Title: Homophobia in Hong Kong
1Homophobiain Hong Kong
- Flip Sides of the Same Coin
Mark King Session 5 30 September 2009
2Homophobiain Hong Kong
- Flip Sides of the Same Coin
Mark King Session 4 30 September 2009
3Schedule http//web.hku.hk/sjwinter/CSB/session
- Part A Girls becoming female, boys becoming
male. - 1. 02/09 Introduction to the course. Sex,
gender and sexuality SW others -
- Part B Men growing up female, women growing up
male. - 2. 09/09 Growing up in the wrong body SW
guest - 3 16/09 Growing up transgendered in Asia SW
guest -
- Part C Men loving men. Women loving women.
- 4. 23/09 Homosexuality (I) Introduction MK
- 5. 30/09 Homosexuality (II) Homophobia and
discrimination MK HKW - 6. 07/10 Gay and transgender rights - Human
rights? MK guest -
- Part D Breaking the mould? Breaking the law?
- 7. 21/10 Sensual magic, power exchange in
relationships BS guest - 8. 28/10 Sex, gender and commerce prostitution,
phone-sex, BS, guest pornography and
society - 9. 04/11 Dressing up transvestism and
drag BS, with SW - 10. 11/11 Sex and the disabled BS
- 11. 18/11 From diversity to deviance from
difference to disorder SW
4Todays topics
- Part A. Homosexuality Prejudice
- 5-minute Break
- Part B. Reparative Therapy
- Guest speaker Dr. Hong Kwai Wah
5What is homosexuality?
- Four different ways of answering the question
- Same-sex attraction
- Same-sex preference
- Same-sex sexual behaviour
- Identification (as homosexual, gay,
lesbian, tongzhi etc)
Experiencing same-sex attraction
Experiencing same-sex attraction
Experiencing same-sex preference
Experiencing same-sex attraction
Experiencing same-sex attraction
Engaging in same-sex behaviour
Identifying as homosexual
10Questions about homosexuality
- Is it a choice?
- Is it unnatural?
- Is it based in biology?
- How do you know if your homosexual?
- Is it curable?
11If it is not curable, should homosexuality be
12Sexual StigmaWhat socially shared
knowledgedenigrates, discredits, and constructs
non-heterosexuality and gender non-conformity
as invalid relative to heteronormativity?
13Sexual PrejudiceWhy do some people have
negative attitudes towards non-heterosexual and
gender non-conforming people?
14Sexual prejudice in Hong Kong
- Home Affairs Bureau (2006) survey
- 42 believe h. people are not psychologically
normal - 50 believe a conflict between h. and family
values - 39 believe h. contradicts community morals
- 28 believe h. should not be teachers
- 51 found it unacceptable to have h. family
15Sexual prejudice in HK medical students (2006)
- 34 h. immoral
- 36 avoid h. people wherever possible
- 14 contact with h. people would be harmful to
children - 19 not comfortable working with another student
who is a h. person - 29 h. people with AIDS deserve their fate
- 14 h. is a mental disorder
16What are the consequences of sexual prejudice?
17Internalized Prejudice
- Self-loathing
- Low self-esteem
- Feelings of inferiority
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Hopelessness
- Suicidal Ideation suicide
- Risk behaviors (sexual, substance use)
18BreakVideo Do Love Hotels Discriminate in Hong
19What is Reparative Therapy?
What does it mean to be ex-gay?
20Reparative Therapy
- aka Conversion Therapy
- aka Reorientation therapy
- specific secular counseling technique involving
helping a gay or lesbian bond in a close,
intimate (but non-sexual) relationship with an
adult member of the same gender - Substitute for the bond between the client and
their same-sex parent which therapists allege did
not properly form during childhood - helps gays and lesbians become heterosexual
21Reparative Therapy
- any formal attempt to change a person's sexual
orientation - typically from homosexual to heterosexual
- Conservative Christian transformational
ministries to use prayer, religious conversion,
one-on-one and group counseling, etc. to change a
person's sexual orientation
22What is ex-gay?
- used to describe persons who were once GLB, but
who no longer assert that identity - ex-gay movement (people, support groups and
organizations) - reducing their ego-dystonic sexual orientation
- refrain from pursuing same-sex relationships
- develop heterosexual attractions
- enter into an opposite-sex relationship.
23Dr. Hong Kwai Wah ?????
- M.B.,B.S. (H.K.), M.R.C. PSYCH. (U.K.) FHKAM
(Psychiatry), FHKC PSYCH. - (Psychiatrist in private practice with a
specialty in treating unwanted homosexuality) - Board member of Truth and Light Society in Hong
Kong. - Founder and President of New Creation
Association ?????? - Christian ministry to people struggling with
unwanted same-sex-attraction, homosexuality