Title: Saving Your Files to the Server PC
1Saving Your Files to the Server (PC)
Amphitheater Public Schools Danthony_at_amphi.com 7/1
2Where are my files?
Your files will be saved to a folder with your
user name on the instructional volume on your
school server. You will always be looking for
instructional when opening or saving your files.
3Get to the login screen
If you are not at the login screen, log the last
user off. Close all open programs and files.
Click on the Start button and slide up to the Log
Off choice. Let go of the mouse button.
4Start with a period!Type the first letter of
your first name followed by your last name
Enter Your Username
What year will you be graduating from this
school? Make sure that it is a zero and not the
letter O.
Container - students - teachers -
5Enter Your Password
Click OK
6- You did it!
- If the computer brings up the desktop
- Try again if you get an error message or you do
not get to the desktop - Did the username start with a period?
- Make sure that there are no spaces in the
username. - Did you put an s on the end of students?
- Is your password correct?
- Is the caps lock on?
7Lets save a file
- From an open program (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
etc.) - File gt Save As
- Click the drop down list arrow on the right side
of the Save in box - Double-click the Instructional Volume
8- Double-click the Students folder
- Double-click the year folder (ex 06)
- Double-click on the folder with your username
- Give your file a name by typing it into the File
name box - Click Save
9After you have your file saved to the server, you
may click on the disk icon to save your file. It
will update the saved file on the server every
time you click it.
Be sure to click the disk often!
10Log Off
- Close all open programs and files.
- Click on the Start button.
- Click on Log Off.