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A Thesis Entitled


... lead-time, efficiency, flexibility, cost cutting and a level schedule over the supply chain ... on quick to market, cost reduction and quality' (Gunasekaran, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Thesis Entitled

  • A Thesis Entitled
  • Product Driven Approach to Manufacturing Supply
    Chain Design
  • by
  • Mohit Uppal
  • Advisor Dr. Samuel Huang
  • Committee Members
  • Dr. Mark Vonderembse
  • Dr. John P. Dismukes

  • Dr. Samuel Huang
  • Dr. Mark Vonderembse and Dr. John P. Dismukes
  • ICAMS Research Group Members

Presentation Outline
  • Research Objectives
  • Thesis Structure
  • Introduction
  • Types of Supply Chains
  • Literature Review
  • Method
  • Product types
  • Difference between Lean, Hybrid and Agile Supply

Presentation Outline (Continued)
  • Classic Product Life Cycle Model
  • Supply Chain Design for Product Cycle Curves
    (model 1)
  • Supply Chain Design for Product Types (models 2a
    and 2b)
  • Product Categorization (Interactive Tool)
  • Conclusion
  • Summary
  • Contributions
  • Future Research

Research Objectives
  • To correctly define the current supply chains in
    practice lean and agile. It combines these two
    paradigms to introduce a third type hybrid
    supply chain.
  • To clearly differentiate between the three types
    of supply chains.
  • To develop model(s), which an organization would
    be able to adopt, depending on its products, in
    order to gain a competitive edge.

Research Objectives (Continued)
  • To develop a visual tool to aid in product

  • History of Manufacturing
  • Mass Production
  • Mass producing standardized products quickly and
  • Limited variety
  • The TQM Paradigm
  • High quality expected along with reduced lead
    time and price
  • Was taken as a market qualifier
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Reducing costs over the entire chain (suppliers,
    manufacturers, distributors and customers
  • Respond quickly to customer needs

Introduction (Continued)
  • SCM - the management of materials and
    information both in and between facilities, such
    as vendors, manufacturing and assembly plants and
    distribution centers (Thomas, 1999)
  • SCM - Drawbacks
  • Flow of information across the chain was not
    instantaneous (bullwhip effect)
  • Strategic alliances were not formed with
  • Importance of distribution was not recognized
  • Led to the formation of the Lean supply chain

Types of Supply Chains
  • Lean supply chain (LSC)
  • Agile supply chain (ASC)
  • Hybrid supply chain (HSC)
  • Lean - A lean supply chain employs continuous
    improvement to focus on the elimination of waste
    or non-value added stops across the chain. It is
    supported by the reduction of set up times to
    allow for the economic production of small
    quantities, thereby achieving cost reduction,
    flexibility and internal responsiveness
  • LSC employs lean production and time compression
    in parallel

Types of Supply Chains (Continued)
  • Is economical, flexible and internally responsive
  • May participate in traditional alliances such as
    partnerships and joint ventures.
  • Drawbacks
  • Mass customization/Responsiveness squeeze
  • Evolution of multiple niche competition (Booth,
  • LSC - Not adaptable to future market requirements
  • Led to the formation of a Agile supply chain

Types of Supply Chains (Continued)
  • Agile - relates to the interface between a
    company and the market. It profits by responding
    to rapidly changing, continually fragmenting
    global markets by being dynamic,
    context-specific, aggressively changing and
    growth oriented, driven by customer designed
    products and services
  • Advocates agile manufacturing, which is a further
    development of lean manufacturing
  • Responds to unpredictable market changes and
    capitalizes on them
  • Exploits a dynamic type of alliance known as a
    virtual organization

Types of Supply Chains (Continued)
  • Hybrid - A hybrid supply chain generally
    involves assemble to order products whose
    demand can be quite accurately forecasted. The
    chain helps to achieve mass customization by
    postponing product differentiation until final
    assembly. The lean supply chain is utilized for
    component production. The agile part of the chain
    establishes a company-market interface to
    understand and satisfy requirements by being
    responsive and innovative
  • Employs lean manufacturing techniques
  • May utilize agile manufacturing for producing
    innovative component(s), which, at times, form a
    part of the product

