Title: StretchPay
- The Credit Union Salary Advance Loan Alternative
- Presented By Doug Fecher, President/CEO
Wright-Patt CU
- What is it?
- A special line-of-credit loan designed to make
it easy and less expensive for members to get
short term credit.
3How StretchPay Began
- Outgrowth of City of Dayton Public Meeting on
Payday Lenders in 2000. - Public Statement If you take away the payday
lenders, well have nowhere to go when we need
cash. - Public Statement We cant go to our credit
union theyll turn us down just like the banks.
4The Public Was Right!
- Credit Unions dont make short term, low dollar
loans to the credit-impaired.
5StretchPay Initial Principles
- Make it as much like a payday loan as possible.
This means - Limited credit check.
- No payroll deduction requirement.
- Fast and easy to make advances.
- But Make it more affordable for members, with
better repayment terms, and breakeven for the
Credit Union.
6StretchPay Initial Principles
- A line-of-credit (to reduce the costs of making
advances) with one distinguishing feature
Advances must be repaid in full before a new
advance can be taken. - Interest rate of 18 (3/month).
- Maximum draw amount of 250.
- Must be repaid in full in 30-days.
7StretchPay Evolution
- Tested a no fee model, a 25 annual fee model,
and settled on 35 annual fee - Developed pilot program with 11 southwestern Ohio
CUs to test risk-sharing concept and compete with
Payday Lending footprint - Fund grew to over 50,000
8StretchPay Today
- Borrowers pay a 35 annual fee for a 250
line-of-credit, and a 70 fee for a 500
line-of-creditand 18 interest on their
9One Important Difference from Traditional Payday
- A borrower must repay their entire outstanding
balance (plus interest) before any more advances
are permitted.
10- A traditional payday lender might charge
15/100 borrowed for as little as a two week
11In other words . . .
- A StretchPay borrower who takes 12 advances on a
250 line-of-credit will pay approximately 77 in
12- While a traditional payday borrower may pay 975
for the same amount of credit (37.50 in interest
x 26 payments).
13StretchPay Evolution
- Successful program that is being expanded
nationwide - Supported by Filene REAL Solutions and Ohio
Credit Union League - Formed a CUSO to facilitate the risk-sharing and
nationwide implementation
14The CUSO
- Credit unions offer StretchPay lines-of-credit
in association with a non-profit CUSO called
Credit Union Outreach Solutions, Inc. (CUOSI).
15The CUSO
- Each time you collect an annual fee from a
StretchPay borrower, you forward the fee to the
CUSO, which will, in turn, help your CU offset
any credit losses sustained under the program.
16Reimbursement for Charged-Off Loans
- The CUSO will reimburse the credit union for 90
of the credit unions losses. - 10 coverage by the CU creates risk-sharing and
encourages CUs to make reasonable efforts to
collect on their losses.
17In other words
- You can offer members an alternative to payday
lenders without incurring the credit risk
associated with small dollar, minimally
underwritten loans.
18Minimal Underwriting Criteria
- An applicant must
- Be a CU Member for at least 60 days and not be
delinquent on existing loans or negative in any
share account.
19Minimal Underwriting Criteria
- An applicant must
- Be at least 18 years old.
20Minimal Underwriting Criteria
- An applicant must
- Have verified income, not be in the process of
filing for bankruptcy and not caused any
participating CU a loss.
21Specifics on StretchPay Loans
- Credit limits/minimum advances -250 (35 annual
fee) - -500 (70 annual fee)
- 30-Day Repayment Term
22Specifics on StretchPay Loans
- Advances must be paid in full prior to
new/additional advances. - 18 Interest Rate (or the maximum permitted by
applicable law, whichever is lower). - Payroll deduction is encouraged, but not
23Results to Date
- 16 Ohio credit unions (and the Ohio League)
belong to the StretchPay CUSO. - Over 35 credit unions (from across the nation)
and seven additional Leagues are considering
24Results to Date
- 93,000 in Membership Fees
- 40,000 left in fund from Pilot
- 51,000 fees collected YTD
- 14,000 Losses YTD
- 171,000 in Fund Balance
25To Join the Program
- Step One
- Obtain Approval from your Board of Directors.
26To Join the Program
- Step Two
- Join the CUOSI by signing the membership
agreements and paying a membership fee.
27The Membership Fee
- CU pays a fee of 25 per 1 million in assets,
with a maximum fee of 15,000. - The fee is not an investment in the CUSO, and
should be expensed on the CUs books.
28To Join the Program
- Step Three
- Adopt a StretchPay Loan Policy and Procedure (a
model PP will be provided for adoption by your
credit union).
29To Join the Program
- Step Four
- Set StretchPay up on your Data Processing
30To Join the Program
- Step Five
- Set up StretchPay Documents (line-of-credit
app, note, agreement, T-I-L disclosure, closing
letter and monthly remittance form).
31To Join the Program
- Step Six
- Train employees on the StretchPay Program.
32To Join the Program
- Step Seven
- Set up the Monthly Accounting System for fees
and loss recovery.
33To Join the Program
- Step Eight
- Set up a Collection Effort Program.
34To Join the Program
- Step Nine
- Market the Program.
35To Join the Program
- Step Ten
- Offer the StretchPay Program to your Members.
36Frequently Asked Questions
- Is a CU required to offer both a 250 and 500
line of credit? - No. A CU may offer the 250 credit line, the 500
credit line, or both.
37Frequently Asked Questions
- Is there a minimum income requirement for a
member to open a StretchPay line-of-credit? - Not at this time.
38Frequently Asked Questions
- Is a checking account required to open a
StretchPay line-of-credit? - Not system-wide, but each CU has the option of
having such a requirement.
39Frequently Asked Questions
- How are comments regarding the operation of the
CUSO, or the StretchPay product, made to the
CUSO? - An Advisory Council (made up of all StretchPay
CUs and some League Reps) will meet regularly by
conference call to discuss these issues.
40Frequently Asked Questions
- Would I receive help in marketing the program
to my membership? - Marketing materials have already been developed
and will be made available for participating
credit unions --- CU would only pay printing
costs and for customization.
41If you are interested . . .
- Contact John Florian at jflorian_at_ohiocul.org to
receive sample operating and product agreements,
as well as an implementation guide that includes
a program overview.
42Contact Information for Doug Fecher . . .
- Doug Fecher, President/CEO
- Wright-Patt Credit Union
- dfecher_at_wpcu.coop
- 937-912-7394