Title: ABLE Administrators Association Webinar
1ABLE Administrators Association Webinar
Bureau of ABLE
- August 31, 2006
- 100 - 300 p.m.
- Introduction - ABLE Administrators Association
(AAA) - ABLE Planning
- Policy Changes
- Assessment Changes and Practices
- NRS Core Outcomes and Targets
- Welfare Changes
- Family Literacy Updates
- Professional Development System
3AAA Purpose
- To serve in an advisory capacity to the Bureau of
ABLE - To facilitate two-way communication between the
Bureau and the field
4AAA Activities
- Local meetings
- Statewide meetings of representatives elected
locally - Webinars
5Purpose of Local Meetings
- To share information locally
- To collect information for representatives to
share with Bureau - To do local work
6Purpose of Statewide Meetings
- To share local perspectives
- To work with the Bureau on activities
- To prepare information for the field
7Purpose of Webinars
- To disseminate information
- To ensure equal and timely access
- To get input from administrators
8Webinar Defined
- Short for Web-based seminar, a presentation,
lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted
over the Web - A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive
elements-- the ability to give, receive, and
discuss information. Contrast with Webcast, in
which the data transmission is one way and does
not allow interaction between the presenter and
9FY 2006-2007 AAA Schedule
- 1st Quarter July, Aug, Sept include
- On-going July 2006 Review Policies Changes
- via e-mail with Bureau
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 All ABLE
Administrators - from 100 300 p.m. WEBINAR
- (Locally defined) September 2006 Local
Administrators - meet within their region
10FY 2006-2007 Schedule
- 2nd Quarter Oct, Nov, Dec include
- Thursday, October 19, 2006 In-Person Regional
Reps - Heritage B at PDE Steering Committee Mtg.
- Thursday, November 9, 2006 All ABLE
Administrators - from 100 300 p.m. WEBINAR
- (Locally defined) December 2006 Local
Administrators - meet within their region
11FY 2006-2007 Schedule
- 3rd Quarter Jan, Feb, Mar include
- Thursday, January 4, 2007 In-Person Regional
Reps - Heritage B at PDE Steering Committee Mtg.
- Thursday, February 8, 2007 All ABLE
Administrators - from 100 300 p.m. WEBINAR
- (Locally defined) March 2007 Local
Administrators - meet within their region
12FY 2006-2007 Schedule
- 4th Quarter Apr, May, June include
- Thursday, April 19, 2007 In-Person Regional
Reps - Heritage B at PDE Steering Committee Mtg.
- Thursday, May 10, 2007 All ABLE
Administrators - from 100 300 p.m. WEBINAR
- (Locally defined) June 2007 Local
Administrators - meet within their region
13Long-range Planning Bureau of Adult Basic and
Literacy Education
14Focus on Student Outcomes
Continuous Program Improvement
15CPI Steps
- Identify and clarify core beliefs
- Create a shared vision by defining what core
beliefs will look like in practice - Collect accurate data, determine alignment with
shared vision and core beliefs, analyze to
determine status and direction of activities - Identify what activities to continue and steps to
fill gaps - Develop and implement an action plan
- Implement with collective autonomy
16Core Beliefs
Shared Vision
Current Practice
New Practice
Action Plan
17Where is Tension in the System?
- Indicators of Program Quality and Performance
Standards - Building Community and Competitive Funding
- Quality and Quantity
- Efficiency and Effectiveness
- Student Goals and Accountability
- Where decisions are made
- Quality of data
18Continuous Program Improvement Model
Professional Development System
19Responsibilities and Activities
- Agency
- Program Improvement Team
- Program Improvement Plan
- Use of data evaluate program, identify needs,
develop plans, initiate activities, evaluate
progress, adjust plans, implement plans - Communicate professional development and
technical assistance needs to PDC and Bureau
staff - Participate in appropriate training
20Responsibilities and Activities
- Bureau of ABLE
- Work with agencies to support program improvement
- Work with Professional Development Centers to
ensure that agencies technical assistance and
training needs are met - Monitor agency performance using information from
the e-Data system, agency's program improvement
plan, and onsite visits
21Responsibilities and Activities
- Professional Development Center
- Identify regional needs
- Respond to needs identified by the Bureau
- Develop regional professional development plan
- Provide training and technical assistance that
supports agencies' program improvement activities
22Pieces of the system
- Documents
- Policies
- Procedures
- Forums
- Research and Best Practice
23Documents and Policies
- Vision and Mission Statements
- Indicators of Program Quality
- Performance Standards
- Program Improvement Teams
- Program Improvement Plans
- Guiding Principles
- Competencies Teacher and Administrator
- Policies
24Documents and Policies
- Vision and Mission Statement being reviewed
- Indicators of Program Quality revision in
2006-07 - Performance Standards revised to emphasize
student outcomes - Program Improvement Teams agency support being
developed - Program Improvement Plans redefined as working
documents - Guiding Principles and other PDS planning and
implementation to respond to evaluation - Competencies Teacher Administrator revision
2006-07 - Policies Revised annually
25Professional development plans
Portfolio assessment
Distance learning
ABLE coalitions
Contextualized learning
Content standards
Indicators of Program Quality
Continuous program improvement
Student Outcomes
What counts as learning?
