Title: Regional Innovation System Influencing the Olive Grove
Regional Innovation System Influencing the Olive
Abinash, Chad, Dimitris, Manolis, Nikos, Pong,
Rifaat, Sevasti, Stathis, Vera, Victoria,
Lesvos - May 2002
2Reserach Question
How does the regional system constrain and enable
the innovative change process influencing the
olive grove on Lesvos, Greece?
- The need to look beyond the system of provision
of olive oil and identify the hidden
cross-sectoral links to better capitalize on the
value in the olive grove. - The work we have done is a good critique of the
existing literature on regional innovation with
regards to the missing link to biotic captial and
4The Olive Grove
- The Diversity of Resources in the Olive Grove
- An agro-tourist resource
- A Gene Pool
- A Multi-use, polyculture system
5Relational Determinants
- Dynamic conceptualization of the olive groves.
- Factor conditions that enable or constrain the
ability of firms to innovate. - Collaborative and competitive productive field
- Learning driven knowledge intensive productive
field - Culture of Change
- Specialization and Flexibilty
6Collaborative and Competitive Productive Field
- Inter-sectoral and intra-sectoral relationships
- Ongoing and regular communication between farmers
and all other enterprises
7Learning Driven Knowledge Intensive Productive
- The ability of enterprises in regions to
collectively transform traditional sectors into
knowledge intensive sectors and to internalise
this competitive advantage - Identifying the alternative sources of value of
the olive grove beyond simply a source for olives
8Culture of Change
- Trust, loyalty and respect among stakeholders
- Uncertainty is an obstacle blocking these
channels because people are frightened of
trusting someone they dont know - Quality relations - Long term perspective on
investments in improving relationships
9Specialization and Flexibility
- Knowledge intensive traditional sectors combine a
high degree of specialization with flexibility - Produce quality specialized products that compete
by differentiation - Enterprises can develop mutual dependence
10Structural Determinants
- Determine the playing field for innovation,
factors that enable and constrain. - Sticky location specific biotic (natural)
resources - Historical and socio-cultural trajectory (path
dependency) of the olive grove - Supralocal governance and cohesiveness
11Sticky location specific biotic (natural)
- Resources that cannot be transferred or
reproduced elsewhere such as - natural resources, tacit knowledge, relationships
and motivations - Olive grove is a gene bank, a polyculture
multi-use system and a rural tourist resource
12Historical and socio-cultural trajectory of the
olive grove
- Path dependency
- There exists a tradition of olive oil production
practice, infrastructure and a deep cultural
identification - A cultural tradition of extensive agriculture and
of biological olive grove cultivation practices
on Lesvos, makes organic farming easier. - Farming suffers from the stigma of being
perceived as an inferior occupation. Young
people may abandon rather than use organic
13Supralocal Governance and Cohesiveness
- The complex layering of supranational, national,
regional and local policies interact to provide a
context for innovation - Common Agricultural Policy has shifted from
supporting intensive to extensive cultivation - Tax incentives for Lesvians, and renting of
abandoned groves can support innovation
- The need to look beyond the system of provision
of olive oil and identify the hidden
cross-sectoral links to better capitalize on the
value in the olive grove. - The work we have done is a good critique of the
existing literature on regional innovation with
regards to the missing link to biotic captial and
15Thanks! Efharistoume!