WJTSC 072 Master Issue Deck PostConference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WJTSC 072 Master Issue Deck PostConference


NORAD and USNORTHCOM and JFCOM are hosting the development of the ILES prototype ... training/exercises and experimentation at the front end of the planning cycle. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: WJTSC 072 Master Issue Deck PostConference

WJTSC 07-2Master Issue Deck(Post-Conference)
Joint Staff DRAFT as of 20 Sep 07
Experimentation Testing (ET) in Joint Training
Issue 04-003 Lack of common DoD-wide process for
incorporation of ET into joint training.
Discussion DOTE engages multiple combatant
commands to search for venues. Short-notice
insertions disruptive to exercise planning. OSD
seeking to embed test activity in training to
test with appropriate joint context. USJFCOM
requires training environment to assess
capabilities such as DJC2, SJFHQ. Joint context
and resource limitations require test and
prototyping activity in training. USJFCOM
developed a manual for integrating ET into
USJFCOM sponsored and supported training.
Endstate Common policy for incorporating ET
activity in training POAM Form PAT to develop
DoD-wide process based on USJFCOM Manual, USPACOM
instruction, and other guidance. Develop
requirements for supporting tools and submit
through established requirements process. OPR
ATL, OFT, PR), JS J7 JETCD, Combatant Commands,
CSAs, Services
MAY 08
JAN 08
MAR 07
OCT 06
MAY 07
SEP 07
JUL 07
JAN 07
Technical interchange JETCD, JEXD, JTD, JFCOM J9
JETA process briefed to Exercise Synch WG _at_WJTSC
Appropriate changes made to JTPG and JTM. JTIMS
modifications assigned to a version for future
COCOM feeback Provided (JSAP 00377-06)
PAT formed to develop DoD-wide process
and JTIMS/portal requirements
PAT update at WJTSC 07-2
JS J7 staffs CJCSM via JSAP and formally submits
JTIMS requirements.
PAT review of proposed DoD-wide process.
DCCEP Process
Issue 04-004 Streamline the Developing
Countries Combined Exercise Program (DCCEP)
process. Discussion Combatant Commands submit
two-year DCCEP plan through JS-J7 to OSD annually
NLT 31 Mar via msg (forty to fifty pages). OSD
approval historically received in Aug/Sep
timeframe via msg. Out of Cycle (emerging,
mission critical) requirements are submitted
through a lengthy process and execution approval
has sometimes not been received on time. Current
process requires extensive man hours for
Combatant Commands, Service Components and
MILGPs. Additionally, it hinders commanders
flexibility and ability to support critical,
short fused, emerging requirements. DCCEP
procedures are codified in Title 10, US Code,
Section 2010. DCCEP funds must be approved by
SecDef in accordance with federal law. Requests
are coordinated through JS J7 and
approved/disapproved by OSD. Endstate Increased
commanders flexibility and ability to support
critical, short fused, emerging
requirements. POAM Combatant commands (e.g.,
USEUCOM and USSOUTHCOM) may wish to consider
pursuing changes to Title 10 through their Legal
and Legislative Affairs shops. JS/J7 will
assist/integrate efforts with CJCS Legal and
Legislative Affairs. However, The process is as
streamlined as federal law allows. No out of
cycle request has ever expired due to delays in
the approval process. The DCCEP Manager will
consult each combatant command during respective
Exercise Conferences to provide in-depth detail.
OPR JSJ7 JETD OCR Combatant Commands
OCT 07 - MAR 08
OCT 07
OCT 06
SEP 07
EUCOM and SOUTHCOM provide proposed changes to
Title 10 to JS/J-7
Discussed at WJTSC 06-2
DCCEP MGR supports COCOM Exercise Conferences
Discuss during WG at WTJSC 07-2
Joint Staff Officer Training
Issue 06-001 Combatant command / Component / JTF
Staff Training. Need basic joint training, to
include Integrated Operations, for individuals
assigned to Joint staffs. Discussion Majority
of permanent and individual augmentee personnel
arrive unprepared to assume joint staff duties
and there is no established process for
maintaining currency of personnel. Solutions may
include JPME I/II, Web Based Training (JTF 101),
resource specific training AO course (indoc) and
OJT. Endstate Establish Joint Individual
Learning Continuum that meets individual joint
training requirements prior to joint duty
assignment and sustains preparation and
competence throughout professional career through
combination of education, training and
self-development. Joint training programs
systematically update learning objectives and
courses to keep up with the rapidly changing
joint environment. POAM JKDDC JMO execute
FY07 08 PEPs for development, updating and
distribution of web-based individual training
services, knowledge and courseware. Combatant
commands develop and provide tailored joint staff
instruction leveraging Joint Training Facilitator
Specialists (JTFS). JS J7 Joint Learning
Continuum study phases I II identifies current
/ emerging training requirements. Ensure
deployment orders require appropriate
APR 07
SEP 07
MAR 07
MAR 08
SEP 08
Learning Continuum update at WJTSC 07-2 JKO
Internet Public Portal unveiled
Required courses updated process in place to
ensure currency
Continue to update courses
JKO portal deployed with links to JPME Resources
and Interagency Courses IAP course transitions
JTFS Coordinate tailored instruction
for assigned personnel
Learning Continuum Update at WJTSC 07-1
Incoming personnel receive required training
Integrated Operations Training
Issue 06-002 Individuals assigned to combatant
command staffs are not formally trained on
doctrinal interagency coordination tasks and
continue to execute integrated operations in an
ad hoc fashion. Discussion National strategic
guidance requires USG personnel to plan,
coordinate and implement integrated operations.
There is a need to develop and implement an
integrated DOD-wide interagency training program,
to provide personnel integrated operations
training to accomplish missions. Endstate An
integrated DoD-wide interagency coordination
training program supports combatant command
integrated operations requirements and
incorporates both content as well as throughput
requirements and tracking for personnel.
Deployment systems ensure personnel
deployment/assignment orders contain
assignment-appropriate pre-deployment training
for integrated operations and provide adequate
lead time to accomplish such training. OSD and
JS provide combatant commands with trained senior
leadership and staff officers prepared to
accomplish interagency coordination. POAM
OSD/PR develop a long-term integrated operations
training strategy, building on its short-term PRT
work. JKDDC enterprise portal services and
courses available for stakeholder requirements.
JS J7 operationalizes the Learning Continuum with
JKDDC support. JTFS leverage existing and
emerging training resources, e.g. JKO, Consortium
for Complex Operations, and National Security
Professional Development Program. OPRs JS J7 and
OSD (PR) OCRs Combatant commands, JS J1,
MAR 07
SEP 07
JAN 07
APR 07
DEC 07
NOV 07
JKDDC update course development plans. LMS
Implementation update.
Combatant commands provided feedback to JSAP
OSD Strategy Concept brief to SLRT.
JKDDC deploys interagency training via LMS
Additional IO courseware developed and fielded
NSPD I-Plan complete Tasks USG agencies to
develop 101 courses
Joint staff officer task analysis (phase 2
CCO study complete
Integrated Operations Education
  • Issue 06-003 Personnel assigned to combatant
    commands not formally educated or trained to
    accomplish doctrinal interagency coordination
    tasks staffs execute Integrated Ops ad hoc.
  • Discussion National strategic guidance requires
    USG personnel to plan, coordinate and implement
    interagency operations. There is a need to
    develop and implement an integrated DOD-wide
    interagency learning program, to provide
    personnel doctrinal orientation to accomplish
  • Endstate An integrated DoD-wide learning program
    based on doctrinal guidance in JP3-08 supports
    combatant command interagency coordination
    requirements and incorporates both content as
    well as throughput requirements and tracking of
    personnel. Deployment systems ensure personnel
    deployment/assignment orders contain
    assignmentappropriate pre-deployment learning
    for integrated operations and provide adequate
    lead time to accomplish such learning prior to
    arrival at joint assignments. JS and combatant
    commands staffed with trained and educated senior
    leaders and staff officers who can accomplish
    interagency coordination/integrated operations.
  • POAM
  • Service/Joint JPME schools continue to support
    doctrine-based learning in Interagency
  • USD/PR and JS J1 develop personnel management
    processes that support enhanced throughput,
    assignment, tracking, incentives, and appropriate
    learning prior to arrival to any joint
  • Develop a JKDDC based training course based on
    JP3-08 supplement to existing training via the
    JIACG, RSCN, JIMPC, NGB Staff courses.
    Combatant commands, Services, JS J7

