Asset Finance Company Marketing to SMEs Survey Results

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Asset Finance Company Marketing to SMEs Survey Results


Promotional activity may provide opportunities for sales growth. ... Most respondents were either heavy or moderate users of telesales. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Asset Finance Company Marketing to SMEs Survey Results

Asset Finance Company Marketing to SMEsSurvey
  • Peter Hunt
  • January 2006

  • The following slides are the results of a survey
    of asset finance companies to establish their
    current practice in marketing to SMEs, and their
    views on its effectiveness.
  • The survey was web-based. There were 16
    respondents which provides a useful benchmark of
    current practices. All respondents who recorded
    their business titles were either Managing,
    Marketing or Sales Director, or Marketing
  • Representing 99 of all businesses in the UK (1)
    , the small and medium sized enterprise (SME)
    sector is an important source of business for
    asset finance companies.
  • Invigors is a specialist, independent consulting
    firm focusing on the asset finance sector, with
    relevant expertise in marketing to SMEs.
  • We can also undertake more formal benchmarking
    exercises, with a defined group of companies.
  • 4.1m companies, based on DTI SME definitions.
    Definitions vary between DTI, Companies Act and
    European Commission a synopsis of SME
    definitions and various SME demographics is
    available from Invigors, upon request.

Summary of findings opportunities for marketers
  • There appear to be marketing-led opportunities
    for asset finance companies who are able to find
    new ways to market to SMEs.
  • No respondents believed their marketing highly
    effective or better than competitors
  • Similar approaches to differentiation were used
  • Similar segmentation techniques were used
  • Over half of respondents believed that their
    companys sales to SMEs could be increased by
  • Improved marketing
  • More analytical marketing
  • A wider range of financial services
  • Changing the way the company did business.
  • Improvements appear possible across planning,
    contact management and measurement. Analytical
    and measurement disciplines appear to be an area
    of particular weakness.

Summary of findings multi-channel marketing
  • Intermediaries are heavily used by asset finance
    companies targeting the SME market, most notably
    equipment vendors and resellers. This may change
    the focus and nature of asset finance marketing,
    but not its importance.
  • Telephone based activity appears to be the
    dominant means of contact with SMEs. Web-based
    marketing looks set to grow over the next two
    years. Promotional activity may provide
    opportunities for sales growth.
  • There appears little difference in the focus
    between new and existing customers, despite
    potentially higher profitability and sales
    efficiencies associated with repeat business from
    existing customers.
  • There appears no relationship between the extent
    of use of intermediaries and the targeting of
    existing customers for repeat business. Where
    these occur in parallel, there may be potential
    for channel conflict with the intermediaries.
  • On average, asset finance companies have 7 points
    of contact with each SME customer each year.
    There appears to be significant potential to
    re-engineer customer contact processes to
    generate additional sales opportunities.
  • Government grants or subsidies are not being
    leveraged by asset finance companies targeting
    the SME sector. Recent changes to the Small
    Firms Loan Guarantee scheme may provide increased
    opportunities in this area.

How asset finance firms look to differentiate
from competitors
  • Most asset finance companies seek to
    differentiate by service quality and quality of
    sales staff.
  • Other elements of the mix were much less used,
    suggesting that customers may often be faced with
    several, similar (undifferentiated) offerings.
    This would lead to increased importance upon
  • Customer access (routes to market)
  • Low interest rates (and as a result, lower
  • Awareness of competitors is low (see slide 15),
    indicating that differentiation is not well
    planned or executed.

Remote contact strategies dominate for the SME
  • Telephonebased activity appears to be the
    dominant means of contact with SMEs
  • Most respondents were either heavy or moderate
    users of telesales.
  • Low levels of promotional activity suggests this
    contact is either general in nature, or driven by
    policy events e.g. end of lease, refresh etc
  • Web-based marketing appears to be growing, as the
    most frequently cited area of increased activity
    in the next 2 years
  • Face-to-face sales activities were used less
  • Cost-effectiveness of current direct sales
    activity may be a challenge
  • However, distribution channels were used that
    still provided face-to-face contact with end
    customers (see slide 7)
  • Promotional activity may present an opportunity
    for sales differentiation, especially where
    finance delivery is otherwise commoditised

No use
Heavy use
Moderate use
Light use
Multiple routes to market are used
  • Almost 90 of respondents targeted equipment
    vendors as a means of generating SME business and
    almost half used brokers (1).
  • This may be a reason why marketing to SMEs is
    less well developed
  • Marketing to and through these intermediaries
    should assume increased importance
  • Other routes to market were employed
  • Two-thirds of respondents used local business
  • A minority of respondents also used complimentary
    professional services businesses.
  • These approaches are likely to reflect the
    locally limited geographical scope and local
    loyalty of many SMEs.

