Title: A European Taxonomy on FM
1A European Taxonomy on FM backbone to exchange
facts, information, knowledge and insights ing.
Rinus Vader MFM CFM Executive Director Business
Development NPCChairman of the Board NFC Index
Cooperation, Amsterdam, 16-17 June 2009
2Domain Whats it all about?
Added value
End user effectiveness
3Fulfilment FM
Requirements Organisation
Input Specific supply of resources
Throughput Facility processes
Output Facilityproducts
Outcome Impact
The nature of FM is to support the primary
activities, therefore alignment is important of
FM activities and facilities into processes that
deliver products, which are essential and or add
value to the client organisation.
4Knowledge Community FM
5Knowledge sharing
- Tacit (implicit) knowledge
- peoples experience, skills and know-how are our
vision on your project - Explicit knowledge
- accessible information
- Standardizing
- state explicitly
- one language
- one set of terms for all parties
6Relevance of a Standard
- Indication of a branche FM / CRE / ICT
- Shared mental model for the industry
professionals - Classification and definition terms of facilities
- Defnining cost structure facility management
- No doubles, no gaps
- Giving insight to cost components facility
products - Comparance pan-European facility products
- Opening to compare new approaches of market
stimulating innovation of new clustered products
7User oriented
- Facility managers and CRE-ers first users
- as advisor primary processby allocation
facilities - as responsable for facilities
- as head of facility organisation
- as purchaser facility components
- Bookkeepers and controllers
- easy to applicate
- Clients
- communicative, recognizable, identifiable
8Taxonomy of FM
- EN 15221-4
- This standard defines generic structures and
methods for the classificationof standardised
facility products which will allow consistent
cost allocationand improve the abilityto
combine, analyse and present information. - a backbone
- to exchange facts, information,knowledge and
9Backbone to exchange
- Taxonomy
- A way, a method or the science of classification.
- Structure
- The relationship between classes (groups,
categories) and how they are linked together. - Hierarchy
- The structure of levelsin which each level
includes its lower levels. - Product map
- The structure of the classified facility products
in FM.
- A tangible asset to provideservices, assets,
tools and consumables - to make work easier and or to support the
primary activities - from a whole production site of an
organizationto a simple sheet of paper - which needs to be purchased, stored, supplied,
bound, archived and recycled. -
- Providing a facility like a building or a sheet
of paper (facilitating) is always associated with
activities and the provision of services.
- The result of a process.
- (according to ISO 9000 - Quality management
systems) - Facility product
- A result of a processand the twinned activities
and facilities. - A single or a package of material or immaterial
provisions, supplies, software, hardware or
serviceswhich support the primary activitiesof
the organisation and its properties. - Classified facility product
- A set of defined and hierarchically
structuredfacility products.
12Relationship facility products
13Product map as a structure
14Space and infrastructure
15People and Organisation (1)
16People and Organisation (2)
17Example Landscaping Gardening
- Classified product no.1230
- General description The beautification of
outdoor terrain which is mainly engaged in
exterior works and gardening. - Costs included Design, planting and maintenance
of trees, flowers, shrubs, grasses design,
construction and maintenance of water fountains,
construction of kerbs, walkways, pavements and
drainage. - Costs excluded Planting and maintenance major
green areas. Construction and maintenance of
parks with major fountains and man-made ponds.
Electricity, waste disposal (elsewhere
addressed). - Sub levels Design and construction, Outdoor
furniture, Gardening, Technical maintenance, Snow
cleaning. - Specific activities (examples) Landscaping close
surroundings. - Specific facilities (examples) Maintenance of
green areas. - Benchmark Cost/m2.
- Description of ratio Ha.
- Remarks Simply put, if one can see an object,
then it is affecting the overall aesthetics of
the grounds of a property - i.e., its
landscaping. - In case of major areas, it will be more
appropriate for significant benchmarking reasons
to account these site facilities separately.
18Example Service Desk ICT
- Classified product no. 2320
- General description Contact point for (end) user
to communicate with the ICT department in case of
incidents or requests. - Costs included FTE's, hardware, software and
third party suppliers. - Costs excluded Core business applications
support. - Sub levels Non discribed.
- Specific activities (examples) Answering an
(end) user with an incident, registering this
incident and solving this incident at this first
contact with the (end) user. - Benchmark Costs/user (or calls/user).
- Description of ratio Number of end users (or
total number of calls). - Remarks This is the first line solving unit of
the ICT off-site support with restricted means.
Extended solving services are addressed elswhere.
19Facility products
20Classified facility products
21Apples to apples
22Dutch experience
NEN 2748 (2001) Terms of facilities Netherlands
Facility Costs Index Collaboration (indices and
NFC Database since 2002) NEN 2745 Terms of
facilities for the health care sector (2004) NEN
2580 Areas and volumes of buildings (1997) NEN-EN
15221-1 Terms and definitionsNEN-EN 15221-2
Guidance FM agreements(both bi-lingual
introduced in 2006)
23FacilityCostsIndex Collaboration
24Cooperativa NFC
Dati da Progetti speciali
Valore aggiunto dalla Norma
Norma 27482002
Non Membri (non members)
Gruppi di Membri (circle)
Membri (users)
Membri (users)
Membri (users)
Società di consulenza e management (Consultancy
organisation )
Membri (users)
Controllori (Gatekeepers )
Membri (users)
Appaltatori (main contractors)
Dati su costi attuali
2 check
1 check
Dati registrati online dai Membri (users) Ogni
membro può visualizzare online solo i propri
dati Stato dati non approvati
Ogni consulente può vedere solo i dati dei
progetti su cui lavora Stato dati approvati
dalle società di consulenza
Stato dati approvati dai controllori (gate
Special report (for commercial business)
Benchmark report
per anno
25FacilityCostsIndex Collaboration
26NFC Member - benchmark
Member enters data
Gatekeeper approves
Consultant validates
Step 2 Validation (by consultant)
Step 3 Approval (by NFC gatekeeper)
27FacilityCostsIndex Collaboration
- 6 Years national experience
- 2,5 million m2 pro renewed every year
- Introduction new website portal 2009
- Members login
- interactivity and information retrieval
- data entry possiblities
- workflow member -gt consultant (validation) gt
gatekeeper (approval) - advanced reporting possibilities
- Quick scan possibilities for visitors public
website - Multi language based on EN 15221-4
- Database for benchmarking and computing index pro
country and pro industry
28With greetings from Holland
rinus.vader_at_npc.eu rinus.vader_at_nfcindex.nl