Chapter 4 Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4 Processes


early computer systems allowed only one program to be executed at a time ... The long-term scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 4 Processes

Chapter 4 Processes
  • Process Concept
  • Process Scheduling
  • Operations on Processes
  • Cooperating Processes
  • Interprocess Communication
  • Communication in Client-Server Systems

a brief history
  • early computer systems allowed only one program
    to be executed at a time
  • modern computer systems allow multiple programs
    to be loaded into memory and to be executed
  • firmer control and more compartmentalization of
    programs in execution

why concurrent programs
  • multiple user programs
  • more productive
  • more responsive (time sharing system, TSS)
  • various system tasks outside the kernel
  • for kernel safety, simplicity, ease of design,

4.1 Process Concept
  • jobs in batch system
  • user programs or tasks in a time-shared system
  • system programs such as memory management,
    network I/O, file systems, etc.

4.1.1 The Process
  • a process is a program in execution
  • a process contains
  • text section, or code area
  • program counter (PC)
  • stack (user stack, kernel stack), contains method
    parameters, return addresses, local variables
  • stack pointer (SP)
  • data section
  • registers

process .vs. program
  • compare program, file, source file, object file,
    executable file
  • a program is a passive entity, such as a file on
  • a process is an active entity, with a program
    counter (PC) specifying the next instruction to
    execute and a set of associated resources
  • many processes may be associated with the same
  • one process may be associated with multiple files
    (executable, DLLs)
  • one process may spawns may processes

4.1.2 Process State
  • as a process executes, it changes state
  • each process may be in one of the following
  • new being created
  • running instructions are being executed
  • waiting waiting for some event to occur
  • ready waiting to be assigned to a processor
  • terminated has finished execution
  • different OS may have different terminologies
    and/or a little bit different meanings

Diagram of process state
  • new being created
  • running instructions are being executed
  • waiting waiting for some event to occur
  • ready waiting to be assigned to a processor
  • terminated has finished execution

4.1.3 Process Control Block
  • each process is represented in the OS by a
    process control block (PCB), also called a task
    control block
  • the PCB contains many pieces of information
    associated with the process
  • the PCB resides in the kernel space

Contents of PCB
  • Process state
  • Program counter
  • CPU registers
  • CPU scheduling information
  • Memory-management information
  • Accounting information
  • I/O status information

CPU switches from process to process
processes switch overhead
scheduling dispatch
4.1.4 Threads
  • conventional process contains a single thread of
  • modern OS support processes that contain multiple
    threads of execution in a single process
  • eg. a word processor
  • one thread accepts user key strokes,
  • another does format and pagination,
  • and still another runs spell checker,
  • and even another runs background printing
  • and

4.2 Process Scheduling
  • objective of multiprogramming
  • have some process running at all times, so as to
    maximize CPU utilization
  • objective of time-sharing
  • switch CPU among processes so frequently that
    users can interact with his program
  • process scheduling which process should be

4.2.1 Scheduling Queues
  • job queue set of all processes in the system
  • ready queue set of all processes residing in
    main memory, ready and waiting to execute
  • generally stored as a linked list
  • device queues set of processes waiting for a
    particular I/O device, eg. a tape driver, a disk
  • each device has its own device queue

Ready Queue and Various I/O Device Queues
Representation of Process Scheduling
  • process migrates among the various queues

4.2.2 Schedulers
  • long-term scheduler (or job scheduler) selects
    which processes should be loaded for execution
  • short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) selects
    which process should be executed next and
    allocates CPU

  • short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently
    (milliseconds) ? (must be fast)
  • long-term scheduler is invoked very infrequently
    (seconds, minutes) ? (may be slow)
  • The long-term scheduler controls the degree of
  • processes can be described as either
  • I/O-bound process spends more time doing I/O
    than computations, many short CPU bursts
  • CPU-bound process spends more time doing
    computations few very long CPU bursts
  • long-term scheduler must make a careful selection
    of processes mix

Medium-term scheduler
  • swapping remove a process from memory (swap
    out) to reduce its active contention for the CPU
    and save memory, and reintroduce the process into
    memory to continue its execution (swap in) at a
    later time

4.2.3 Context Switch
  • the context of a process is represented in the
    PCB of the process
  • when CPU switches to another process, the system
    must save the state of the old process into its
    PCB and load the saved state for the new process
  • context-switch time is overhead, because the
    system does no useful work while switching
  • context-switch time dependent on hardware support
  • memory speed, number of registers, special
    instructions support, multiple register sets,
    memory management scheme, etc.

