Title: Rotary%20International%20Arizona%20Tri-District%20Leadership%20Training
1Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District
Leadership Training
Welcome to Arizona Tri-District Leadership
Training John King
Sandy Goodsite Tom Burns District 5490
DGE District 5500 DGE District 5510 DGE
2Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District
Leadership Training
District 5490 Governor Elect John
King Leadership Team
3Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District
Leadership Training
District 5500 Governor Elect Sandy
Goodsite Leadership Team
4Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District
Leadership Training
District 5510 Governor Elect Tom
Burns Leadership Team
5Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District What
is a Leader?
Name some of the greatest leaders in the world ?
6Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
Martin Luther King
Winston Churchill
Mother Teresa
Mohandas Gandhi
7Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
What traits made them great leaders?
Ronald and Nancy Reagan
Nelson Mandela
8Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Trustworthiness
- Honesty tell the truth and be sincere
- Integrity walk your talk
- Keep promises keep your word and honor
your commitments - Loyalty stand by and support your team
9Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Respect for others
- Judge all people on their merits
- Be courteous, polite and kind
- Be tolerant
- Appreciative and accepting of individual
differences - Respect the right of people to make their own
10Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Responsibility
- Accountability Think before you act, be
reliable, set a great example - Excellence Do your very best
- Self-restraint Exercise self-restraint and be
11Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Fairness
- Treat all people fairly
- Be open minded
- Try to understand what others are saying and
feeling - Make decisions that affect others only after
appropriate considerations
12Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Caring
- Show you care about others through kindness
- Sharing and compassion
- Live by the Golden Rule
13Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
- Citizenship
- Play by the rules
- Do your share
- Respect authority
- Stay informed
14Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
Trustworthiness Respect
Responsibility Fairness
15Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
16Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
Thank you all for attending the Arizona
Tri-District Rotary Leadership Training! We
wish all of the very best in the year ahead!
17Rotary International Arizona Tri-District
What is a Leader?
Evaluation Form