Setting goals
Managed enrollment
CareerLinks WIBS
Transition to postsecondary
Substitute teachers
Practitioner inquiry
Incumbent worker education
26Policy Changes
27Policy Changes
28Policies with Changes
- C.100 Adult Education Performance Standards
- C.110 Family Literacy Performance Standards
- C.135 Core Outcomes
- C.310 Even Start Local Evaluation
- C.330 Early Childhood Assessment
29Policies with Changes
- D.100 Adult Assessment
- D.130 Distance Learning
- E.150 Performance Funding
- Rescinded Policy
- C.300 Family Literacy Summer Reading Programs
30C.100 Adult Education Performance Standards
- New Standard Completion of Educational
Functioning Levels based on NRS targets (in
addition to Educational Gains standard based on
scale scores) - GED Test 06-07 Standard 51 (was 47)
- Employment 06-07 Standard 50 (was 42)
- Employment Retention 06-07 Standard
- 52 (was 57)
- Postsecondary Education/Training 06-07 Standard
33 (was 40)
31C.110 Family Literacy Performance Standards
- Reduction of required reports 3 reports (was 8)
End of School Year Progress Report, Final
Expenditure Report Even Start Local Evaluation - Revised Home Visit Standard for Even Start
average of 1 home visit per month of
participation - Standards for PPVT III and PALS Pre-K
- Adult education changes same as policy C.100
32C.135 Core Outcomes
- Emphasis on goal-setting
- Clarification of specific data matching procedures
33C.330 Early Childhood Assessment
- Add PPVT-III and PALS Pre-K
- Delete Get Ready to Read!
34D.100 Adult Assessment
- TABE 9 10 only
- Can use original BEST Literacy Skills Section or
updated BEST Literacy both can be used for
matching pre- and post-tests - Best Plus Oral Skills Assessment training
required for each assessor - Can use CASAS Life Skills Reading and CASAS Life
Work Reading both can be used for matching
pre- and post-tests - Addition publishers recommended timeframes for
posttesting related but not independent of
posttest standard of 50 hours - Changes to Table 2 suggested assessment
35D.130 Distance Learning
- Clarify roles of Bureau, Distance Learning
Project, Centralized Distance Teaching Service,
Provider Agencies and Referral Agencies
36E.150 Performance Funding
- Phased calculation for evaluating Adult
Education Gain program performance - Phase 1, 2006-2007
- Average education gains
- NRS level completions
- Phase 2, 2007-2008
- NRS level completions only
37Assessment Changes and Practices
38Approved Assessments for 2006-07
- TABE 9 and 10 Reading, Total Math, or Language
- CASAS Life Skills Reading or Math
- CASAS Employability Reading or Math
- CASAS Life and Work Reading
- Official GED Practice Test (Places learner in
High ASE actual GED in data match is only
possible posttest)
- BEST Literacy Skills Section
- Updated BEST Literacy
- BEST Plus
- CASAS Life Skills Reading or Listening
- CASAS Employability Reading or Listening
- CASAS Life and Work Reading
39Updated Assessments
- CASAS Life and Work Reading, Forms 81-188
- Available July 1, 2006 no additional training
required - Replacing CASAS Life Skills Reading, Forms 31-38
- Both are accepted for 2006-07
- Life and Work Reading posttest can be paired with
a Life Skills Reading pretest - Updated BEST Literacy
- Available October 1, 2006 no training required
- Replacing BEST Literacy Skills Section
- Both are accepted for 2006-07
- Updated BEST Literacy posttest can be paired with
a BEST Literacy Skills Section pretest
40Assessment Best Practice
- Learners should be assessed with an instrument
that is most appropriate for their educational
goals - All staff administering assessments should be
trained in correct administration procedures - Appraisal/locator should be used to determine the
correct level of assessment (TABE, CASAS, BEST
Plus) - Agencies should posttest learners following the
publishers recommended timeframes for
posttesting, when possible
41NRS Core Outcomes and Targets
42Core Descriptive Measures
- ABLE policies reflect US Department of Education
requirements for data collection from agencies - e-Data was developed to collect the required core
data - Same data system is basis for performance funding
43Core Descriptive Measures
- Demographics
- Age, gender, race / ethnicity
- Status measures
- Employment status, disability, and public
44Core Goals
- Student goals
- Both primary and secondary
- Goals are set during intake
- Goals should be realistic for student
- Agency is responsible for helping students
achieve goals - Instruction should be congruent with goal
45Core Goals
- Primary
- Obtain secondary diploma
- Obtain GED
- Obtain employment
- Retain employment
- Advance to postsecondary education
- Secondary
- Employment
- Reduce/eliminate public assistance
- Community
- Citizenship
- Voting
- Community involvement
- Family
- Involvement in childrens education
- Increase contact with childs teachers
46Core Participation Measures
- Contact Hours
- Program enrollment type
- EL
- Corrections
- etc.