(1) In terms of the structure of market
distribution, this figure is under-represented as
some respondents were finance brokers
There is limited variation in terms of
segmentation approaches
  • The main criteria for segmenting SMEs is by
    industry sector (78 of respondents)
  • One third of respondents did not segment by
    company size and 11 treated all SMEs equally,
    despite the significant size (and related
    behavioural) differences that exist within the
    SME category
  • Almost a quarter carried out specific
    segmentation by customer profitability, plus
    almost half by credit quality, suggesting strong
    database use of financial metrics
  • No lessor carried out behavioural segmentation,
    which may provide opportunities for
  • For example, a valid segmentation of growth v
    stable businesses should be possible through data

Targeting of new and existing customers, and
  • Most companies target new and existing customers,
    and intermediaries
  • Intermediaries appear to be targeted most
    heavily this may be where greatest
    differentiation is required
  • There appears little difference in the efforts
    applied to targeting new or existing customers,
    despite potentially higher sales efficiency (and
    profitability) in targeting existing customers
  • Other factors may be limited frequency of SME
    asset investments required growth necessitating
    new customer acquisition or an emphasis within
    the sales function on new customers
  • There appears no relationship between respondents
    using intermediaries and the level of targeting
    existing customers
  • There is potential for channel conflict, unless
    the approach to repeat business is agreed with
    the intermediary

Using contact points to generate sales
  • On average, asset finance companies have 7
    contacts with their SME customers each year.
  • The level to which these contacts were used to
    generate sales opportunities varies significantly
  • E.g. one company that had at least 12 customer
    contacts per annum used only quarter of these to
    create new opportunities
  • As a result, there appears to be significant
    potential to re-engineer customer contact
    processes to generate additional sales
    opportunities with existing customers.
  • Done well, this is likely to be a low cost means
    of improving performance

Government grants arent being leveraged by
leasing companies to encourage investment
  • Two thirds of respondents never used any form
    of grant support to make financing to SMEs more
  • There may be a number of reasons for this,
  • Bureaucracy e.g. DTI involvement in approval of
    all Small Firms Loan Guarantee transactions (now
    changing) (1)
  • Low awareness within asset finance companies
  • Insufficient volumes of niche funding to justify
    search and application processes
  • Quality and/or applicability of the government
  • Recently introduced changes to the Small Firms
    Loan Guarantee Scheme (1) may encourage its
    increased use by asset finance companies

(1) For more information http//
Is marketing being used effectively?
  • Less than half of respondents believe their
    marketing to be effective. None believed it was
    highly effective, or better than competitors
  • Asset finance marketing to SMEs does not appear
    to be highly tuned to their specific needs
  • Assuming improvement is possible, marketing-led
    opportunities will exist that will generate
    growth and competitive advantage.

Marketing-driven developments can increase sales
  • Respondents confirmed a number of ways in which
    they could increase sales to SMEs
  • Two thirds believed improved marketing would
    increase sales
  • Over 50 believed extending the product range
    would increase sales
  • Over 50 believed more analytical marketing would
    increase sales
  • This indicates significant marketing-driven
    opportunity to achieve competitive advantage and
    business growth for asset finance companies
    targeting this market
  • However, it also suggests a failure amongst
    marketing practitioners to create an effective
    business case to realise this opportunity.