AUG 08
MAR 07
NOV 06
JUL 07
DEC 06
JAN 07
OCT 07
MECC Working Group
JSJ7 JSAP 00329-06 for inputs
Suspense for inputs
JQS DoDI and CJCSI final staffing
Develop web-based training on JP3-08
JFEC / SAE introduced.
TC AoA Alternative 5
Issue 06-004 Combatant commands lack support to
adequately meet individuals / staffs and JTF and
functional component HQ staff joint training
requirements. Discussion Combatant commands
identified requirement to source an organic
training and exercise capability in order to
conduct and manage combatant command specific
training, identify combatant command
individual/collective training requirements and
track and manage individual/staff joint training
and readiness. Joint Training Facilitator
Specialist (JTFS) support provided via TC AoA Alt
5 to the combatant commands (one each initially).
Council of Colonels (COC) unanimous decision to
provide additional contracted support (total of 3
JTFS) to each combatant command, except USJFCOM.
Combatant commands use JTFS to refine JKDDC
development and USJFCOM development of innovative
lightweight simulations and immersive story
driven training to resolve TC AOA gaps in JTP
identified training requirements and existing
collective and individual capabilities.
Centralized development of combatant command
specific modules at USJFCOM can adequately
capture unique requirements that support a formal
individual training program. Combatant Command
submissions to JKDDC should address joint billet
specific individual AO training as well as joint
education. Endstate Combatant commands fully
resourced (personnel and tools) to support
individual/staff training. POAM JS J7 support
combatant command JTFS requirements. USJFCOM
deliver initial use cases for Alt 5 tools. OPRs
AUG 07
SEP 06
FY 08
DEC 06
SEP 07
USJFCOM executes Alt 5 tool use cases
USJFCOM solicit combatant command input on Alt 5
tool use cases At Individual Trng WG _at_WJTSC 07-2
FY07 funding for addl Positions MIPRd to JS J7
FY06 funded Addl Positions (1 per COCOM)
Delivery Order Issued for addl JTFS positions
Incorporate JTA Info Into UJTL
  • Issue 06-006 Joint Task Articles (JTA) deletion
    of JTA reference from draft Joint Training
    Policy and Guidance (JTPG). Deletion from the
    JTPG desynchronizes that document from the T2
    I-Plan and causes confusion in the joint
    training community regarding universal acceptance
    of JTAs in policy.
  • Discussion Following direction removed from
    JTPG Conduct Joint Task Article and Expanded
    Joint Task Article (JTA/EJTA) analysis with the
    intent to conduct qualitative analysis of the
    existing universal joint tasks to establish
    required conditions, critical elements, and
    measures with common sense yes/no criteria in
    order to conduct joint training
  • Endstate UJTL incorporates appropriate language
    for execution.
  • POAM Staff current JTAs as proposed changes to
    UJTL (30 / month for 12 months thru Dec 07)
    some tasks will now have more details than others
    (those without JTA-type data). Document changes
    in appropriate directives and guidance.

. . .
MAY 07
OCT 06
DEC 07
JAN 07
APR 08
Discuss new process at UWP during WJTSC 06-2
Process documented in JTPG version 3500.01D
JSAP Current/ Proposed JTAs as UJTL Changes
Incorporate JTAs into UJTL database on JDEIS
JSAP (30/month for 12 months) complete
Joint Training Trends and Assessment
  • Issue 06-007 Consensus has not been achieved in
    the joint training community regarding how joint
    training trends and joint training assessment
    taskers will be achieved.
  • Discussion. The JTPG (CJCSI 3500.01C) stated
    USJFCOM is responsible for annually assessing
    the effectiveness of joint training, to include
    describing emerging training trends in the joint
    community briefing training trends at the
    September WJTSC and reporting results of the
    training assessment to the Chairman. Combatant
    Commands/CSAs will annually provide USJFCOM with
    their joint training trends by 30 June for
    integration into USJFCOMs annual training trends
    brief presented at the September WJTSC.
  • Endstate Joint training trends are identified
    and briefed annually.
  • POAM JTIMS v2.3 will provide initial Training
    Trends reporting capabilities. Additional
    Training Trend reports scoped for JTIMS v2.4 (Mar
    08 deployment). Reassess enhanced reporting
    capabilities during the WJTSC 08-1 conference.

