Title: CBISA for States
1CBISA for States
A Comprehensive Solution for Tracking and
Reporting Community Benefit
User enter on your keyboard, or click your left
mouse button to move through the screens
2(No Transcript)
3Three Components of CBISA for States
- CBISA Association Rollup
- CBISA Online
- CBISA Survey
4CBISA Suite of Programs
CBISA Programs are Web Hosted
Lyon Software hosts the program, freeing up your
IT resources
Lyon Software backs up your data daily and keeps
it safe
Everyone in your organization is always on the
same version of the software
The program is accessed through your internet
browser and available wherever you are, whenever
you want it!
5Consistent Data Entry Reports
- Collects Quantifiable Information per CHA/VHA
Guidelines - A1-G3 Category Programs
- Statistics Persons Served, Expenses, Offsetting
Revenue - Charity Care, Unpaid Cost of Medicaid, Means
Tested Programs - Collects Additional Information per State
Guidelines - Unpaid Cost of Medicare
- Bad Debt
- Collects Narrative Information
- Stories, Examples of Leadership, Living Out Your
Mission - Impacts and Program Evaluations
6CBISA Association Rollup
CBISA Association Rollup allows the state
hospital association to request data from each
hospital, review the data, then print reports for
individual or multiple (grouped) facilities.
Each hospital can belong to a region, entity, or
any number of groups as defined by the
Association Administrator.
Data can be requested and received at any time,
and reports can be run as needed. You are never
limited to the amount of reports you can run!
100 Participation is Possible!
7Choose a Fiscal Quarter
Select Grouping Options
Pick a Report
Its all about Reporting!
8CBISA Online
CBISA Online is our premier program for
collecting, tracking, and reporting community
benefit information. This comprehensive software
allows you to collect quantifiable information
(programs/activities, statistical occurrences,
financial services including traditional charity
care and government sponsored programs),
qualitative information (narratives and stories
surrounding community benefit), and program
evaluations. With ten user permission levels and
the ability to customize the software through
various defaults, CBISA Online is the perfect
tool for single facilities or large health
systems with many facilities. CBISA Online
offers over 75 single and multi-facility
on-demand reports to preview, print, or export to
another application. IRS Schedule H reporting
options coming soon!
9System Level System Administrator and System
Senior ManagerMulti-Facility Level
Multi-Facility Coordinator, Multi-Senior Manager,
Multi-Finance, Multi-ReporterFacility Level
Facility Coordinator, Facility Senior Manager,
Facility Finance, Facility Reporter
System Sr. Manager
System Administrator
Multi-Facility Administrator Region I
Multi-Facility Administrator Region II
Multi-Facility Sr. Manager
Multi-Facility Sr. Manager
Role-Based Access
Facility Coordinator Hospital A
Facility Coordinator Hospital B
Facility Coordinator Hospital C
Facility Coordinator Hospital D
Facility Coordinator Hospital E
Facility Coordinator Hospital F
Financial Services
Reports Listings
Leadership Journal
11CBISA Survey
CBISA Survey is an abbreviated data entry
software perfect for some hospitals with limited
community benefit tracking and reporting needs.
The CBISA Survey tool is only available through
your Association and is not for sale as a stand
alone software. CBISA Survey still has the
look and feel of CBISA Online and collects
summary information in three modules
Activities/Occurrences, Financial Services, and
Leadership Journal. The CBISA Survey program
can easily be upgraded to a full version of CBISA
Online with no data loss.
12Programs are entered
Statistics are summarized
Its as easy as
Reports are printed
1 2 3
13Requesting and Receiving Data
14Association Rollup requests a snapshot (or copy)
of data from each hospital
CBISA Online Accepts Request
CBISA Survey Accepts Request
15New fiscal quarter/year cumulative Snapshots
(data copies) are available immediately after the
hospital accepts the request!
16Lyon Softwarestriving to make social
accountability reporting a streamlined process