Title: Farm Diversification Some Experience of the Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
1Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Michal Arnot
- Young Agrarian Society of the Czech Republic
2Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Farm Diversification means to start New Business
- To start New Business successfully requires 100
Expert in another line
Rural entrepreneur
Networking - LAG - Leader
3Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Farmer as entrepreneurial discoverer
- How to identify profit opportunity?
- The most frequent source of information
- person who already realised the project
- internet, another type of media
- technology and machinery suppliers
- advisers, vocational organisation
Networking - LAG - Leader
4Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Expert knowledge are not obstruction for profit
opportunity identification - Critical is
- interest and willingness in cognition and
learning of new things, - networking and cooperation.
Networking - LAG - Leader
5Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- How important is
- to define objectives and work up business plan?
- Farmers objective is to make the best of their
good ideas. - Better than to work up business plan is to make
real test.
Networking - LAG - Leader
6Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Conditions of successful Farm Diversification
- to be confident of rightness of business idea
- to understanding potential consumers
- to be able to finance the project
- to predict correctly the future
Networking - LAG - Leader
7Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
- Are you
- confident enough,
- enterprise spirit,
- able to perceive, try and utilize new things and
opportunities - innovative, - willing to risk,
- capable to network and cooperate?
- You have now the best chance to become
- successful rural entrepreneur.
Networking - LAG - Leader
8Farm DiversificationSome Experience of the
Successful Rural Entrepreneurs
Michal Arnot, e-mail arnost_at_pef.czu.cz