Types of Supply Chains (Continued)
  • Option of participating in traditional as well as
    virtual alliances

Literature Review
  • One of the critical contributions has been made
    by Naylor, Naim and Berry, (1999)
  • They proposed the use of the lean and agile
    concept with the aid of a decoupling point
  • The model highlights how the decoupling point
    satisfies different manufacturing types
  • Its importance is that it helps in the
    development of a new concept, the hybrid supply

Literature Review (Continued)
Raw Material Supplier
Manufacturers/ Assemblers
End - Users
Buy to order
Make to order
Assemble to order
Make to stock
Ship to stock
A Stock Decoupling Point
  • Product types
  • Standard
  • Innovative
  • Hybrid
  • Standard Products
  • Produced with the help of a LSC (examplestaples)
  • Demand can be accurately forecasted
  • Market share remains fairly constant
  • Enjoy long life cycles (gt2 years)

Method (Continued)
  • Superficial design changes
  • Utilization of lean production techniques
    consisting of reduced lead-time, efficiency,
    flexibility, cost cutting and a level schedule
    over the supply chain
  • Employs a LSC over the entire product life cycle

Method (Continued)
  • Innovative Products
  • Produced with the help of an ASC
    (examplepersonal computer)
  • Unpredictable demand patterns
  • Developed to capture a wider market share
  • Significantly different from available product
  • Suited to customer requirements (mass
  • Short life cycles (3 months - 1 year)

Method (Continued)
  • Employs an ASC over the first 2 stages of life
    cycleintroduction and growth
  • Employs a HSC over the last 2 stagesmaturity and
  • Utilizes a strategic tool provided by ASCVirtual

Method (Continued)
  • Virtual organizations - A virtual organization
    is the integration of core competencies
    distributed among a number of carefully chosen
    but real organizations all with the similar
    supply chain focusing on quick to market, cost
    reduction and quality (Gunasekaran, 1999a)
    Example Dell and Apple computers
  • They help to create or assemble new productive
    resources very quickly, frequently and
    concurrently as long as it is economically
  • Provide access to a range of world class

Method (Continued)
  • Hybrid products
  • Consists of either
  • Different combinations of standard components
  • Mix of standard and innovative components
  • LSC is utilized for component production
  • ASC establishes a company-market interface
  • ExampleAutomobile
  • Components (A class) are manufactured by the
    OEM and suppliers (B and C class) by
    utilizing lean production techniques
  • Agility is obtained by the OEM by constantly
    interacting with the market and adapting to its
  • Employs a HSC over the entire product life cycle

Difference between Lean, Hybrid and Agile Supply
  • An in-depth analysis to clearly differentiate
    between the 3 chains is done on the basis of the
    following categories
  • Definition
  • Purpose
  • Type of Manufacturing utilized
  • Integration
  • Dependency
  • Type of Products and Life cycle

Difference between Lean, Hybrid and Agile Supply
Chains (continued)
  • Alliances
  • Markets
  • Organizational Structure
  • Type of Firms
  • Approach to choosing suppliers
  • Demand patterns
  • Inventory strategy
  • Lead time focus
  • Manufacturing focus

Difference between Lean, Hybrid and Agile Supply
Chains (continued)
  • Product Design Strategy
  • Human Resources

Method (Continued) - Classic Product Life Cycle
Method (Continued)
  • Classic Product Life Cycle Model (page 25) -
  • Introduction
  • Growth
  • Maturation
  • Decline
  • Assumptions for proposed Model
  • To aid organizations in developing and adopting
    the correct supply chain
  • Developed for manufacturing industries
  • Product driven

Method (Continued)
  • Related to Product Life Cycle stages
  • High level model
  • Resources for implementation available
  • Hybrid products
  • Standard components
  • Mix of standard and innovative components
  • Agility dependant on innovativeness
  • Questionnaire based on previously published
  • Model considers only a single product introduced
    by the organization

