Development of a proper legal framework to
establish predictable and - transparent rules in the agricultural market
- Introduction of economic mechanisms to complete
farm restructuring, - to improve the competitiveness of agricultural
products, and to attract - investments
- Formation of the agricultural credit system
- Promotion of cooperation between agricultural
- Implementation of other essential components to
accelerate economic - reforms in agriculture
Sumy National Agrarian University
28Thank you for your attention
Contact Serhiy Moroz 160, Kirov St. Sumy, 40021
Ukraine serhiymoroz_at_yahoo.com
Sumy National Agrarian University