Title: ES4000
1ES-4000 Mail Server Appliance
2Why the company is needed to install mail server?
- Own the mail with domain name that is
represented the company - Quick manage and maintain
- Flexible to handle account following with
company development - High mobility to handle several situation, such
as changing ISP, or switch a faster Internet
3What kind of company needs to install mail server?
- Stable developing and growing
- Own the company brand
- Own a lot of user and it does not fit the
economic benefit to rent mail account from ISP - Else
4What is the most concern when you plan to install
mail server?
- Too many complex procedure to install mail
server - Hard to install mail server
- Too many complex function and most of them you
will not use it - Too many users need to use email, but the
license does not buy enough - It must configure a lot of settings in order to
enable one single function
5What is the most concern when you plan to migrate
mail server?
- User account needs to be re-created
- Losing mail during the period of migration
- User needs to change the mail client setting
- Else
6What kind of the feature ES-4000 can bring to you?
- Simple and easy procedure to install
- Automatically learning account feature to reduce
MIS effort - Web Mail feature allows user to access mail in
anywhere by browser - Web Disk feature provides user to transfer large
file more easily than to attach it with mail - Built-in with Anti-Virus engine can filter the
virus mail - Built-in with DNS server can allow user to set
up LAN environment more flexible - Unlimited user account
7Hardware Spec.
9Mail Server Application
11Account Management
12How to
- Define DNS server to resolve domain name to new
mail server IP address - Configure ES-4000 Learning Account Setting to
define old mail server IP - Internal user sends out the connecting request to
mail server as usual - ES-4000 receives user name and password, then to
query old mail server - If the authentication result is correct, ES-4000
will check new mail from old mail server, and add
the user name and password to its local database. - Just one time ES-4000 will check new mail account
information in old mail server, after that, mail
will be sent to ES-4000 mail server.
13Account Transfer Application
Correct Account. Bring back your mail.
New Account. Lets check old mail server
Save the correct account.
Jacky.ko_at_airlive.com / 1234
Connecting to mail server..
Jacky.ko_at_airlive.com / 1234
Got it.
14Account Auto Learning Application
Connecting to mail server..
15Default Setting of Account Managed
16Add new Account
17Web Mail
18Web Disk Application
Please mail me firmware
OK, I got the address
File size is too large
Got the file
I will send you mail with the address for file
19Web Disk
20Mail Security
21Mail Security
22HA Application
23HA Application
Primary ES-4000
Slave ES-4000
Primary ES-4000
25Example Application
28Domain Registered
29RS-3000 WAN 1
- Enter RS-3000 WAN1 IP with
30RS-3000 WAN 2
- Enter RS-3000 WAN2 IP with
31RS-3000 WAN
32ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 1 Configure default
language and character encoding
33ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 2 Enter mail server IP
34ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 3 Configure the correct
time zone and clock
35ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 4 Enter the Domain name
36ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 5 Enter the IP subnet
that is allowed to relay mail
37ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 6 Select the DNS
setting. In this example, the step can be ignored
38ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 7 Import the existed
account or select to create new account
39ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 8 Import the existed
account or select to create new account
40ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 9 Configure HA function
if needed
41ES-4000 Wizard
- ES-4000 wizard step 10 Attention list for
network administrator
42ES-4000 Mail Security
- Enable and configure ES-4000 Anti-Virus
43RS-3000 Address
- Create RS-3000 address to define mail server
IP for Policy setting
44RS-3000 Service
- Create RS-3000 service group for outgoing
45RS-3000 Service
- Create RS-3000 service group for incoming
46RS-3000 Virtual Server
- Create RS-3000 Virtual server 1 for WAN1
47RS-3000 Virtual Server
- Create RS-3000 Virtual server 2 for WAN2
48RS-3000 WANDMZ Policy
- Configure RS-3000 WAN to DMZ Policy for
Virtual server 1
49RS-3000 WANDMZ Policy
- Configure RS-3000 WAN to DMZ Policy for
Virtual server 2
50RS-3000 WANDMZ Policy
- Configure RS-3000 DMZ to WAN Policy
51RS-3000 Mail Security
- Define RS-3000 Mail Relay setting
52RS-3000 Mail Security
- Enable and configure RS-3000 Anti-Spam feature
53RS-3000 Mail Security
- Disable RS-3000 Anti-Virus feature
54Q A
Q Can ES-4000 support the else feature of
Microsoft Exchange server, such as Schedule? A
No, it is special designed with MS Exchange
server, and ES-4000 can not integrate into MS
system. Q How many concurrent users can be
used with ES-4000? A At maximum 500 users is
allowed. Q Can ES-4000 support IMAP
protocol? A No, it only supports POP3, SMTP and
Web Mail.
55Q A
56(No Transcript)