Limited use of marketing analytics
  • In general, marketing analytics are not heavily
    used in the SME market
  • This is likely to contrast sharply with consumer
    finance companies operating in the micro-business
    and SOHO segments
  • Market research appears to be used heavily by a
    small number of companies, and little by other
  • This may increase insight amongst a few companies
    to drive competitive advantage

There is potential to improve planning, contact
management and measurement
How much does your company .? (overall
Have clear marketing objectives for the SME
market Have a clear marketing plan for the SME
market Communicate internally for consistent
marketing and sales Match sales distribution to
SME population distribution Combine segmentation
and risk based pricing to maximise returns Have
well-established processes to generate repeat
business Modify marketing communications to
specific SME segments Use every customer
touch-point as an opportunity to generate sales
leads Use market research to test sales and
marketing propositions before launch Measure
marketing activity to improve future
performance Measure customer satisfaction across
multiple touch points to improve business
performance Monitor competitor performance to
retain a competitive advantage
Contact mgmt
Not at all
1 2 3
4 5
There is potential to improve planning, contact
management and measurement areas for development
  • Overall low / medium responses suggest that there
    are many areas in which marketing improvement can
    be realised
  • Prioritisation will be required based on
    definable business benefit
  • Contact management appears to be more developed
    than planning or measurement
  • As no respondents used contact management a lot
    (see slide 14) there may still be room for
  • Analytics and measurement appear to be an area of
    particular weakness
  • Despite relatively high levels of direct
    marketing (multiple approaches, see slide 6),
    asset finance companies appear to be poor at
    measuring marketing activity with the result
    that marketing ROI will not be optimised.
  • Limited matching of sales distribution to the SME
    population distribution suggests local over- or
    under-sales representation, with consequent loss
    of sales effectiveness
  • Low levels of competitor monitoring will limit
    the effective development of differentiated brand
    positioning and new sales initiatives and make
    response to competitor action slow
  • Low use of market research to test new sales and
    marketing propositions before launch indicates
    either limited innovation and differentiation, or
    significant commercial risks in terms of securing
    forecast new business growth

Other challenges and improvements identified by
Main challenges facing companies marketing to
SMEs were
Main improvements respondents wanted to see in
their companys marketing to SMEs were
  • Customer ownership for repeat business
  • Ownership conflict for customers generated by
    brokers / intermediaries
  • Minimum ticket size
  • Ability to fund smaller SME transactions
  • Technology values reducing
  • Resourcing
  • To design, implement and monitor marketing plans
  • Increased contact and communications with SMEs
    in particular face to face, seminars and business
    meetings, direct mail, advertising and
  • Development of an effective and sustained
    strategy covering SMEs and other customer groups
  • Increased resourcing

About Invigors
  • Specialist, independent consulting firm focusing
    on the asset finance sector
  • High performance team with complimentary skill
  • Pro-active, hands-on approach, delivery focus
  • Tailored solutions, flexible resourcing and
    billing to fit client needs
  • Relevant areas of expertise
  • Marketing planning and management
  • Marketing analytics, profitability analysis,
    segmentation, CRM and database marketing
  • Market research, intelligence, analysis and
  • Project management (marketing projects and
    cross-functional process re-engineering)
  • Market entry and new product development
  • Technical leasing, tax and accounting support
  • Sales acceleration, sales management, coaching
    and training
  • General management and issue resolution

Client endorsements
As our aim is to work as partners that our
clients can rely on, time after time, we make
sure we understand your business requirements and
focus on delivering tangible business benefit.
This is what our clients say
  • Invigors gave us a new business model to
    increase sales, improve margins and give us
    greater differentiation .. I would recommend
    Invigors to any company reviewing its use of
    vendor finance
    Marketing Director, global manufacturer
  • Invigors over-exceeded. They have confirmed my
    faith in consultants
  • Business
    Development Director, UK leasing company
  • Strong problem-solving skills very bright .
    considerable vision, drive and energy
  • European Managing Director, global leasing
  • Astute, resourceful and extremely reliable,
    thoroughly recommended
  • Managing Director, operating lease arranger
  • "Service was excellent and the project 'did what
    it said on the tin' - you can't ask for more than
    European Managing Director, bank-owned leasing

Contact information
  • For more information about this report or
    services available through Invigors, please
  • Peter Hunt
  • Partner
  • Invigors LLP
  • Antrobus House
  • 18 College St
  • Petersfield
  • Hampshire GU31 4AD
  • England
  • T 44 (0)845 003 1000
  • M 44 (0)7952-118236
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