Title: Paul Guire
The role of the IDB.
- Paul Guire
- 17-19th June,
- World Bank Conference,
- Johannesburg.
2The characteristics of an IDB.
- IDBs disseminate present price information to
market practitioners. - IDBs prices are unbiased , derived only from
market driven forces. - IDBs do not take positions.
- IDBs are regulated and are obliged to share
equally and in a timely way the price activity. - IDBs generally can tap into a global network
across a wide spectrum of products.
3The product range for a globalIDB.
- Foreign Exchange - Spot , Forwards , NDFs, FX
options - MMKTS - Deposits , CDs , Commercial paper.
- Derivatives - Fras, IRSs , Swaptions.
- Repos Govt Bonds , Domestic debt, Emerging debt
- Fixed Income - New Issues,Primary,Seconadary,
Bond options. - Commodoties / Energy - Fwd Contracts, Options
- Equities - Execution, derivatives,futures.
4The power of networks !
Swaps / Fras
5The domain of the IDB.
Central Banks
Commercial Banks
Foreign Banks
Domestic Banks
Investment Houses
Hedge Funds
Buy-side Customers
6For or against IDBs ?
- IDBs deliver market
- transparency.
- Dealers can profit from opaqueness .
- IDBs provide timely price information.
- Dealers exploit anomalies of knowledge.
- IDBs speed of distribution is exponential.
- Dealers rely on limited distribution from a
- IDBs provide consolidated pricing-often with
mkt depth.
- Dealers offer only prices from their own
- Invariably the choice with dealers is one or the
- IDBs can offer both voice and system solutions.
- IDBs market products over a wider network.
- Individual dealers have confined networks.
7The first growth !
Foreign exchange
Local Currency vs -
- US
- Euro
- Local trading partner currencies.
8Activity creates interest.Interest creates
activity Liquidity
- Money markets
- Forwards
- T-Bills
- Govt. Bonds
- Corp. Bonds
9Liquidity sprouts confidence
-Foreign investor interest
10The differing approaches.
Post-market set up
Pre-market set up
11The ICAP approach !
- Assist Emerging countries.
-S. America, E Europe.
- Engage dialogue with Govt.
-Paraguay, Peru, Korea.
- Finetuned Tailored solutions.
- Promote solutions.
- Mexico, Chile,Ecuador.
- Willingness to enter into JV's
- USA / Poland / S Africa.
- Offer system / voice / combined solutions.
12The global E-product range.
- US Treasury off the runs.
- Sovereign and Supranational Eurobonds.
- Corporate Bonds.
- Japanese Government Bonds.
- Australian Government Bonds.
- UK Government (Gilts) Bonds.
- Emerging Market Eurobonds.
- Eurobond New Issues.
- ZAR Government bonds (Most recent launch)
- US Treasury Benchmarks.
- US Agencies.
- European Govt Bonds.
- European Govt Bond Repo.
- German Mortgage Bonds.
- Sovereign Supra Repos
- Spot foreign Exchange
- Forward foreign exchange
- Central bank FX exchange Auctions.
- Domestic bond primary Auctions
- Equities
13ICAPs Global Reach
14Thank You