Title: Legend of the Five Rings RPG
1Legend of the Five Rings RPG
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2Clans of Rokugan Quiz
- Question 1
- Question 2
- Question 3
- Question 4
- Question 5
- Question 6
- Question 7
- Question 8
3The 7 Great Clans
- The Crab Clan
- The Crane Clan
- The Dragon Clan
- The Lion Clan
- The Phoenix Clan
- The Scorpion Clan
- The Unicorn Clan
4Families of the Crab Clan
5Families of the Crane Clan
6Families of the Dragon Clan
7Families of the Lion Clan
8Families of the Phoenix Clan
9Families of the Scorpion Clan
10Families of the Unicorn Clan
11Crab Clan
- The Crab value duty above all even above honor.
To the crab victory matters more. If they fail
in their duty, then honor will do little to
protect those who depend on them.
12Crane Clan
- The Crane are The Emperors Left Hand, defending
his honor and his Empire in court and maintaining
the traditions laid down by their founder.
13Dragon Clan
- The Dragon mystify everyone, perhaps even
themselves. Their methods and outlook stand out
among those of other Great Clans, often
considered aloof and mysterious by outsiders.
14Lion Clan
- The Lion are the most militant and aggressive of
all the clans. They revere bushido and loyalty
to the Emperor as lifes two most essential
principles. They maintain the largest standing
army in the Empire.
15Phoenix Clan
- Three of the Clans four families are devoted to
studying the elements, with the Shiba working to
defend and protect the Clan. The Phoenix are The
Emperors Voice, carrying the message of peace
whenever the clans would turn against one another.
16Scorpion Clan
- Known as the Emperors Underhand, The Scorpion is
made of spies, manipulators, and assassins who
value loyalty above all else. Honor is not
beyond them, but it is a tool to be used and
discarded when convenient. They are the dagger
that strikes from the shadow and eliminated
threats before they become dangerous.
17Unicorn Clan
- Once known as the Ki-Rin Clan, 1000 years ago,
they were sent to explore the strange lands and
cultures that lie beyond the Empires borders.
Less than 300 years ago, they returned to Rokugan
as the Unicorn Clan, bringing with them many
foreign beliefs and the mightiest Calvary in the
Empire. Many consider them barbarians, but fear
them for their military might.
18What are the colors of the Dragon Clan
- Red and Gold
- Purple and White
- Tan and Brown
- Green and Yellow
- Blue and White
- Red and Black
- Grey and Blue
19Good Job! Thats Correct
- Move on to the next question.
20Which clans 3 of 4 families are Shugenja?
- Phoenix Clan
- Unicorn
- Lion
- Dragon
- Crane
- Scorpion
- Crab
21You are very wise
- Please answer the next question
22That is Incorrect
23Which Clan is known as The Emperors Underhand?
- Crane
- Scorpion
- Phoenix
- Unicorn
- Dragon
- Crab
- Lion
24WOW!Great Job!
25Duty is more important than Honor to which clan?
- Scorpion
- Crane
- Unicorn
- Crab
- Lion
- Phoenix
- Dragon
26You are on the path to enlightenment
- Continue toward your destiny
27Which clan seeks excellence in all things they do?
- Lion
- Dragon
- Crab
- Unicorn
- Phoenix
- Scorpion
- Crane
28Hai! That is correct!You must have studied with
the Crane
- The path is clear to continue
29Which clan is the most aggressive and militant?
- Unicorn
- Crab
- Lion
- Scorpion
- Phoenix
- Crane
- Dragon
30You will make a great general
31Which clan are considered outsiders in their own
- Unicorn
- Crane
- Dragon
- Scorpion
- Crab
- Phoenix
- Lion
32The open plains are yours to roam
33Although there is no slide for them, who do the
Crab guard the Empire from?
- The Kolat
- Ninja
- The Other Clans
- The Shadowlands
- Gaijin from the Burning Sands
- The Lying Darkness
- No one knows
34Congratulations!You are now an Honorableand
Wise Samurai