Title: Financial Market Developments
1Financial Market Developments
Mumbai - India 23rd January 2006
- Howard Davies
- Director
- The London School of Economics
2Five Questions
- Liquidity in the financial system
- Financial stability in an emerging economy
- The globalisation of financial markets
- Should India follow the UKs example in setting
up a single regulator? - Financial reforms in India and the road ahead
3Indian Rupee (INR) to 1 US Dollar (USD) 1996 -
4Stockmarkets change Dec 31st 2004-Dec 30th
2005, terms
5Composition of financial stock, 2003
Trillions percent
Source McKinsey Global Institute Global
Financial Stock Database Global Insight
6Weak link between financial depth and wealth
7Regional differences in financial stock
composition, 2003 Trillions percent
8Three dimensions of change of the Bank of England
- Independence on interest rates
- Removal of banking supervision and debt
management - Monetary Policy Committee
9Structure of Financial Regulation in 1997
10Financial centres ranking in terms of regulatory
Source Survey done by Corporation of London
11Countries with Integrated Regulators
Kredittilsynet (Norway - March 1986)
Finanstilsynet (Denmark - January 1990)
Finansinspektionen (Sweden - July 1991)
Financial Supervisory Commission (Korea - April
Fjármálaeftirlitið (FME) (Iceland - June 1998)
Financial Services Agency (Japan - July 2000)
Finantsinspektioon (Estonia - May 2001)
FSA (UK - December 2001)
FSA fully integrated in 2001, but has existed
since October 1997
Finanzmarktaufsicht (Austria - April 2002)
BaFin (Germany - May 2002)
CBFA (Belgium - August 2002)
Agency of Financial Supervision (Kazakhstan -
April 2004)
12Financial Reporting Council
- Audit regulation
- Accounting standards
- Corporate Governance Codes
13EU Takeover Directive
- Common (supposedly) rules across the EU on
takeovers - Statutory authorities in each member state
- In UK, reform of the Takeover Panel with new
- Not as effective in highly competitive and
diverse markets - Can complement statutory regulation in some areas
- Cannot ensure comprehensive coverage, because of
competition problems, so, - Becoming less significant in developed markets