SEP 08
APR 08
MAR 08
OCT 06
JUL 06
MAR 07
FEB 08
OCT 07
MAY 07
Discuss/resolve way ahead at WJTSC 06-2
Feasibility Studies forwarded to DRRS JTIM
PMs for action
First trend brief at WJTSC 08-2 issues linked to
Deploy JTIMS v2.4
Brief v2.4 enhanced Trend Report mockups and
JLLIS/CAP link at WJTSC 07-2
JTIMS Spiral 5 provides TPA archiving.
JTIMS v2.3 upgrade includes Training Trend
capability. Mockups briefed at WJTSC 07-2
Training Trend changes published in JTPG
version 3500.01D
Trend info link to JLLIS, corrective action
program, and/or JTFCB issues defined
JTIMS Spiral 4 provides TPO/TPE archiving.
Update brief at WJTSC 07-1
Joint Training Requirements
  • Issue 06-008 Joint Training Requirements Action
    Plan. Inefficient use of scarce resources. Excess
  • Discussion Multiple joint training requirements
    generation processes, TC AoA, JTRG, JQRR, JTRAT,
    combatant command IPLs, JNTC. Proposed action
    plan briefed to JT FCB Working Group 13 Mar 06.
    The JTFCB is the JS J-7 designated organization
    to validate Joint Training Requirements. The JT
    Functional Concept Red Team met in Aug 06. The
    previously proposed JTRAP process is being
    integrated into the JTFCB/JTPR processes. The
    JTPR was briefed to and approved by the DAWG in
    Sep 06 and was implemented in Dec 06 with PBD
    709, which created CE2T2.
  • Endstate All joint training requirements are
    validated and prioritized through a single
  • POAM Work in conjunction with CE2 Business
    Rules. The CE2 SLT, JTFCB, and T2 forums (JIPT,
    SAG, ESG) will comprise the requirements
    determination/prioritization processes since
    requirements may be funded via two different
    streams (CE2 / T2). Monitor FY08 execution.

APR 08
OCT 07
OCT 06
AUG 06
SEP 06
MAR 07
Discuss JTPR way ahead at WJTSC 06-2
CE2 SLT Finalizes Business Rules at WJTSC 07-1
CE2 mid-year Execution review
CE2 Execution begins
JTFC Red Team
Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
  • Issue 06-010 Joint community lacks a single
    automated support system to discover, apply, and
    research joint lessons.
  • Discussion DoD Lessons Learned Community lacks
    central repository many DoD organizations
    without adequate input support tools.
  • Methods to address gaps
  • Pilot program (Proof of Principle) within
    USJFCOMs JCOA accomplished
  • Research existing DoD input support tools
  • - USMC MCCLL selected best of breed, LMS
    system developed into JLLIS
  • - JLLIS proof of principle fielded Sep 06
  • JLLIS funded starting 4QFY07
    using baseline JLLIS
  • Start JLLIS Implementation Plan update at
    Configuration Review Board (CRB)
  • Endstate Enterprise, web based, GIG compliant
    JLLIS with input and management tool, with
    Central Repository provided to the customer base.
  • POAM Initial JLLIS capability using MCCLL LMS
    architecture is being fielded to combatant
    commands and requesting CSAs and Services.
    Deliver GIG-compliant, net-centric,
    service-oriented JLLIS architecture.

MAR 07
SEP 06
DEC 06
APR 07
SEP 09
OCT 08
AUG 07
SEP 07
MAR 08
SEP 08
JAN 08
JLLIS (LMS) fielded
LMS determined GIG-compliant
POM funding begins FY09
FY07 CCIF funding approved
I-Plan updated
Insufficient ADL Resources
Issue 06-013 Combatant command staffs, to
include integrated operations participants, not
fully trained to joint mission requirements.
Immediate assistance needed in obtaining
web-based resources to meet joint mission
training requirements Discussion E-learning
content produced by JKDDC is conventional
web-based instructional course-ware. Service
knowledge portals produce content labeled as
knowledge objects, but content is not yet
systematically packaged for reuse. Some combatant
commands have largely unfunded ADL
programs. Endstate A timely, collaborative
process that ensures JKDDC enterprise portal and
courseware development/maintenance supports
combatant command joint mission and integrated
operations training requirements IAW established
DOD quality standards (i.e. SCORM compliant). All
JKDDC content will be registered in the ADL-R for
searchability and reusability. POAM Recommend
joint training shortfalls be identified as urgent
readiness need. T2 funds for JKDDC be increased
by 10M per year to address combatant command
joint knowledge development and distribution
needs through requirements-based approach. Move
to more rapid techniques involving real world
mission planning, analysis and rehearsal. Focus
on rapid development of a common set of joint
tools, standards and specifications to provide
immediate support to joint war fighter
needs. STATUS JAEC and IDA conducting study to
determine JKDDC required resources to support
directed mission expansion. OPR USJFCOM OCR
JS J-7
APR 07
SEP 06
OCT 06
JAN 07
SEP 07
FEB 08
MAR 08
AUG 07
JKDDC LMS/Portal Online 102 courses
JKDDC Program Execution Plan (PEP) Approved
FY07 DL CW Requirements Identified Approved
Backlog and FY07 CW in Development
125 Courses Available via JKO NIPR Portal
JAEC/IDA Study on Expanded ADL Mission set
Update at WJTSC 08-1
JKDDC JKO Internet Portal Online
Inadequate Resourcing for JFHQ Readiness
  • Issue 06-017 USEUCOM not resourced to sustain
    JFHQ Readiness post certification.
  • Discussion USEUCOM JTP continues to ride on the
    back of service component incremental funding
    with attendant constraints. JTF certification and
    sustainment training is totally dependant on
    piggy-back arrangements with service component
    certification events. As a result, USEUCOM JTP
    for readiness has collapsed to two, JWFC
    supported events per year. Service component
    incremental funding decreasing as a follow-on to
    force transformation. Forces readiness risk
    management (certification sustainment training)
    requirements are increasing. USEUCOM has no
    resource stream to execute an adequate joint
    forces readiness training program as part of the
    overall command readiness risk management
    program. USEUCOM certified C6F as JTF capable HQ
    and has two year projection for certifying two
    other designated JTF capable HQ, but has no
    program element (PE) to sustain performance
    levels attained during certification process.
  • Endstate Funding stream adequate to conduct
    certification and sustainment training.
  • POAM Establish CONOPS for USJFCOM-led
    JC2/JTF-HQ Training and Certification process.
    Reevaluate funding after CE2 FY08 funds

