Title: CSC 335: ObjectOriented Programming and Design
1CSC 335 Object-Oriented Programming and Design
Presentation 8 Intro to OOA and a Software
Development Process
- Software Development Process
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis
- Actors and use cases
- Sequence Diagrams
- Concepts
- Building the domain model
- Preview of Project 5
3A Development Process
- A development process describes a possible order
of activities during software development - We will use an informal process that is
- separate from UML
- a convergence of several development processes
- only one of many development processes
- Spectrum of software development processes
Lightweight Agile Processes Code is
documentation, 1996...
Heavyweight, plan driven process Lots of
documentation and UML
- Rational Unified Process (RUP) - Capability
Maturity Model (CMM)
- Extreme Programming
- Scrum
4Analysis and Design
- Analysis is about understanding
- investigate the problem (why and what)
- Design is about making decisions
- come up with a solution (how)
- OOAD does analysis and design from an
object-oriented perspective
Investigation of
Logical solution
Tests and Code
the problem
- During Analysis
- find and describe the objects (concepts)
- During Design
- define logical software objects that will be
implemented - During Construction (implementation)
- test, implement, and integrate modules
6Start a Business/Build OO Software Analogy
- Start a Business
- 1. What must be done to keep the business
running - sales, pay bills, build software, maintain
delivery vans, ... - 2. What are the roles in the organization?
- sales reps, customers, software engineer, ...
- 3. Who is responsible for what? How do they
interact? - Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- 1. Requirements analysis -- what is needed
Day 9 - 2. Domain Analysis -- understand the problem
Day 9 - 3. Responsibility assignment, interaction design
Day 10
7Iterative Development
- The iterative aspect cycles through small sets of
requirements - analysis, design, construct (write tests and
production code) for each iteration - Each iteration can be confined to a limited time
- Could build a system with limited functionality
- Repeat with additional features
- Our next project will be designed this way
- two or more iterations (see page 206)
- each iteration will complete several features
- see progress continuously
- allows constant feedback
8Analysis and Design
- Analysis and Design are on a continuum
- During analysis
- team tries to understand the problem
- During design
- team considers how the system will get built
- Avoid implementation until you have an
understanding and some design
More design-oriented
More analysis-oriented
- what
- how
- requirements
- logical solution
- investigation
of domain
9Process ! UML
- One possible process
- 1. Define use cases requirements analysis
- 2. Define conceptual model find the concepts
(objects) - 3. Define collaboration diagrams how objects
interact with others - 4. Define design class diagrams to be translated
into Java
10Object-Oriented Analysis
- OO Analysis using an object-oriented approach to
understanding the problem - The deliverables
- Understand the problem domain and its
requirements - Artifacts such as design class diagrams and
sequence diagrams to describe interactions
between objects
11Use Cases
- Use cases
- Narrative descriptions of processes that need to
be carried out by the system in relationship with
"actors" outside the system - Examples of actor A user, a computer, a data
base - Makes us think about and understand how users
will use the system
12Creating Use Cases
- Writing Effective Use Cases
- Identify actors
- Create a list of uses cases
- Define the sequence of events for each use case
- Model the use cases with sequence diagrams
13College Course Registration System
- OOPin21 Uses an Online Web Store
- This was assigned reading for today
- This presentation will use a college course
registration system - The spec is on the next page
14Course Registration
- As the head of the information systems for
MooseFalls College, you are tasked with
developing a new student registration system. The
new system will allow students to register for
courses and view report cards from personal
computers attached to the local area network. Due
to budget cuts, you cannot afford to implement
the entire system.You will continue to use the
existing course catalogue containing a list of
course offerings for the college. Information
about each course, such as instructor,
department, and prerequisites, will need to be
added to create a semester schedule so students
can make informed decisions.
15Course Registration
- This new system will allow students to select up
to 19 credits as long as there is an open seat in
the open course and the prerequisites have been
satisfied. A student must be able to create a new
schedule, update an existing schedule, or delete
an existing schedule. For each semester, there is
a period of time in which students can change the
schedule. At the end of this time, when the
registration closes, the registration system
sends information to a billing system so the
student can be billed for the semester.
