Title: Dr. G
1Pen-based techniques to support lifelong learning
in large scale organisations
Dr. Göran Kattenberg Senior Consultant Product
Manager Eedo Knowledgeware
2Presentation outline
- Context
- Focus on individual, informal, lifelong learning
- Applications of pen-based techniques
- Digital note-taking
- Annotation tools to promote development or
assessment of visual or conceptual discrimination - Concluding remarks
- Questions
31. Context
- Multimodal knowledge transfer
- Large organisations
42. Lifelong, informal, individual learning
- Individual learning
- Lifelong learning
- Informal learning
- over 80 of workplace learning is informal
- 10-15 hrs of informal learning/wk
- up to 25 of time spent searching for
job-related info
5Legacy software simulation content
63. Applications digital note-taking
- Note-taking
- one of most powerful techniques to enhance
learning recall - studies of electronic note-taking show
limitations of keyboard approaches - highest effects seem to be with individual
practice of note-taking
73. Applications digital note-taking
- Pen-based technology has the potential to
promote electronic note-taking by replicating
affordances of traditional tools and media - Large organizations are requiring capability
around note-taking - example large scale government organization
that applies complex rules and regulations in
8Digital notetaking example
93. Applications digital note-taking
- Challenges in large-scale organizations include
- restrictions on printing
- current lack of widespread availability of
pen-based technology - issues with maintaining electronic content (if
notes are anchored in content, and if content is
revised frequently) scalability - Many issues to address
- search (can notes be search? how?)
- deployment (what apps and mods required client
and server side?) - authentication (how to ensure only authors view
notes) - accessibility (how and when are notes
accessible?) - interface designs (toolkit approach?)
103. Applications visual and conceptual
- Learners commonly interact with graphical
content - Requirement to identify components that have
certain features or match certain criteria - Conventional approach uses hot spots to offer
alternative choices - Open source tool webtrace offers different
approach to this type of interaction - Examples for evaluation purposes include
categorization of hardwood lumber and appropriate
selection and proper fitting of medical apparatus
11Apria Healthcare example
Nosemask fitting for Apnia
124. Conclusion
- Still some ways to go in terms of applications,
standards, but technology is now relatively
cheap, easily available - Real potential to transform key elements of
learning in organizations, through providing more
authentic and fluid interactions with content - annotation as next killer app?
135. Questions?
- Goran.kattenberg_at_eedo.com