OCT 07
NOV 07
MAR 07
JAN 07
DJS sent JTF CONOPS Comments to JFCOM
Re-evaluate after FY08 CE2 Funding Allocated (PEP)
JTF Certification SOP published
Exercise and Joint Training Synchronization
  • Issue 06-020 USG exercise programs not
    adequately synchronized to effectively,
    efficiently and realistically exercise National
    Crisis Response readiness.
  • Discussion DOD forces conduct exercises with
    civil authorities in the NORTHCOM AOR without the
    knowledge of USNORTHCOM (recommend delete first
    sentence). Scope of national exercises is
    limited by resources. Incorrect procedures can
    be reinforced, leading to actual responses
    without proper authorization, appropriate DOD
    funding and NEP consistency. Lack of
    synchronization contributes to lack of stability
    and predictability. Scheduling and exercise
    design issues still pose challenges to an
    effective NEP. Benefit to the synchronization of
    exercises downward between the services, their
    major commands and combatant commands. Effective
    exercise planning requires a reliable 2-5 year
    schedule for resources. All USG departments and
    agencies do not have adequate visibility over all
    pertinent exercises conducted in their AOR
  • Endstate
  • HSC/NSC designate certain exercises in a
    coordinated 5 year schedule as NEP Tier I,
    approve goals and objectives and provide top
    level guidance Scope out objectives, exercise
    participants and exercise locations to ensure
    cohesive planning with interagency partners.
  • Use WJTSC and NEXS conferences to coordinate 5
    year schedule and establish coordinated schedule
    for NLE with 5 year plan and solid dates 2 years
    out using a building block approach with exercise
    scopes tailored to priority objectives.
  • Development of a standard JELC for NLE events to
    ensure greater synchronization in the planning
  • POAM
  • Distribute approved NSC/HSC NEP guidance
  • Coordinate the Implementation Guidance and
    review major national exercises at each WJTSC
  • Codify doctrine for linking exercises to include
    a process to nominate DoD exercises for Tier II
    and Tier III via sub-PCC
  • Establish iterative process with DHS to shift
    Tier designations as needed prior to final 18
    months of JELC

MAR 08
MAR 07
JAN 07
DEC 07
JUN 07
SEP 07
FEB 07
Exercise Synch WG Review for closure
NEP Charter Finalized
WJTSC Review
Exercise Synch WG Reviewed and modified
NEXS Conf and 5-year schedule to DC
Issue point paper for sub-PCC
NEP Implementing Guidance Finalized
Immersive Learning Environments (ILES)
  • Issue 06-021 Requirement for Large Scale Use of
    Online and On Demand Individual and Group
    Training, Mission Planning and Rehearsal
  • Discussion ILES is an OSD funded effort to
    resolve the immediate need for an education,
    training, and mission rehearsal capability that
    supports both DoD and interagency partners in
    meeting a new set of homeland defense
    requirements. Our shortfalls include a lack of a
    common training and exercise tool which limits
    opportunities to train with partners and a
    knowledge gap between individual training and
    large scale exercise or real-world events. NORAD
    and USNORTHCOM and JFCOM are hosting the
    development of the ILES prototype to fill these
    missing capabilities. ILES is a flexible,
    on-line, and distributed training and mission
    rehearsal capability that covers the training
    life cycle from beginning to end. Successful
    tests / evaluations have been conducted and ILES
    can significantly shorten the JELC while
    improving knowledge/capability. System evolution
    facilitates joint and Interagency training,
    mission planning, rehearsal, and COA analysis.
  • Endstate A solution that supports the training
    and operational requirements of the joint,
    interagency, multinational communities, and Joint
    Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability
    (JKDDC) users. The solution(s) may include both
    an ILES centralized web-based architecture
    integrated within the JKDDC Joint Knowledge
    Online Portal, and a decentralized and
    interdependent approach where ILES is controlled
    by multiple cooperating organizations, with the
    end state in either case to provide a dynamically
    scalable, distributed, collaborative exercise
    environment to provide on-demand individual and
    small group training.
  • POAM Collaborative technical evaluation of
    potential solutions by stakeholders. Deploy
    web-based prototype.

SEPT 07 JUN 08
JUN 08
FEB 07
MAY 07
NOV 06
AUG 07
JUL 08
JAN 07
NOV 07
FEB 08
Web-enabled Prototype Development Complete
Functional Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
ILES Phase IV PMP Approved
N-NC SIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 5 Exercise Validation
ILES Distributed As Program of Record to COIs
Functional Testing of ILES in N-NC CMD CTR
N-NC NIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 67 Exercises Train the Trainer
Program USJFCOM Spiral 67 Exercises
Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
LMS Employment
  • Issue 06-023 Use of multiple Learning
    Management Systems (LMS) inhibit the ability to
    integrate training and personnel records and adds
    unnecessary complexity to integration with JTS
    and DRRS.
  • Discussion  Joint standard(s) must exist for the
    identification of requirements dealing with data
    needed for a consistent, interoperable tracking
    of learner profiles, competencies or training
    records. Multiple LMSs are being used across the
    Joint Community. Each LMS has different
    requirements dealing with learner profiles,
    competency tracking and training record
    management. Implementation must consider
    combatant command inputs to LMS data base and
    functions percentage of combatant command
    -specific learning modules to be hosted on LMS
    combatant command permissions to manipulate LMS
    and JKDDC responsiveness to change inputs.
  • Endstate Complementary LMS in use potential
    savings in terms of course development
    standardization across combatant commands.
  • POAM Employ JKDDC LMS for combatant commands
    common individual and training management
    requirements. Combatant commands provide JKDDC
    JMO with specific LMS training requirements.
    JKDDC JMO conduct assessment and implement
    recommendations in JKDDC LMS Enhancement

APR 07
OCT 06
SEP 06
NOV 06
DEC 06
JAN 07
SEP 07
MAR 08
JKDDC AtlasPro LMS (GOTS Product) Deployed on
Production Server With JKO roll-out
JKO Content Management System Architecture briefed

