Title: http:www'dataplace'org
1Enter your place name here, i.e. Milwaukee, WI,
then click on go
2After entering your place name, the default takes
you to the Area Overview section. To view the
subprime lending data, scroll down the page to
the last two data sections.
3Click on the percentages listed in the first
column to create a map showing the data by census
4To create charts, click on the Data Charts tab
at the top of the screen
You can change the number or range categories and
the color scheme here
5To Chart data and compare your community to
others, click on the tab labled DataCharts
6To add additional communities, simply enter
another place in the search selection boxIn
this case, Kenosha, WI
7You can also add data for other years by
selecting from this box. If you want to drop a
data field or community, just click on the xin
this example the x next to kenosha, would drop
the data for Kenosha.
8To find other data on subprime lending, use the
search for an indicator box and type in
subprime lending.
9Links to the sub-data sets are then listed here.
You will note that this search example yields 82
sub-data sets. In the blue colored box titled,
Narrow Search Results, you can find some more
specific categories, i.e. Loans from subprime
lenders by race and purpose
10In this example, if I was to select add Pct.
Of conv. Home purchase loans to Blacks by
subprime lenders, it would then add this data to
the previous table which had illustrated the
percentage of conventional home mortgage loans
made by subprime lenders for all purposes (See
next slide)
11The data that was just added is now added in both
the table and the chart. To drop the data from
one of the indicators just click on the x next
to the indicator in the table. Or, if you want to
add additional indicators, go back and use the
Search for an indicator box and then add
additional indicators.
12- There are actually a few different ways to get to
the data that was just illustrated. There are
also many more features that have not been
covered in this brief tutorial. Go ahead and give
it a try at - www.dataplace.org