Title: Tool Support for Testing Concurrent Java Components
1Tool Support for Testing Concurrent Java
- Paul Strooper
- pstroop_at_itee.uq.edu.au
- School of IT EE
- (Roger Duke, Dan Hoffman, Brad Long, Luke Wildman)
The University of Queensland
- Issues in testing concurrent Java components
- producer-consumer example
- ConAn testing tool
- generates Java test driver from test script
- progression of threads in test sequences
controlled by internal clock - Conclusions
3Unit and System Testing
- Unit testing
- test unit in isolation using stubs and drivers
- Integration testing
- test combinations of unit or subsystems
- System testing
- test entire system
- Difficult to test unit in its production
environment - due to poor controllability and observability
- tool support exists for sequential unit testing
- for example, JUnit and Roast for Java
- Will not discuss integration/system testing issues
4Java Threads and Monitors
- A concurrent Java program has multiple threads of
control - threads are created and deleted dynamically
- A Java monitor encapsulates data and access
procedures - synchronized methods provide mutually exclusive
access - condition synchronization allow threads to
suspend to wait for certain conditions - wait suspends a thread
- notify/notifyAll wake up one/all suspended
5Example Bounded Buffer
- Class Buffer
- public synchronized void put(Object o)
- while (/ buffer is full /) wait()
- / add item to the buffer /
- notifyAll()
- public synchronized Object get()
- ...
6Testing Concurrent Components
- A component is a unit of composition with
contractually specified interfaces and explicit
context dependencies (Szyperski,1998) - typically one or more Java classes (monitors)
- assume it will be accessed by multiple threads
- Need a driver to execute/test the component
- how many threads?
- how do we control the interaction between these
threads and the component under test? - Example driver
- 5 producer and 5 consumer threads access a shared
buffer that can hold up to 3 items - each thread produces/consumes 10 items
7Testing Issues
- Concurrency leads to many interleavings and
non-determinism - test cases may have to be run multiple times
- traditional notions of test coverage may not be
sufficient - automated checking of outputs may be difficult
- Specific properties/problems of concurrent
software - safety issues interference, deadlock/livelock
- liveness issues starvation
8Testing Java Monitors
- Extend Brinch-Hansens method for testing
Concurrent Pascal monitors - 1. Identify set of preconditions that exercise
each monitor method in desired way. - 2. Construct a set of test sequences of monitor
calls to satisfy the test conditions identified
in step 1. - 3. Construct a test driver that starts a number
of threads that call the component in the order
prescribed in step 2. - 4. Execute test program and compare output to
expected output. - Steps 3 and 4 have been automated with ConAn
91. Identify Test Conditions
- put
- C1 0 iterations of the loop
- C2 1 iteration of the loop
- C3 many iterations of the loop
- get
- C4 0 iterations of the loop
- C5 1 iteration of the loop
- C6 many iterations of the loop
- threads suspended on queue
- C7 no threads suspended
- C8 1 producer suspended
- C9 many producers suspended
- C10 1 consumer suspended
- C11 many consumers suspended
- C12 1 producer and 1 consumer suspended
- C13 many producers and consumers suspended
public synchronized void put(Object o)
while (/ buffer full /) wait() /
add item to buffer / notifyAll()
102. Construct Test Sequences
113. Implement Sequences in Driver
begin test C4 C5 C10 tick // Time 1
thread ltproducer1gt
excMonitor m.put(a) end
valueCheck time() 1 end end end
tick // Time 2 thread ltconsumer1gt
valueCheck m.get() a end
valueCheck time() 2 end end
end tick // Time 3 thread
ltconsumer2gt valueCheck m.get()
b end valueCheck time() 4
end end end tick // Time 4
thread ltproducer2gt
excMonitor m.put(b) end
valueCheck time() 4 end end end end
124. Execute Driver
ConAn Test Script
Test Driver
Test cases 84 Value errors 0
Exception errors 0 Liveness errors 0
13ConAn Features Limitations
- ConAn features
- reduces testing of concurrent components to
something familiar - allows for testing of non-deterministic output
- detects liveness errors
- Limitations
- tester must define test conditions and test
sequences - difficult to detect problems with interference
- can control some non-determinism, but not all
- no control over order in which JVM grants locks
- no control over order in which JVM removes
threads from wait set
14Concluding Remarks
- Summary
- issues in testing concurrent components
- method and tool support for testing Java monitors
- TestCon group
- http//www.itee.uq.edu.au/testcon/
- tools, publications, staff, etc.
- testing interrupts and timed waits
- model-based testing of concurrent Java components
- method for verifying concurrent Java components
15ASWEC 2005
- Australian Software Engineering Conference
- 29 March 1 April 2005
- Carleton Crest, Brisbane
- http//aswec2005.itee.uq.edu.au
- Research Papers
- abstracts due 1 Oct
- full papers due 15 Oct
- Industry Experience Reports
- extended abstracts due 4 February