Complementary LMS Strategy
JKDDC Program Execution Plan (PEP) Approved
Solicited LMS functional capabilities from
Conducted LMS Comparison
Selected AtlasPro LMS Installed on Development
Conduct Functional Testing of LMS
Integrated Operations Policy, Doctrine, and UJTL
Issue 06-031 Lack of definitive policy,
doctrine, and UJTL tasks on integrated
operations. Discussion OSD(P) has abandoned the
previously developed and staffed DoDI on
Integrated Operations. There is no published
joint doctrine regarding Integrated Operations.
Lack of higher level policy and doctrine may
hinder development of Integrated Operations UJTL
tasks. Endstate DoD established policy,
doctrine, and UJTL tasks for Integrated
Operations. POAM OSD(P) publish DoD policy on
Integrated Operations. Joint Staff publish joint
doctrine on Integrated Operations. Integrated
Operations community submit additional UJTL tasks
through established UJTL task development/staffing
process. Status JS must engage OSD for
Integrated Operations policy. OPR JS J7 and
MAR 08
NOV 07
JS engage OSD(P) Regarding Integrated Operations
JS provide Update at WTJSC 08-1
Integration of Interagency Partners
Issue 07-001 Inadequate integrated operations
partner representation/environmental emulation in
Combatant Command and Service training,
exercises, and experimentation degrades the
quality of these events. Discussion DoD
recognizes the value of role players, senior
mentors, and/or simulation cells to provide
authoritative and realistic interagency input and
support to DoD training and experimentation
events. Other agencies often cannot afford the
level of seniority/experience and commitment that
DoD desires for event design, execution, and
assessment. Endstate A combination of 1.
Improved active duty interagency integration
into the training audience, based on common
objectives, results in mutual benefit and better
prepares all participants for integrated
operations. 2. Improved role playing / white
cell training support simulates interagency
participation in DoD-centric training events. 3.
Improved modeling and simulation assists
scenario development and enhances event
implementation by capturing all agency players
equities. POAM To enhance training and
experimentation 1. OSD/PR develops a strategy
and process for resourcing, prioritizing,
requesting, and scheduling interagency
integration into Combatant Command and Service
training/exercises and experimentation at the
front end of the planning cycle. 2. OSD/HD
benchmarks the DHS NEP Simulation Cell to develop
a similar capability for other DoD mission
requirements. 3. OSD/PR and JS J7 explore,
starting with State/PM, innovative opportunities
to tap senior mentor and role player resources,
including former civilian agency personnel and
other experts. OPRs OSD/PR, OSD/HD, JS J-7
OCRs Combatant Commands, Services/Components
APR 07
MAR 07
MAR 08
OCT 07
SLRT Memo signed by Tri-Chairs
RS training strategy DoD Training Coordinator
Implementation and interagency partner
integration process briefed at WJTSC 08-1
Training and Exercising Combatant Command
Pandemic Influenza (PI) Plans
  • Issue 07- 002 No synchronization of effort
    among Combatant Commands in developing PI
    STATEMENT USNORTHCOM directs the coordinated
    planning and synchronization of DOD plans in
    support of US Government efforts to mitigate and
    contain the effects of a pandemic influenza.
    DRAFT CONPLAN 3551 revised to reflect biennial
    (every two years) training for Combatant
    Commands, Services, and the NGB. DOD Agencies
    should develop their own PI exercise schedule.
    USNORTHCOM no longer the global synchronizer for
  • Planning Endstate Global CONPLAN is approved
    and combatant command, Military Service and DOD
    Agency plans are synchronized with the Global
  • POAM
  • Cross-Combatant Command exercise after plans
    developed to work plans/seams
  • Create centralized schedule of Combatant
    Commands PI events opportunity to glean from
  • Develop centralized Lessons Learned database
    (similar to GWOT- USJFCOM)
  • Share Combatant Commands PI experience
    observers to other Combatant Commands planning
    conferences and exercise executions
  • Combatant Commands, Services, and CSAs review
    METLs with respect to PI Global Sync Plan
  • Explore biennial DoD-wide PI exercise under
    CJCS Exercise Program (PR?) (Tier III) (TTX)
    crawl, walk, run

DEC 06
AUG 07
SEP 07
MAR 07
TBD 08
AUG 06
USNORTHCOM supported command for DoD Global
Synchronization for PI
Began development of Global Synchronization PI
Briefed Issue at WJTSC 07-1
Global Sync PI CONPLAN published with exercise
Major IA-DOD Exercise
WJTSC 07-2 Global PI Update
Use of JTIMS for Task Proficiency Observations
Issue 07-003 JWFC DTT Observer/Controllers not
using JTIMS to record TPOs Discussion JWFC DTT
uses alternative protocols that do not readily
synchronize with JTIMS, creating inefficiencies
for operating forces. JWFC stated at WJTSC 06-2
that the JWFC DTT Observer / Controllers would
enter TPO comments into JTIMS as part of event
support. This did not happen for the JTF during
TERMINAL FURY 07. If qualified observers do not
enter TPO comments into JTIMS, the Training
Proficiency Evaluations that feed readiness
assessment will be diminished in value. TPO
comments were entered into JTIMS by JWFC OTs at
Talisman Saber 07 as a demonstration/test. Based
on that test, changes to JTIMS required to enable
population of TPOs and produce a Commanders
Summary Report baseline document (MS Word) for
the Training Audience Commander were provided to
Joint Staff as USJFCOMs 1 JTIMS change
requirement for v2.4 on 6/18/07. Endstate
TPEs informed by TPOs captured and entered by
O/Cs in JTIMS. POAM V2.3 and v2.4 will
include additional enhancements submitted by
USJFCOM DTTs to enhance the TPO and CSR modules.
JFCOM DTT recommends testing v2.4 capabilities
in PACOM exercise. In the interim, USJFCOM will
provide the COCOM CDR with the completed CSR. If
released by the COCOM CDR, the organization can
input the TPO data contained within the CSR into
MAR 07
MAY 07
OCT 07
JAN 07
APR 08
JUN 08
MAY 08
JTIMS v2.2 release (Partially CSR functional
Test in Exercise Talisman Saber
Additional CSR/TPO functionality included in v2.3
Additional CSR functionality included in v2.4
USJFCOM DTTs use JTIMS v2.4 capabilities in
PACOM exercise
DTTs enters TPOs in JTIMS to create CSR
Force Request for OSD Allied Participation
Issue 07-006 Combatant commands need an
established process to include JS, OSD,
Interagency and Allied participation in their
joint program events, including a method to
provide strategic lift funding to non-DoD
organizations. Discussion It is essential to
successful combatant command training and
exercise programs to include JS, OSD, Interagency
and Allied interactions. The current system of
record for requesting forces, resources and
capability support to training and exercise
events is JTIMS. As Allied resources are outside
DoD, there needs to be an established procedure
by which functional combatant commands can
identify the level of support requested and
submit that request to the entity that can
evaluate and action that request. As OSD is the
DoD avenue through DoS, to foreign countries,
JS/J7 would appear to be the agent to receive,
collate, forward, track and notify requestor on
these requests. Endstate Codified methodology by
which combatant commands can request OSD and
Allied participation in training and exercise
program events. Method for combatant commands to
provide strategic lift funding to Allied
partners. POAM JS/J7 develop process to
validate and source requirements. Methodology
has been established. OSD and JS work with DOS to
encourage Allied participation in NEP exercises
via motions made to sub-PCCs for exercises and
training. (Evidence is the increased interest by
Allies in TOPOFF). Outstanding issue JEP
program methodology to fund non-DOD personnel for
MAR 07
JUN 07
JAN 08
SEP 07
Interagency Training Coordinator Process
Established review for expansion to OSD and
Allied participation
Issue discussed at WJTSC 07-1
JS develops Process to validate and source reqmts
Updated status at WJTSC 07-2
Terminology Clarification
Issue 07-011 Failure to acknowledge and
understand terminology differences between DoD
and DHS adversely impacts integrated
operations. Discussion AARs from operations and
exercises involving DoD, other Federal (notably
DHS), State, and local partners, regularly
reference misunderstandings, confusion, and
disjointed efforts caused by difficulties in
bridging the differences in terms embedded in
respective cultures and doctrine. Communication,
collaboration, cooperation, and coordination are
essential to effective and efficient integrated
operations. Endstate A document comparing and
contrasting existing DoD and DHS terminology
contributes to increased transparency and
understanding in planning, training and execution
of integrated operations. POAM 1. JS J7
develop a working group with DHS to draft a
comparison document (lexicon) of key terms
related to integrated operations. 2. Working
group members vet the draft through their
respective channels. 3. WG reviews for
submission as an addendum to the National
Response Plans Training and Exercise Strategy.
4. The document is distributed by J7 (for DoD)
via electronic means (JDEIS) for use by planners
and operators. 5. JS J7 assess expanding effort
to entire USG. OPR JS J-7 JETD OCRs
JUL 07
OCT 07
MAR 08
SEP 08
Issue paper drafted for PTEE PCC
JS J7 update on term selection and submission to
JS J7 update on JDEIS posting and use evaluate
for broadening of effort
JS J-7 staff draft DHS lexicon with COCOMs.
Information Operations (IO) Functional Training
  • Issue 07-012 Joint IO functional training should
    be a part of Training Transformation (T2).
  • Discussion The T2 Strategic Plan and SPG
    established IO as a decrease risk critical
    training area. IO WG concluded that there is a
    need to establish a Joint Functional Training PAT
    that contains both expert organizations and users
    to develop a comprehensive IO training plan.
    Failure to address Joint IO functional training
    will continue to prevent IO from becoming a core
    military competency.
  • POAM
  • IO Training PAT formed and initial meeting held
    30 May 07 Co-Chaired by USSTRATCOM J7 and JFCOM
    J7 Oversight provided by OSD(PR), USD(I) and
    Joint Staff J-7/39
  • IO Joint Management Office (JMO) providing one
    GS-13 and one contract support to lead IO
    Functional Training effort for JFCOM and Co-chair
    IO Training PAT meetings
  • USJFCOM J7/USSTRATCOM J7 will facilitate IO
    Core Capability Universal Joint Task (UJT)
    working groups to update IO related UJTs and
    create new UJT candidates for approval through JS
  • USJFCOM/USSTRATCOM working with IO centers of
    excellence (e.g. JIOWC, JEWC, JFCC-NW, etc) to
    Integration UJT working groups
  • Revised/new IO UJTs will provide the foundation
    for IO training improvement to include assessment
    and accreditation criteria
  • EW UJT working group scheduled for 3-5 Oct at
    the Joint EW Center (JEWC)
  • OPRs USJFCOM T2 Director (CAPT Melcher) USJFCOM
    Functional Training Lead (Col Clayton)

