Title: Management Plan
1Management Plan
formulated in response to review and June, 2000
PAC main concerns gt setting and achieving
objectives for construction gt increasing
personnel associated with project
Construction Objectives completed
design, build, and map high-field septum
magnet construct magnetic channel following 6E
magnet replace T-region target box (thin side
walls) build support tables and stack Pb-glass
Obtain Needed Personnel completed
include Ed Stephenson Include Paul Pancella for
sabbatical year Include Tom Rinckel as technical
manager include post-docs Chris Allgower, John
Olmsted include new graduate student Chris
Lavelle sabbatical application for Mark Pickar
Electronics Setup completed
obtain electronics for Pb-glass on long-term
loan assemble working setup
Commissioning Runs completed
scintillator rate test deuteron polarization
commissioning magnetic channel commissioning