Title: Global Risks: Unhedged or Unhinged
1Global Risks Unhedged or Unhinged?
- The Outlook for Financial Markets,
- for Their Governance, and for Finance
Glenn Yago Milken Institute October 2009
2Top Five Risk Factors
- Financial convergence
- United States
- China
- Opacity and capital access risks the hidden
costs - Energy, environmental, and catastrophicrisk the
axis of oil
3Financial Convergence
- History doesnt repeat itself, but it does
rhyme. - -- Mark Twain
4U.S. Stock Market Plummeted on February 27,
2007 A Market Correction Made in China
The Dow dropped 241 points in 3 minutes
Source Bloomberg
5Higher Degree of Integration Between NYSE and
Shanghai Stock Exchange
Correlation 0.8773 January 2006 March 2007
Source Bloomberg
621st Century Global Equity Market Convergence
Correlation with Dow, 12-Month Rolling Returns
Source Bloomberg
7Converging Yield to Maturity
Emerging Markets Sovereign Bonds
U.S. Treasury
Source Merrill Lynch
8Convergence in Sovereign Bond Yields, 1870-1913
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895
1900 1905 1910 1915
Source Michael A. Clemens and Jeffrey G.
Williamson (2004)
9Increasing International FinancialConvergence
Sum of Foreign Assets and Liabilities as a Ratio
to GDP
Sources Lane and Schmukler and Milken Institute
staff estimates
10Sources of Funds into Emerging Markets
Source International Monetary Fund
11Dependency Burden Forecast Dependency Ratio
Developed Countries
Developing Countries
Source United Nations
12Dependents - Developed Countries Forecast
Dependency Ratio
Source United Nations
13Dependents - Developing Countries Forecast
Dependency Ratio
Source United Nations
14U. S. Challenges
15U.S. Subprime Mortgages Composition of Total
Mortgages Originated
Sources Inside Mortgage Finance and Milken
Institute staff estimates
16Subprime Problems Drive DownFinancial Stock
Prices The Dow Closed Down 243 Points on March
14, 2007
Source Wall Street Journal
17Inverted Yield Curve
Source Federal Reserve
19Major Contributors to World GDP Growth
Source World Economic Outlook
20Fixed Investments ContributeMore than 40 to
Chinas GDP Growth
Sources International Financial Statistics and
Bureau of Statistics (China)
21Composition of Chinas Financial Market
Sources International Financial Statistics, Bank
for International Settlements, and Global Stock
Market Factbook
22Accumulating Appreciation Pressure on Renminbi
Source International Financial Statistics and
Milken Institute
23Capital Access and Opacity Risks The Hidden
24Banking Crises Since Late 1970s (168 crises in
138 countries)
SourceCaprio, Gerard and Daniela Klingebiel
25Capital Access Index 2006 Gauging
Entrepreneurial Access to Capital
Source Milken Institute
26Capital Access Index, 2006
Less access
More access
Sources World Economic Outlook and Milken
27Improved Capital Access Can Add Billions to
Emerging Economies
28Cost of Opacity, 2005
Source Milken Institute, 2006
29Energy, Environmental, and Catastrophic Risks
The Axis of Oil
30Growth in Oil Demand Outstrips Supply
Sources Bloomberg and BP Statistical Review of
World Energy, 2006
31Oil Reserves Concentrated inUnstable Regions
Sources Energy Information Administration
32Volatile Oil and Natural Gas Prices
US dollars per thousand cubic
Sources Energy Information Administration
33Risky Trading in Energy Markets
- Money invested in energy trading has soared
- Hedge fund Amaranth Advisors LLC collapsed
- Because of ill-timed natural gas futures,
Amaranth Advisors lost 65 percent in a month and
55 percent, or 6 billion, for the year - Investors include not only hedge funds, but also
endowments and pension funds
Source Washington Post, September 2006
34A Cost Curve for GHG Reduction
Source The McKinsey Quarterly 2007
35Catastrophic Risk on the Rise Global Number of
Catastrophic Events, 1979 2004
Sources Allstate Insurance Company
36Economic Impact of Catastrophes
Sources Allstate Insurance Company
37Larger Impact on Emerging Market Economies
Sources Allstate Insurance Company
38Catastrophe (CAT) Bonds
Catastrophe Bonds
39Terrorist Attacks Are Becoming More Frequent and
More Intensive
Sources MIPT and Milken Institute staff
40Financial Innovation Unlocking Value
- What is financial innovation?