NOV 07
APR 08
JUL 07
AUG 07
SEP 07
FEB 08
DEC 07
JAN 08
MAR 08
APR 07
MAY 07
IO PAT Complete?
IO Int. WG
Initial IO PAT Meeting
IO PAT Formed
Update at WJTSC 07-2
3rd IO PAT
Way Ahead Briefed
2nd IO PAT
Issue 07-013 A business rule (process) is
needed to enable sourcing of all exercise force
requirements, including Individual Augmentees
(IA) via JTIMS Discussion USJFCOM/J3 receives
and processes force requirements that sponsoring
GCCs are unable to field. Presently, only units
may be inserted and resourced via JTIMS. Many
exercises require specialty skills (or partial
staffs) that cannot be defined as a unit or
detachment and USJFCOM/J3 states that these
requirements should be filled via Service Systems
(e.g., ARTIMS). As articulated in the Joint
Training, Policy and Guidance (CJCSI 3500.01D),
Joint Training Manual (CJCSM 3500.03B) and on
JS/J7 issue slide 07-006, JTIMS is the system
of record for requesting forces. Multiple GCCs
believe that a business rule (process) should be
established to avoid using disparate systems when
JTIMS can and should serve as the single system
of record for force requests. Endstate As the
joint facilitator/integrator, USJFCOM/J3 work
with stakeholders to establish a straight-forward
business rule (process) that enables all force
requirements (unit and IA) via JTIMS. POAM
Near term Establish IPT (JS/USJFCOM J1/3/7) to
create/address IA Business Rules and capture
JTIMS requirements (Request combatant command
input). Brief business rules, and scope any
future JTIMS requirements, during the WJTSC 08-1
conference. Long term Update 3500.01D and
3500.03B to reflect new IA training requirements
and established business rules. OPRs JS
OCT 08
SEP 07
MAR 08
OCT 07
Establish IPT (JS/JFCOM J1/3/7) to create/address
Business Rules (Request COCOM input)
Brief update during WJTSC 08-1 conference and
scope future JTIMS requirements
Initial capabilities developed in JTIMS
Discuss during JTIMS UAG
Use of Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC)
  • Issue 07-014 The Joint Live Virtual Constructive
    (JLVC) Federation provides the most realistic
    environment to align joint training with
    combatant commander assigned missions,
    requirements and constraints, yet JLVC is not
    provided as part of the standard modeling and
    simulation (MS) architecture for joint
  • Discussion Current funding provides Joint
    Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) as the standard
    suite to support the Combatant Command Joint
    Exercise Program (JEP), however, JTLS lacks the
    fidelity to realistically model strategic
    movement and force sustainment. This training
    shortfall was noted in the Joint Staffs Training
    Capabilities Analysis of Alternatives (TC AoA)
    Gap 14. While JLVC addresses this gap, using the
    JLVC federation is an option only with additional
    Combatant Commander funding.
  • Endstate Appropriate use of JLVC in Combatant
    Command exercises.
  • POAM Combatant Commands provide details on
    which exercise(s) are most enhanced with the use
    of JLVC. CE2 SLT allocates funding for JWFC
    support (including JLVC) in accordance with CE2
    business rules/processes.
  • OPRs Combatant Commands OCR USJFCOM

SEP 07
MAR 08
NOV 07
SEP 08
CE2 SLT discuss requirement
COCOMs Submit CE2 PRDs
FY09 PEP Finalized
Update at WJTSC 08-1
CCDR Requires Joint Evaluation Team
  • Issue 07-015 Combatant Commander requires a
    joint evaluation team that can measure Joint Task
    Force (JTF) performance to standard
  • Discussion
  • Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) are responsible
    for certifying the readiness of HQ staffs to
    serve as JTF-capable HQ. A key element of this
    task is to measure the capability of the HQ staff
    (during a culminating exercise) relative to
    standards. The culminating exercise comes at the
    conclusion of a detailed joint and multinational
    training regimen for the JTF.
  • USPACOM requires a qualified team to observe
    and evaluate to standard, provide feedback both
    to the JTF Commander and CCDR, and to provide
    documentation on JTF performance to assist
    individual JTF and theater program improvements.
  • Joint Training System (JTS) philosophy and
    execution have matured to where training
    audiences need critical insight and clearly
    documented feedback of what they did right and
    what areas require improvement.
  • USJFCOM JWFC DTT states these requirements are
    outside their charter.
  • Endstate Qualified joint evaluation team
    available to assist in JTF certification
  • POAM
  • Adjust JWFC DTT support to better address CCDR
    requirements for conducting JTF Certification
    (providing greater fidelity in their feedback)
  • Provide CCDRs with the resources to establish
    and maintain this evaluation capability within