Instructors must be able to access the on-line
system to indicate which courses they will be
teaching. They will also need to see which
students have signed up for their course
offerings. - Note These rules may differ from your
experiences. They are particular to MooseFalls
16Identify Actors
- An actor is anything that interacts with the
system - Can be a user, a computer, a credit card company
- Consider
- humans who will use the system
- other systems that communicate
- database
- network
- other stimuli
- the clock strikes midnight
17List Actors
- Actors
- Student
- Registrar
- Course Catalog
- Semester Schedule
- Instructor
- Billing System
18List Preliminary Use Cases
- Some use cases
- Login (see use case 3 on handout)
- Register for courses (see use case 6 on handout)
- Create Semester Schedule
- View Report Card (see use case 9 on handout)
- View student list
- Close Registration
19Draw a Use Case Model subjective
View report Card
Register for Courses
Create Semester Schedule
Data base of Course Catalog, Semester schedule,
and students
View Student List
Close Registration
Billing System
20Refine Use Cases
- Instructors and students can Login
- We'll start with this one
- A use case has several elements
- Use case name
- Numbered sequence of events
- Alternatives
- Pre-conditions
- Post-conditions
- Formats do vary
21Look at Use Cases
- Read some use cases from MooseFalls
- See attached used cases
22Sequence Diagrams
- A sequence diagram
- models the interactions between the actors and
the system over time - Represents events between actors
- Time goes top to bottom
- Sequence Diagram for student login
Registration System
Ask for name and password
Enter name and password
Validate user
Inform user login successful
24Domain Model
- Use cases help capture the concepts in the system
- These concepts may become objects
- Write concepts in rectangles and you have a
preliminary domain model - May add attributes and responsibilities
- Will do this later for the College Registration
system - Lets' consider the next project
25Dice Game Example
- Next Project is a dice game
- Due next Friday _at_ 600 (11-October
- Goals
- Analyze and design a relatively small system
- Practice test-first design
- Build a model, then a GUI, then repsond to events
- Become more comfortable with event driven GUIs
- Good practice for the midterm
- Learn how to add a menu with menu items
- Specification on next slide
26Dice Game Specification
- Design and implement a dice game where a user
wins by rolling a 7 or an 11 and looses
otherwise. The game must be an event-driven
program with a GUI. The game must allow a user to
play as many games as desired, to view their
win/loss record, and to see a history of all
games played (with both dice values (1..6) and
the result).
27Identify Actors
- Actors in Dice Game
- Player
- Use cases
- Player starts a new game
- Play a game
- Player views history list
- Player checks win/loss record
28Usage Centered Design
- Here is a sketch of what the graphical user
interface may look like - You may choose your own design as long as
- New games begin with a new name
- The user can click a menu item to see win/loss
record - The user can click a menu item to see history
29Menu selection
- See Index of Java book for
- JMeuItem
- JMenu
- JMenuBar
- setJMenuBar
- You need an ActionListener object
- to listen to JMenuItem clicks
30Example of OOAD -- dice game
- Uses cases are textual narrative descriptions of
the processes in the business or system - They can be written in a variety of ways
- Use case
- Actors
- Description
Play a Game Player This use case begins when the
player picks up and rolls the dice. The players
wins when the two dice total seven and loses the
other 11 times.
UML diagram of a use case
Play a Game
31Conceptual Model Classes and Object
- Conceptual model, a diagram that depicts
- Concepts Player Die DiceGame
- Attributes name faceValue
- Associations rolls includes
- Responsibilities roll start
32Project 5
- The final specification for project 5 will be
posted later today. Here are some tasks - Implement a Die object to return random numbers
from 1through 6 - Implement a Dice Game that can be played by a
player - Implement a player that keeps track of all dice
games - The model will have several classes
- Use test first design
- There must be a unit test for each non-gui class
you write - See web writeup under happenings for unit testing
with JBuilder Personal (will be posted today).
Also see attached AllTests.java