Introduction to Use Cases - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Use Cases


no.into system status of loans and fines. 4. Assistant enters ... it is quick and easy to write (important for capturing early, outline information) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Use Cases

Introduction to Use Cases
  • One of the many tools within UML
  • Supported by Select Enterprise software
  • Used at the Feasibility and early Analysis stages
    of a project - to specify WHAT the system should
    do (not How - this comes later)
  • Provide a catalyst for discussion with users

Use Cases - what for?
  • Describe the functions of / processes within a
    system - the Use Cases
  • Identify the boundary of a system
  • Identify who and/or what uses the system - the

Use Cases - approach
  • Iteration - initially take a broad, top level
    view, then later add lower level detail
  • as your investigation reveals more facts
  • as you concentrate on specific areas
  • Refinement - enable the Use Cases to evolve by
    correcting/improving previous iterations
  • Document however little you know, then add to it.

Use Cases - format
  • Diagrams are easy to assimilate
  • Processes in ellipses
  • Actors as stick-people
  • Interactions as lines
  • Text descriptions provide detail

Use Case - example
Watsons SalesWeb System
Report Sales
Accounting system
Review Individuals Sales
Inventory system
Review Regional Sales
Regional Sales Manager
(From Understanding UML, Harmon Watson)
  • Include users and other systems
  • an actor on a diagram a role
  • 1 person/system may have 1 or more roles (i.e. in
    different interactions)
  • 1 role may comprise 1 or more people
  • by convention people are on left, systems on

  • Functions (initially the major ones only) within
    the system
  • NOT departments in the organisation
  • So the name must be a verb
  • a system response may be a process with no actor

  • Where some exchange occurs between an actor and a
  • may be in either direction
  • the detail of the interaction need not be known
    at this stage
  • can be labelled/named

Finding the Actors and Use Cases
  • Use appropriate fact-finding techniques
    (interviewing, questionnaires, observation,
    document inspection, )
  • Identify all users, then the processes they
    initiate or participate in.
  • Identify all external events to which the system
    must respond, then relate to actors and processes.

  • Manually draw a Use Case diagram for a video
    rental shop
  • start with a top-level view
  • add more detail after
  • When completed put the diagram into Select

Special Relationships between Use Cases
  • Normally it is not necessary to identify
    interactions between use cases (too much detail
    for this stage)
  • However the functionality of a use case can
    sometimes be split up into modules by
  • extends
  • uses

Sept 1999
K.Ingram J.Westlake
The Extends relationship
  • If 2 use cases are similar but 1 does more than
    the other, can you identify some common
  • If so, consider putting the common functionality
    in 1 use case and the extras in a second - the
    second then extends the first.

Example of Extends
  • If your customer tries to pay for a rented video
    but has forgotten their wallet, you may put the
    video behind the counter until they return with
    the money.
  • This is an extension to the normal use case of
    Pay for video
  • to bundle it up with the usual situation will
    clutter up the logic

Example of Extends
Pay for video
No money
Identifying Extends relationships
  • 1. Document the normal, simple use case
  • 2. identify what could go wrong?
  • 3. identify how may it work differently?

The Uses relationship
  • Do 2 (or more) use cases have a chunk of
    identical functionality?
  • If so, consider extracting the common
    functionality from both and putting it in another
    use case - this can then be used by each of the

Example of Uses
  • If a customer asks for a particular video the
    assistant checks where the copies are. If the
    manager is doing stock checks this may include
    finding where specific titles are.
  • to include it in each of the original cases means
    you would have to handle it twice in your UML, to
    code it twice, to test it twice,.

Example of Uses
Request video
Locate video
Check stock
When is a Use Case not a Use Case?
  • A use case is a function required of the system
    being considered (no need to document functions
    outside our remit).
  • a use case can normally be broken down into many
    steps - do NOT show each individual step as a
    separate use case.
  • A use case can be carried out at One Time, in One
    Place, by One Person (OTOPOP).

One diagram or many?
  • Too much on a diagram negates its purpose
  • You may decide it all fits on 1 diagram or you
    may decide to split the diagram
  • 1 diagram for each actor
  • or 1 diagram for each main business activity
  • Splitting the diagram mean a Use Case or an Actor
    may be shown more than once.