SEP 07
APR 08
SEP 08
CE2 SLT discussed requirement
Review issue after PACOM certification event
Review with respect to CE2 PDM III Certification
funding allocations
USJFCOM Development of JTF Training Programs,
Standards, and JMETL
Issue 07-016 Update on status and milestones
for USJFCOM efforts to lead the collaborative
efforts for developing JTF HQ training programs /
standards and JMETL conditions and
standards. Discussion CJCSI 3500.1D, Joint
Staff Joint Training Policy and Guidance (JTPG),
dated 31 May tasks USJFCOM to lead collaborative
development of joint training programs,
processes, and standards and baseline JMETL
conditions and standards for JTF HQ. (CJCSI
3500.1D paragraph 6.g, and 6.i) Endstate
USJFCOM provide update of progress to date and
future milestones. POAM USJFCOM provide
update of progress to date and future milestones.
TBD 07
MAR 08
JTF CONOPS published
JTF Handbook published
BMD Systems Training Capability
Issue 07-017 CCDRs require a distributed,
integrated, synthetic Ballistic Missile Defense
Systems (BMDS) training system emulating real
world system capabilities, scenarios and
players. Discussion a. Independent simulated
missile defense training architectural
development between the Joint Forces Command
(JFCOM) Joint National Training Capability (JNTC)
and the Missile Defense Agencies (MDA)
Distributed Multi-echelon Training System (DMETS)
has resulted in duplication of synthetic missile
exercise and training requirements for Combatant
Commands, Components, and Services. b. Currently
the synthetic BMDS training environment does not
integrate or support multi-tiered mission sets
involving elements/units operating at all tiers
within the training architecture. c. There is a
need for a comprehensive ballistic missile
defense training system architecture that can
provide effective and efficient training for all
Tiers during unit or joint training exercises.  
Endstate A BMDS training architecture that
provides a "plug and play" capability that
facilitates growth and dynamic equipment
reconfigurations to simulate any/all elements,
reduces stand alone training systems / artificial
work-arounds, and decreases costs associated with
employing and sustaining multiple training
platforms.  POAM USJFCOM, in partnership
with USSTRATCOM develop BMDS Joint Training and
align Service enabled development of training
with COCOM mission training and exercise support
requirements. Concurrently USJFCOM, in close
coordination with MDA and the Combatant Commands,
develop a requirement based integrated and
federated BMDS synthetic training environment
interoperable at all tiers. OPR USSTRATCOM
(training) USJFCOM (simulations) OCRs MDA,
Combatant Commands
DEC 07
OCT 07
MAR 08
Integrated Trng WG meets _at_Offutt AFB
BMD WF Conf and JFCOM Conf
USSTRATCOM provide update at WJTSC 08-1
Collaborative Process for USJFCOM Concepts and
  • Issue 07-018 Implementation of a coherent and
    collaborative process for USJFCOM concepts /
  • Discussion Pursuant to their charter to
    transform the US military, USJFCOM introduces
    concepts and conducts experimentation that
    attempt to streamline our warfighting functions
    to more effectively meet the complexities of the
    new threats challenging our nation. In doing so,
    they have introduced concepts that are not
    necessarily appropriate for every combatant
    command specifically SJFHQ and EBAO. These
    concepts need to be properly vetted future
    concept development and experiments must have a
    definable endstate and combatant commands must
    have the ability to reject concepts that do not
    apply to their theater.
  • Endstate Concepts such as SJFHQ and EBAO are
    reviewed using existing/modified procedures.
    This process will allow the combatant commands to
    reject concepts that are not applicable to their
  • POAM
  • Joint Concept Steering Group (JCSG) chaired by
    JS J-7 guides development of joint concepts IAW
    CJCSI 3010 (with combatant command participation)
  • Joint Innovation and Experimentation Enterprise
    (JIEE) chaired by USJFCOM J-9 (with combatant
    command participation) addresses joint

MAR 08
SEP 07
OCT 07
TBD 08
Review issue at WJTSC 08-1
Information paper to WJTSC 07-2
JETCD invite/add COCOM J7 and J37 shops to
JCSG/JIEE forums
JFCOM review/revise EBAO handbook
JTIMS Update Requirement
Issue 07-019 Inconsistent updates of training
assessments in the Joint Training Information
Management System (JTIMS) Discussion JTIMS is
an integral part of a larger system, including
DRRS, that will identify readiness deficiencies
and help develop solutions. Yet JTIMS data update
requirements do not support timely identification
of deficiencies and issues. Joint training
readiness has been identified as a priority
issue by T2 leadership, and use of JTIMS is being
reviewed as part of the 2007 T2 Block Assessment.
Policy (JTM) states the commanders assessment
will be published as part of the annual JTP. A
recent review indicated that 60 of combatant
command JMET assessments are not published in
JTIMS. Policy also states it is critical to
have a linkage between Joint readiness and
training. Part of the T2 Block Assessment is
examining the linkage between DRRS and JTIMS.
DRRS requires assessments every 30 days whereas
JTIMS doesnt have the same rigor. Therefore it
appears there is a disconnect between training
and overall readiness assessments. The linkage
that will send TPAs and MTAs from JTIMS to DRRS
is the technical part of the solution. Endstate
JTIMS assessments will be synchronized with DRRS
requirements to provide a reliable, timely, and
consistent element of the system. CJCS policy
requiring periodic update of JTIMS assessment
data. POAM DRRS currently pulls TPAs from
JTIMS and displays the training assessment data
in the Training Tab of DRRS (Mission Assessment
Module). JS/J-7 draft and staff with JTIMS UAG
community proposed policy language for periodic
JTIMS update requirement. OPR Joint Staff J7
JETD OCR OSD (Readiness and Training) / RTPP
APR 07
APR 08
NOV 07
FEB 08
JTPG Updated
JS/J-7 provides Proposed update policy To JTIMS
UAG for review
JS/J-7 staffs Policy change Via JSAP
Common Range Scheduling Tool
  • Issue 07-020 USPACOM requires a common range
    and exercise scheduling visibility capability
    that will facilitate joint training in the
  • Discussion
  • The USPACOM Joint Training Requirements Group
    (JTRG) is a group of flag officers represented by
    all components that meets quarterly to identify
    and resolve obstacles to joint training for
    assigned forces.
  • The USPACOM JTRG vets and prioritizes those
    training issues that will assist in enhancing the
    readiness of joint forces in the Pacific.
  • One of the training requirements established
    by the JTRG is a capability that enables each
    component to see the range schedules, the
    forces conducting training, and exercise
    schedules of the other components. The
    capability is to be read only without the ability
    to alter the schedules. The capability would not
    cause a change to the existing service scheduling
  • USJFCOM experimented with this capability with
    the Common Range Scheduling Tool (CRST), which
    was an attempt at providing the capability
    mentioned above. USPACOM was in the process of
    investigating whether the CRST would meet the
    requirement defined by the JTRG, but funding for
    the CRST ended in July 07.
  • Endstate A common range and exercise scheduling
  • POAM CRST tool is no longer funded.
    Community can create an event in JTIMS to capture
    ranges scheduled. For ranges required for a
    joint event, v2.3 will provide the capability to
    identify range requirements/dates.