Supply Chain types for Product Cycle Curves
(Innovative Products)
Supply Chain types for Product Cycle Curves
  • The model depicted previously (Supply chain types
    for product cycle curves - model 1) is for
    innovative products (page 32)
  • Standard products follow a Lean supply chain for
    their entire life cycle
  • Hybrid products follow a Hybrid Supply chain for
    their entire life cycle

Supply Chain Types for Product Cycle Curves
  • Supply Chain Design for Product Types (models 2a
    and 2b) helps in identifying the product
    manufactured by an organization and provides
    guidance in the adoption of the correct supply
  • Following is the representation of model 2a
    (Product introduction - pg. 34) and model 2b
    (Product categorization and adoption of correct
    supply chain - pg. 35)

Product Introduction (Model 2a)

Product Categorization and adoption of correct
Supply Chain (Model 2b)
Product Categorization
  • Achieved with the help of a questionnaire
  • Three levels of questions involved
  • Level 1 - critical ( 5 questions)
  • Level 2 - significantly important ( 8 questions)
  • Level 3 - important ( 2 questions)
  • Points for each product type
  • Functional products 1 - 3
  • Hybrid products 4 - 6
  • Innovative products 7 - 10
  • Interactive tool used Visual Basic

Product Categorization (Continued)
  • Computational method used - Weighted Average
  • Mathematical explanation
  • Let
  • N,M and O are integers
  • N, M and O are number of questions - values lie
    between 1 - 10, for each level, entered by user

Product Categorization (Continued)
  • P,Q and R are preset weights where
  • P 3 (Level 1 questions)
  • Q 2 (Level 2 questions)
  • R 1 (Level 3 questions)
  • WC calculated score obtained from values
    entered by user

Product Categorization (Continued)
  • W1, W2, W3 WC where
  • W1, W2 and W3 are pre-calculated limits
  • W1 upper limit for functional product
  • W2 upper limit for hybrid product
  • W3 upper limit for innovative product
  • For
  • W1, XN YM ZO 3
  • W2, XN YM ZO 7
  • W3, XN YM ZO 10

Product Categorization (Continued)
  • Compare WC with W1, W2 and W3
  • This helps in product categorization and
    selection of the correct chain for each product

Conclusion - Summary
  • This model may prove to be the panacea
    organizations are looking for
  • It further develops the understanding of supply
    chain management
  • Also throws light on other issues, which have not
    been previously dealt with
  • Companies following a LSC tend to form
    traditional alliances as opposed to dynamic
    alliances (VO)
  • Example - Exxon Mobil merger

Conclusion (Continued)
  • Companies following HSC also form traditional
    alliances. They may form VO in areas other than
    their core competencies (for producing B and
    C class components)
  • Example - Daimler Benz and Chrysler
  • Companies utilizing ASC form VO. Constant need
    for innovation is the driving force
  • Example - Projects involving IBM and Sun
    Microsystems (IBM1999a), ATT and Microsoft
  • Hopefully these new points raised are worth
    pondering upon and lead to further research

Conclusion - Contributions
  • It focuses on the current supply chain types,
    lean and agile. It combines the two paradigms to
    introduce a third type of supply chain hybrid.
    It clearly defines and differentiates between the
    three types of supply chains.
  • It logically associates product types standard,
    hybrid or innovative to the lean, hybrid and
    agile supply chains respectively.

Conclusion (Continued)
  • By utilizing the classic product life cycle
    model, it explains the different requirements for
    each of the 4 life cycle stages of the product.
  • In order to provide guidelines to organizations
    for supply chain selection, it develops another
    model, which consists of product categorization
    on the basis of a questionnaire.

Conclusion (Continued)
  • A software tool has been developed to aid in
    product categorization. On product
    categorization, the model provides guidelines on
    the adoption of the correct supply chain.
  • The thesis focuses on questions, which previously
    have not been raised. It opens up areas for
    future research in SCM.

Conclusion - Future Research
  • The models introduced are high level models.
  • This thesis deals with a single product
    introduced by an organization.
  • The effect of an organization being a member of
    several, different supply chains needs to be

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