Use Case Descriptions
  • The text to describe a particular use case
    interaction - in the form of a 2-way dialogue
    between the actor and the system
  • provides the supporting detail for the use case
    diagram - not to be started until the diagram is
    complete/nearly complete
  • also known as Use Case Scripts or Use Case
    Scenarios (beware - the latter has another

What to describe
  • Describe the most common/normal form of
    interaction first - the basic course
  • Describe possible variations separately - the
    alternative courses
  • The script should be in a conversational style
  • actor requests.
  • System responds by.
  • Actor does..
  • Etc..

Example of a Use Case Description
  • In the video rental shop, the interaction between
    Counter Assistant and Rent Video use case may be
  • Actor Actions System Response
  • 1. Customer tenders video(s) to be
  • rented and membership card
  • 2. Counter assistant enters member 3. System
    provides member details and
  • no.into system status of loans and fines
  • 4. Assistant enters identification of each
  • video to be rented 5. System accepts ids and
    gives fee payable
  • 6. Assistant requests payment, takes
  • money and enters payment made 7. System logs
    payment details

  • Include a series of numbered sections or steps
    which describe noteworthy events and possibly
    related context, constraints and business rules
  • steps may alternate between actor and system, or
    may be a series of consecutive steps taken by
    either of them
  • written from the users point of view
  • consist of users vocabulary

Conversational Style
  • This conversational style script (as if for a
    theatre play) is a good compromise between the
    advantages and disadvantages of other methods
  • it is quick and easy to write (important for
    capturing early, outline information)
  • it is quick and easy to read and to understand
  • it encourages concise-ness
  • it identifies the required sequence of actions
  • it highlights causes and effects

Styles of Description
  • In addition to the conversational style script,
    there are other ways of describing the
    interactions e.g.
  • unstructured narrative
  • structured English
  • decision tree
  • decision table

Unstructured Narrative
  • A text description of what happens in standard
    English sentences.
  • Advantages
  • easy to write
  • Disadvantages
  • easy to include ambiguity,
  • lengthy both to read and to check,
  • does not highlight cause and effect
  • does not highlight sequence of actions

Example of Narrative Description
  • How long does it take to understand this

Structured English
  • A text description of what happens but using a
    limited range of phrases.
  • Advantages
  • concise
  • eliminates ambiguity
  • highlights sequence of actions
  • Disadvantages
  • does not highlight cause and effect
  • may use phrases which are unfamiliar to some users

Examples of other Methods of Description
  • How long does it take to understand this using
  • Structured English
  • You may also like to look at
  • a Decision Tree
  • a Decision Table

Essential Use Cases
  • These are used during the feasibility and
    analysis stages of the project.
  • The aim is to be free of implementation detail to
    show the essence of the business requirements
    (the conceptual model).
  • Enables analysts, developers, users and clients
    to understand the scope of the problem and the
    processes required

Real Use Cases
  • Now the Essential Use Cases will be used as the
    basis for lateral, creative thinking with the
    opportunity for new ideas on how create the
  • Real Use Cases are used to document the design of
    the project i.e. how it will work in reality.
  • For a user interface it may include prototype
    screen shots, print layouts, form layouts, menus.
  • For a system interface it may include file

  • Here is a template for documenting the scripts
  • Here is an example use case script on the
    template for just the basic course of processing

Template Sections
  • Use Case - its identifier/name
  • Actors - list of actors involved. Show which one
    initiates the use case
  • Overview - short outline description summarising
    the use case
  • Type - category of the use case
  • Cross References - use case relationships
    (covered later)

Categories of Use Cases
  • 1. Primary - major common process e.g. Rent Video
  • 2. Secondary - minor or rare processes e.g.
    Request to supply unstocked New Video
  • 3. Optional - processes that may or may not be

Alternative Courses
  • Alternative courses can describe alternative
    events to the typical story. These are the less
    common, the exceptional or error cases.
  • Place all the alternatives after all the typical
    course of events e.g.
  • 7. Customer pays clerk by cash or credit
  • Alternative Courses
  • 7. Customer has unpaid late charges and will not
    pay them. Collect payment or cancel rental
  • sample use case script with alternative courses

  • Use Case descriptions supply the detail of system
  • Conversational scripts are used to describe the
    interactions between actors and use cases
  • The basic course may be followed by 1 or more
    alternative courses
  • Essential Use Cases are used during Analysis,
    Real Use Cases are used during Design
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