FEB 08
MAR 08
OCT 07
PACOM evaluate use of JTIMS for range scheduling
Review issue at WJTSC 08-1
JTIMS v2.3 operational
SMEs to Principals Level Exercises (PLEs)
Issue 07-021 Ensure proper DoD representatives
and subject matter experts are nominated in a
timely fashion to support PLE. Discussion Delay
in selecting PLE topics and objectives severely
constrains ability to select proper DoD
representatives and SMEs and provide them with
background data for the exercise. Endstate DHS
provide PLE topics and objectives 90 days prior
to exercise. DHS provide SME with background
data 7 days prior to exercise. POAM DoD
propose requirements to DHS via sub-PCC. OPR JS
NOV 07
MAR 08
Issue paper drafted for PTEE sub-PCC
Update at WJTSC 08-1
Clarify Roles and Responsibilities in NEP
Issue 07-022 Definition of exercise
leadership role in Tier II and III exercises is
confusing Discussion Policy letter from Sec DHS
defining the role of lead planning agency for
Tiers II and III is most expedient route.
Endstate Secretary of Department of Homeland
Security issues policy letter defining role of
lead department/agency in Tier II and III
exercises. Ensures D/As achieve maximum exercise
objectives and increases interagency
participation by encouraging limited play with
stakeholder exercise lead. DHS nominates
exercise names for Tier I exercises, and lead
planning agency nominates names for Tier II and
III exercises. POAM JS J-7 coordinate WJTSC
issue resolution through OSD/HD. OPR JS J-7
OCRs OSD/HD, DHS, Interagency partners in NEP
NOV 07
MAR 08
FEB 08
Proposed MOA to SecDHS coordinated through SecDef
Update at WJTSC 08-1
SecDHS issues policy MOA.
Alignment of Cyber-focused Exercises
Issue 07-023 Multiple agencies have
cyber-focus exercises that need to be aligned.
Discussion Establishing process to align
cyber-focused exercises increases efficiency.
Allows opportunities to share lessons learned,
deconflict use of scarce resources and achieve
synergistic effect by planning policy-oriented
exercises in concert with tactical,
technology-oriented exercises. Endstate
Cyber-focused exercises are included in 5-year
NEP schedule. POAM DoD host an interagency
cyber-stakeholder scheduling working group to
feed into both the WJTSC and NEXS. OPR JS J-7
OCRs J-7, J-6, Combatant Command J-7s, DHS, DOS
FEB 08
NOV 07
MAR 08
Initial working group meeting
Initial working group meeting scheduled
Update at WJTSC 08-1
Linking NUWAX and Combatant Command Exercises
Issue 07-024 Re-establish link between NUWAX
and VIGILANT SHIELD. Discussion Endstate
exercise. POAM JS J-7 coordinate WJTSC issue
resolution through OSD/HD. OPR JS J-7 OCRs
NOV 07
MAR 08
Issue paper drafted for SecDef
Update at WJTSC 08-1
Closed Issues
Collaboration Tools
Issue 04-002 Need to standardize collaboration
tools (IWS vs DCTS). Collaboration required for
T2 cannot be effectively executed with tools that
are not interoperable. Discussion JS using one
collaboration tool and combatant commands using a
different tool that are not interoperable.
Endstate Interoperable collaboration tools.
POAM DISAs Net-Centric Enterprise Services
(NCES) provides DoD standard collaboration suite,
including IM, chat, audio and video over IP web
conferencing and other tools, as well as access
for non-DoD partners. Early User (EU)
unclassified pilot service (3,000 users) complete
and Milestone Decision Authority approved
additional capacity (100,000 users1,000
concurrent). SIPRNET testing (6,000 DCTS users)
completed. Internet access for non-DOD users
permitted as long as meeting host is an
authorized user and CAC holder. OPR JS J7
MAY 07
SEP 07
Update at WJTSC 07-2 (See info paper)
SIPRNET EU Testing Ends
MDA decision To expand to 100,000 users
Program Sustainment Funding
Issue 06-005 New programs are implemented
without adequate sustainment funding.
Discussion New capabilities, innovations, and
technologies are emerging (Rel GBR/AUS, JNTC,
JLLIS, DRRS). While these are welcome and
useful, funding is only provided for initial
development and fielding. Combatant commands
must fund and man sustainment of new mandated
technologies. This causes decreased funding
available for other programs and decreased
availability of manning to perform the tasks
required for the technologies. Endstate Drive-by
fieldings eliminated, all new programs fielded
with fully funded sustainment throughout their
life cycle. POAM Development and implementation
of a sustainment roadmap for support of current
and new technologies throughout their life cycle.
JS J-7 developed Sustainment Roadmap for JTIMS,
JLLIS, Specialist, and UJTL Automation programs
to include software spiral development, systems
engineering, configuration management, training,
and other sustainment elements. OSD is developing
DRRS roadmap. JFCOM has developed JNTC logistics
plan. CE2 process will resolve JTIMS and JNTC
sustainment issues. CLOSED (9/20/07) OPR JS J-7
MAR 07
OCT 06
SEP 07
Draft Roadmap Request COCOM input
Roadmap Update (semiannually thereafter or as
changes occur)
Roadmap update posted to WJTSC Website. CE2
SLT reviewed for closure.
  • Issue 06-009 UJTL 5.0 requires task clean-up.
    UJTL 6.0 requires alignment with JCAs, Baseline
    Conditions and Standards, and an automated
    staffing tool. JCAs may require development of
    new UJTL Taxonomy. May also impact Service
    development and maintenance.
  • Discussion Currently within UJTL 5.0 (a) 51
    duplicate level of war (LOW) t
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