47C.135 Core Outcomes
- Emphasis on goal-setting
- Clarification of specific data matching
procedures - Must have a complete record that includes a valid
Social Security Number - Employment data match does not include the
military or other federal employment as PA does
not collect unemployment insurance premiums on
those adults and - Postsecondary education/training databases
limited to PHEAA and National Student
48Core Outcome Obtain GED
- 2006-07 Target 51
- GED Cohort includes students who
- Have set the goal of obtaining the GED
- Have exited the program on or prior to the end of
the program year - Have 12 or more hours of instruction and
- Have a valid SSN
49Core Outcome Obtain GED
- 2006-07 Target 51
- High School Cohort includes students who
- Have set the goal of a high school diploma
- Have exited the program on or prior to the end of
the program year - Have 12 hours of instruction
- Have entered Date Met in e-Data and
- Exclude those with local high school diplomas
awarded to those who passed the GED who are
included in GED Cohort.
50Core Outcome Obtain Employment
- 2006-07 Target 50
- Cohort includes
- Have set the goal of obtaining employment
- Have the status of unemployed at enrollment for
the current program year - Have exited the program on or prior to the end of
the program year - Have 12 hours of instruction
- Have valid SSN and demographics of age, race,
gender and educational functioning level
51Core Outcome Retain Employment
- 2006-07 Target 52
- Cohort includes
- Have set the goal of retaining employment
- Have set the status of employed at program entry,
or not employed at program entry but obtained
employment by the end of the first quarter after
the program exit quarter - Have exited the program on or prior to December
31st of the program year - Remained employed in the 3rd quarter after the
program exit quarter and - Have a valid SSN, and demographics of age, race,
gender, and educational functioning level
indicated in the student record.
52Core Outcome Enter Postsecondary Education or
- 2006-07 Target 33
- Cohort Criteria
- Have set the goal of entering postsecondary
education or training - Have exited the program on or prior to the end of
the program year and - Have a valid SSN
53Changes to e-Data
- New instruction manual and glossary are published
for 2006-07 - Educational Functioning Levels (EFL) and English
as a Second Language(ESL) are revised - Section on Adult Diploma Program is more detailed
54TANF Changes for 2006
55New Requirements for TANF
- TANF requires that all employable recipients
participate in federally countable work
activities, called core activities, for the
number of hours required depending on family
56Core Hour Requirements
- A single parent with any child under six years
old must participate for a minimum of 20 hours,
all of which must be in core activities - A single parent with all children over six years
old must participate for a minimum of 30 hours
at least 20 hours in core activities and the
balance of hours in non-core activities - Single or two-parent families with the parent(s)
under age 20 without high school diploma can
attend high school or GED classes (no hours
specified for these activities) or 20 hours of
education or training to improve job skills
57Core Hour Requirements
- Two-parent households that receive subsidized
child care must participate 55 hours of which 50
hours are to be in core activities - Two-parent households with no subsidized child
care must participate 35 hours with all hours in
core activities
58Core Activities
- Core
- Subsidized and unsubsidized employment
- Job search/job readiness
- On-the-job training
- Community Service
- Vocational Education
Employment in the public or private sector for
which the employer receives a subsidy from TANF
or other public funds to offset some or all of
the wages and costs of employing a
recipient Employment in the public or private
sector that is not subsidized by TANF or any
other public program
59Core Activities
Act of seeking or obtaining employment Preparatio
n to seek or obtain employment Life skills
training, substance abuse treatment, mental
health treatment or rehab services Activities
that must be supervised by the TANF agency or
other responsible party on a daily basis Limited
to six weeks per year four consecutive to count
toward work participation rate
- Subsidized and unsubsidized employment
- Job search/job readiness
- On-the-job training
- Community Service
- Vocational Education
60Core Activities