4.3 Operations on Processes
  • creation
  • scheduling dispatch
  • termination

4.3.1 Process Creation
  • parent process create children processes, which,
    in turn create other processes, forming a tree of

parent and children processes
  • Resource sharing
  • CPU time, memory, files, I/O devices
  • parent and children share all resources
  • children share subset of parents resources
  • parent should partition its resources among its
  • parent and child share no resources
  • Execution
  • parent and children execute concurrently
  • parent waits until children terminate
  • Address space
  • child is a duplicate of the parent process (UNIX)
  • child has a (new) program loaded into it (DEC
  • Windows NT support both modes

Unix examples
  • UNIX examples
  • fork system call creates new process
  • exec system call used after a fork to replace the
    process memory space with a new program
  • execl, execle, execlp
  • execv, execve, execvp

C program forking a process
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • void main( )
  • int pid
  • pid fork( ) // fork another process
  • if (pid lt 0) // parent process, an error
  • printf(fork failed\n)
  • exit(-1)
  • else if (pid gt 0) // parent process
  • wait(NULL) // wait for the child to
  • printf(child completed\n)
  • exit(0)
  • else // pid0, child process
  • execlp(/bin/ls, ls, NULL)

4.3.2 Process Termination
  • process executes last statement and asks the OS
    to delete it (via exit, explicitly or
  • output data from child to parent (via wait)
  • process resources are deallocated by operating
    system (memory, files, I/O buffers, etc.)
  • a process (usually the parent) may terminate
    execution of another (a child) process, for
    possibly one of the reasons (abort)
  • child has exceeded resources previous allocated
  • the task assigned to the child is no longer
  • parent is exiting, some OS do not allow child to
    continue if its parent terminates, usually
    referred to as cascading termination

process termination example
  • In UNIX system
  • a process can terminate itself by calling exit( )
  • a parent process may wait for childs termination
    by using the wait( ) system call
  • the wait( ) returns the child process identifier,
    so that the parent can tell which of its possibly
    many children has terminated
  • if the parent terminates, all its children have
    assigned as their new parent the init process,
    and continue to run (rather than being terminated)

4.4 Cooperating Processes
  • concurrent processes executing in the OS may be
    either independent or cooperating processes
  • independent process cannot affect or be affected
    by the execution of another process
  • a process that does not share any data with any
    other processes
  • cooperating process can affect or be affected by
    the execution of another process
  • a process that shares data with other processes

Advantages of process cooperation
  • Information sharing
  • a shared file to be accessed by several users who
    are interested in it
  • Computation speed-up
  • break a particular task into subtasks and
    executes them in parallel (multiple CPUs or I/O
  • Modularity
  • construct the system in a modular fashion,
    dividing the system into separate processes or
  • Convenience
  • an individual user may have many tasks to work at
    one time, e.g. a user may be editing, printing,
    compiling in parallel

Producer-Consumer Problem
  • Paradigm for cooperating processes a producer
    process produces information that is consumed by
    a consumer process
  • e.g. a print program produces characters that are
    consumed by the printer driver, a compiler
    produce assembly code which is consumed by an
  • a buffer of items that is filled by the producer
    and emptied by the consumer
  • if the buffer is empty, the consumer must wait
    until an item is produced
  • unbounded-buffer places no practical limit on the
    size of the buffer
  • bounded-buffer assumes that there is a fixed
    buffer size gt the producer must wait if the
    buffer is full

unbounded-buffer (unrealistic)
in6 out2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in6 out6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
consumer while (outin) // wait info
bufferout out out1 // consuming
producer // produce something
bufferin something in in1
bounded-buffer shared-memory solution
  • shared data
  • define BUFFER_SIZE 10
  • typedef struct
  • . . .
  • item
  • item bufferBUFFER_SIZE
  • int in 0
  • int out 0
  • the shared buffer is implemented as a circular
    array, with two pointers in and out
  • buffer is empty when inout
  • buffer is full when ((in1)BUFFER_SIZE)out
  • solution is correct
  • but can only use BUFFER_SIZE-1 elements

bounded-buffer representation
bounded-buffer the producer
  • item nextProduced // local variable
  • while (1)
  • / produce an item in nextProduced /
  • while (((in 1) BUFFER_SIZE) out)
  • / buffer is full, do nothing /
  • bufferin nextProduced
  • in (in 1) BUFFER_SIZE

bounded-buffer the consumer
  • item nextConsumed // local variable
  • while (1)
  • while (in out) // buffer is empty
  • / do nothing /
  • nextConsumed bufferout
  • out (out 1) BUFFER_SIZE
  • / consume the item in nextConsumed /

4.5 Interprocess Communication
  • mechanism for processes to communicate and to
    synchronize their actions
  • shared-memory environment, code written
    explicitly by the application programmer
  • alternatively, the OS provide IPC facility for
    cooperating processes to communicate with each
  • IPC provides a way to allow processes to
    communicate and to synchronize their actions
    without sharing the same address space
  • particular useful in a distributed environment

4.5.1 Message-Passing System
  • message system processes communicate with each
    other without resorting to shared
  • services are provided as ordinary user processes,
    i.e. the services operate outside of the kernel
  • cf. microkernels, messages passed within the
  • two basic operations
  • send(message), message length fixed or variable
  • receive(message)

communication link
  • if P and Q wish to communicate, they need to
  • establish a communication link between them
  • exchange messages via send and receive
  • implementation of communication link
  • physical (e.g. shared memory, hardware bus,
  • logical (logical properties)
  • in Linux pipes, sockets, semaphore, shared
    memory, message queue

