Title: Feature and Policy Interactions in Internet Telephony
1Feature and Policy Interactionsin Internet
- Luigi Logrippo
- Université du Québec en Outaouais and
- Université dOttawa
2This is where we started
These gentle ladies knew a lot about
telecom services
Natural Intelligence
3The old good time
- Please Operator, put me in touch with a heart
doctor may be Dr. Shepp? - Oh, no, she is out of town these days, Dr. Toby
replaces her - Yes, put me in touch with Dr. Toby.
- Hhhmm lets see Thursday afternoon he is
usually at his office but at that time he does
not want to take calls. Is this urgent? - Yes!
- Well try the office anyway, if not well try
the hospital
FI and resolution!
- Switches were later automated and we are still
trying to recover from that
5Intelligent Networks (IN)
- The IN architecture of the 1990s was a first
attempt towards an architecture to facilitate
deployment of value-added features - Possibly by different providers
- Feature intelligence was delegated from switches
to Service Control Points - Numerous features could be deployed on SCPs
- The Feature Interaction problem was discovered
6Well-known interaction OCS/CF
OCS invariant is violated.
7Interesting points about this example
- A very simple interaction, but worth analyzing
- OCS Originating Call Screening
- CFA Call Forward Always
- Each component satisfies own pre-post conditions!
- What the user expects, and is contradicted, is a
system-wide invariant - Users contract with the utility
- This FI cannot be detected or solved at the
component level - most likely, will require system-wide changes
- e.g. that information be sent back concerning the
actual destination of a call
8 The new life of FI E-commerce example
Merchant Policy Sell Product P , Price 450 if
cash or credit card, 500 if credit But
subcontract sales to Y Information required from
customer sale related Credit Card info Name
Address Privacy policy, we will Not sell
customerl information to thirds
- Client Policy
- Buy Product P
- Price lt 500
- Provide the following info to merchant
- Credit card info
- If merchant requires also provide
- Name Address
- Send Information to Merchant iff Merchant
Promises that - Not sell customer information to thirds
- Company Y ( GiveYourInfoAway.com)
- Sells product P
- Sells customer information to thirds
- Scenario
- Client sends information and payment information
to merchant - Rules of client and merchant for the sale will
not contradict. - However merchant will proxy to Y
- But selling info rules of the client and company
Y are in conflict - How to protect clients policy
Note similarity with previous example!
9What is the essence of FI
- Many definitions have been proposed
- One is that FI is a contradiction between
coexisting requirements - Requirements of different features and
requirements of the system
Call A must be blocked
Call A must be forwarded
10Three fundamental types
- Contradictions or inconsistency between features
when simultaneously activated - Contradiction or inconsistency between features
when sequentially activated - Combinations of features causing unending loops
11Infinite loops as FI
Call shall be forwarded from A to B
There shall be no infinite loops
Call shall be forwarded from B to A
12Infinite loops FIs
- Companies A, B and C have policies where each of
them uses the next in a loop as suppliers of
parts in excess of inventory - This can start a chain reaction with potentially
disastrous effects!
Send 800 pucks
Send 1000 hockey pucks
Send 400
Send 600 pucks
Send 400 pucks
13From features to policies
- In Internet Telephony telecom devices are
programmable - They can be made to execute arbitrarily complex
user policies - The concept of policy generalizes the concept of
feature - Feature interactions generalize to policy
14Policies and Intentions
- Policies reflect user intentions
- Interactions between policies may violate user
15CPL a language for specifying policies
- Call Processing Language
- Very simple, but a taste of things to come
16CPL a Language for Describing End User
PoliciesCPL Structure
ltcplgt ltincominggt to execute for incoming
calls lt/incominggt ltoutgoinggt to execute
for outgoing calls lt/outgoinggt lt/cplgt
ltlookup sourceregistrationgt ltsuccessgt
ltproxy/gt lt/successgt ltotherwisegt
lttime-switchgt lttime dtstart
20001001T000000 duration24H
freqweekly bydayMOgt ltreject/gt
lt/timegt ltotherwisegt ltredirect/gt
lt/otherwisegt lt/time-switchgt
lt/otherwisegt lt/lookupgt
What is the date?
17CPL Mode of Operation
- programmed in proxy
- intercept INVITE message
- incoming and outgoing
- follow decision tree, based on message and/or
environment values - address/time/priority/string switches
- execute action
- proxy/redirect/reject
- optionally handle action response
- proxy -gt busy no-answer
18Caracteristics of CPL
- Built to limit programming power
- Tree of choices
- No loops
- Very limited info on system
- No memory of past (stateless)
- Too limited to program complex functionalities,
even some of the well-established ones - Call Forward on Busy
- Conference Calls
19Feature Interactions in CPL
- It is still possible that functionalities
specified in CPL are in conflict - For example, the conflict between OCS and CF can
occur in CPL - A logic-based approach to detect these has been
implemented - Looking for contradictions between CPL
20Other places where will FI lurk
- Firewalls contradicting clauses
- Access Control contradicting rules on who can
access which information for which purpose - See XACML language
- Routers contradicting configuration rules
21Avoiding FI at design time
- We propose a logic-based approach to identify
problematic areas - Accompanied by detailed behavioral analysis with
tools such as - SDL Tau
22Detecting and Handling FI at execution time
- Since each user will be able to define own
features, and users can become connected
arbitrarily, unpredictable Fis can occur during
normal call processing! - Strategies must be developed to catch such FI
before they have disastrous effects - Security breaches
- Infinite loops
- A difficult research problem
23Some possible solutionsall problematic
- Feature scripts can be checked and compared at
the time two users become connected - However this requires users to reveal their
policies to the FI checker - FI arbiters can be developed to detect FIs and
intervene at the time of the interaction - Negotiation process between parties, based on
resolution policies - However how do we know that a FI is occurring?
- What principles to use for arbitration and
negotiation? - How do we insure that the process can be
completed in millisecs?
24As in movies, we cut when we dont know how to
get out of it..
The End
But no, this is only the beginnng