- Subsidized and unsubsidized employment
- Job search/job readiness
- On-the-job training
- Community Service
- Vocational Education
Training in the public or private sector that is
given to a paid employee while he or she is
engaged in productive work and that provides
knowledge and skills essential to the full and
adequate performance on the job
61Core Activities
- Subsidized and unsubsidized employment
- Job search/job readiness
- On-the-job training
- Community Service
- Vocational Education
- Structured programs (public or non-profit
organizations) in which work is performed for the
direct benefit of the community - Limited to fields of health, social services,
education, etc. - Supervised on a daily basis
62Core Activities
- Subsidized and unsubsidized employment
- Job search/job readiness
- On-the-job training
- Community Service
- Vocational Education
Organized educational programs directly related
to the preparation of work in a current or
emerging field Not to exceed 12 months in
length Supervised on a daily basis Can include
work focused general education and language
63Non-Core Activities
- Non-Core
- Job skills training directly related to
employment - Education directly related to employment
- Satisfactory attendance at a secondary school or
in a course of study leading to a certificate of
general equivalence
- Required by employer to provide training or
education required by employer to obtain
employment, to advance in current job, or to
adapt to the changing demands of the workplace - Must be supervised on a daily basis
64Non-Core Activities
- Job skills training directly related to
employment - Education directly related to employment
- Satisfactory attendance at a secondary school or
in a course of study leading to a certificate of
general equivalence
Related to a specific occupation, job or job
offer Must be supervised on a daily basis
65Non-Core Activities
- Job skills training directly related to
employment - Education directly related to employment
- Satisfactory attendance at a secondary school or
in a course of study leading to a certificate of
general equivalence
Regular attendance in a course of study leading
to a GED Must be supervised on a daily basis
66Family Literacy Updates
67Family Literacy Update
- Family Literacy Professional Development Project
2006-07 - Memo July 13, 2006
- Training Calendar
- Technical Assistant Network
68Family Literacy Update
- Training Calendar
- New Administrators Training
- Staff Implementation Training
- ECE Assessments
- PEP Pilot
- Technical Assistance
- New Primary TAs
- Support
69Family Literacy Update
- Technical Assistant Network
- Northwest Maryanne Kronenwetter
- Southeast Lora Zangari
- South-Central Dyan Brandt
- Central-Northeast Emily Wolfe
- Southwest Rose Gioia-Fine
- Philadelphia Shirley Dyson
70Family Literacy Update
- Statewide Evaluation (2004-05)
- Additional Resources
- Color Me Healthy
- Language is the Key
- Interactive Literacy Activities (ILA) DVDs
71Professional Development System (PDS)
72Professional Development System
- Analysis of the PDS by World Education, Inc.
Cassandra Drennon Associates, Inc. - Key Findings
- Components of the System
- Coherence and Alignment
- Patterns of Participation
- Communication, Decision Making, and Coordination
- Quality of the System
73Professional Development System
- Analysis continued
- Key Recommendations
- Make Environments More Supportive
- Make Processes More Effective
- Improve Quality of Content
74Professional Development System
- Changes in Structure of System
- WERC as 7th PDC
- Retirement of the Training Project
- Bureau Directors PD Advisory Board
- Continuous Improvement Committee
- Quarterly PDS Meeting
75Core Beliefs
Shared Vision
Current Practice
New Practice
Action Plan
76Professional Development System
- Bureau Director PD Advisory Board
- Communicate clear vision for the system tied to
mission of adult education - Identify and clarify core beliefs
- Create a shared vision by defining what ore
beliefs will look like in practice
77Professional Development System
- Continuous Improvement Committee
- Collect accurate data, determine alignment with
shared vision and core beliefs, analyze to
determine status and direction of activities - Identify what activities to continue and steps to
fill gaps - Develop and implement an action plan
78Professional Development System
- PDS Quarterly Meeting
- Implement with collective autonomy
79Continuous Program Improvement
A ACT M - Monitor
We are here
80New Logos