4.5.2 Links implementation
  • direct or indirect communication
  • symmetric or asymmetric communication
  • automatic or explicit buffering
  • send by copy or send by reference
  • fixed-size or variable-size message

42 Direct Communication
  • processes must name each other explicitly
  • send (P, message) send a message to process P
  • receive(Q, message) receive a message from
    process Q
  • properties of the communication link
  • a link is established automatically
  • a link is associated with exactly two
    communicating processes
  • exactly one link exists between each pair
  • the link may be unidirectional, but is usually

symmetric .vs. asymmetric
  • symmetric communication
  • send (P, message)
  • receive(Q, message)
  • asymmetric communication
  • send(P, message)
  • receive(id, message), receive a message from any
    process, where id is the name of the process with
    which communication has taken place
  • disadvantage both schemes have the limited
    modularity, changing the name of a process may
    necessitate examining all other process

44 Indirect Communication
  • messages are sent to and received from mailboxes,
    or ports
  • each mailbox has a unique identification
  • processes can communicate only if they share a
  • primitives are defined as
  • send(A, message) send a message to mailbox A
  • receive(A, message) receive a message from
    mailbox A

Indirect Communication
  • properties of the communication link
  • a link is established between two processes only
    if both share a common mailbox
  • a link may be associated with more than two
  • each pair of processes may share several
    communication links
  • link may be unidirectional or bi-directional

Indirect Communication
  • mailbox sharing
  • P1 , P2 , and P3 share mailbox A
  • P1 sends, while P2 and P3 receive
  • Who gets the message?
  • solutions
  • allow a link to be associated with at most two
  • allow only one process at a time to execute a
    receive operation
  • allow the system to select arbitrarily the
    receiver, and sender is notified who the receiver

ownership of the mailbox
  • owned by the process who creates it
  • resides in the owners address space
  • the owner can only receive message from it
  • the user can only send message to it
  • mailbox disappears while the owner terminates
  • owned by the OS
  • OS must provide a mechanism that allows a process
  • create a new mailbox
  • send and receive messages through that mailbox
  • delete a mailbox
  • ownership may be passed or shared by using system

4.5.3 Synchronization
  • blocking (synchronous) versusnonblocking
  • blocking send the sending process is blocked
    until the message is received by the receiving
    process or by the mailbox
  • nonblocking send the sending process sends the
    message, and resumes operation
  • blocking receive the receiver blocks until a
    message is available
  • nonblocking receive the receiver retrieves
    either a valid message or a null, and resumes
  • different combinations of send and receive are

4.5.4 Buffering
  • direct or indirect, messages reside in a
    temporary queue
  • three possible queue implementations
  • zero capacity the queue has maximum length 0
    the sender must block until the recipient
    receives the message
  • bounded capacity the queue has finite length n
    the sender blocks when the queue is full
  • unbounded capacity the sender never blocks

Case study Mach Win 2000
  • 4.5.5 Mach
  • 4.5.6 Windows 2000

4.6 client-server communication
  • a process on one machine needs to access data on
    another machine
  • three ways
  • Sockets
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • Remote Method Invocation (Java)

4.6.1 Sockets
  • a socket is defined as an endpoint for
  • a socket is a concatenation of an IP address and
    a port number
  • The socket refers to port 1625
    on host
  • communication consists between a pair of sockets
  • connections are all unique

socket connection
socket communication
  • two kind of services
  • TCP, connection-oriented service
  • UDP, connectionless service
  • socket communication is considered as a low-level
    form of communication
  • support only an unstructured byte stream
  • common and efficient, anyway

4.6.2 Remote Procedure Calls
  • remote procedure call (RPC) abstracts procedure
    calls between processes on networked systems
  • stub client-side proxy for the actual procedure
    on the server
  • the client-side stub locates the server and
    marshalls the parameters
  • the server-side stub receives this message,
    unpacks the marshalled parameters, and performs
    the procedure on the server

Considerations in RPC
  • external data representation (XDR)
  • big-endian versus small-endian
  • semantics of RPC
  • carried out exactly once (no lost, no duplicate)
  • servers port binding
  • cf. standard library call, binding takes place
    during link, load, or execution time
  • predetermined, fixed port address
  • determined while compiling and linking
  • rendezvous mechanism, a matchmaker daemon

Execution of RPC matchmaker
4.6.3 Remote Method Invocation
  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is a Java
    mechanism similar to RPCs
  • RMI allows a Java program on one machine to
    invoke a method on a remote object

Marshalling Parameters
4.7 Summary
  • a process is a program in execution
  • as a process executes, it changes state
  • ready, running, waiting,
  • a process is represented by its PCB
  • process queues
  • ready queue, I/O request queue,
  • long-term (job) and short-term (CPU) scheduling

  • concurrent processes
  • independent processes
  • cooperating processes
  • e.g. producer consumer
  • processes communication
  • shared memory
  • message passing

  • paper
  • 1, 4, 6
  • oral
  • 5
  • lab
  • inter-process communication mechanism on Linux
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