- New Products/Services
- New Processes
- New Organizational Forms
- Why is financial innovation important?
- Finance is a central input for virtually all
productive activity - Better finance encourages more saving and
investment - Better finance encourages improved productivity
of investment decisions
41651 Financial Innovations News Stories in WSJ
1990-2002, by Innovation Type
42Innovators and Patentees Firms that had
greatest number of WSJ stories abut innovation,
43Patent Application/Innovation Ratio 1990-2002
Non Financial Services
Other Financial Services
Depository Institutions
44Most Wealth Was Created in Last 200 YearsCan we
continue this trend for another 200 years?
45Financial Innovation Last Thousand Year
1633 Promissory notes 1640 Short sale for cash
flow financing.
1868 Chicago board of trade Mutual Fund Started
3000 - 2000 BC Development of Banking in
1829 Deposit Insurance
1494 Double entry book keeping 1498 Capital
and foreign exchange markets
1156Foreign exchange contract 1160 Bill of
1723 Notes secured by Mortgage
1751 Consols 1770 Clearing House 1772 Branch
Banking 1775 Savings and Loans
806 Paper money
1609 The central bank founded
1200Contracts promising future delivery
1401 Bank of Barcelona founded
1881 Post office notes
1681 First public note-issuing bank founded
1920 Payment card
46Financial Innovation Last 50 Years
471960s to 1980s Financial Innovation
- Can any twenty-year period in recorded history
have witnessed even a tenth as much financial
innovation? - Merton Miller
48Financial Innovations Reduce Volatility
Selected Macroeconomic Volatility Before and
After FI Period
Source Jermann and Quadrini 2006
49Wealth Creation in the U.S. since World War II
- 1945-70 Manufacturing
- 1970s Inflation
- 1980s Asset, liability mgmt., derivatives,
commoditization of mortgages and bank debt (Junk
Bonds) - 1990s High tech, Telecom
- 2000s Commoditization of air and water
50The Commoditization of Air Water
- Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 - SO2 emission
allowance trading - Kyoto Protocol of 1997 - Greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission trading - Launch of the Chicago Climate Exchange, 2003
- Launch of the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange,
2004 - Water markets in the Southwest and the Great
51Why Carbon Emissions Trading?
- Proven, least-cost, and comprehensive tool for
managing emissions (CCX as an Emissions
Management System) - Environmental stewardship that rewards
environmental innovation and strategic planning - Flexibility, market efficiencies
- Multiple successes US SO2, lead phase-out
(gasoline), NOx, ETS - Enhances coherent management practices and
technological innovation - Establish value to scare resource
- Carbon price signal
- Reveals hidden assets and hidden costs throughout
52Role of Price Discovery
- To stimulate inventive activity
- To reorganize corporate financial decision-making
- To monetize hidden assets
53Environmental Markets on the Horizon
- Water
- Western United States
- Snowpack could be reduced by 25 by 2050 in
California due to climate change - Colorado River delivery system fully allocated
and on the brink of failure - Runoff declining while demand is increasing
- Water already extensively litigated with more to
come - Northern China
- Has been warned of a water crisis by 2030 when
per capita consumption is expected to fall below
the internationally recognized standard for
shortage - Rivers are heavily polluted
- Agriculture impossible in certain regions
54Environmental Markets on the Horizon
- Water
- Middle East
- Water scarcity a significant political issue
- Need to develop peaceful, sustainable solutions
between Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestine, other
countries - Great need for a comprehensive water plan for the
countries to share the resource - Africa
- Climate change anticipated to reduce
precipitation in regions near the equator - Water quality problems lead to millions of deaths
by infants every year - Non GHG Pollutants
- Wildlife and Endangered Species
55Diffusion of financial innovation
56Seven Stages of Market Evolution
- 1. Structural change - demand for capital
- 2. Uniform commodity/security standards
- 3. Legal instrument providing evidence of
ownership - 4. Informal spot and forward markets
- 5. Emergence of exchanges
- 6. Organized futures and options markets
- 7. Proliferation of OTC markets, deconstruction