Title: Water, Water Everywhere and so little understood
1Water, Water Everywhereand so little understood
- Its the Structure,
- Not the composition
- Thats the message from this presentation.
Prof. Rustum Roy
Dr. Tania Slawecki, PhD
- Materials Research Lab
- The Pennsylvania State University
- University Park, PA
Dr. Manju Lata Rao, PhD
LiveH2O.TV_June 19, 2009
3Prof. Rustum Roy
4The Speaker is A Citizen Scientist
- Holds 5 professorshipsPenn State, Arizona State,
U. of Arizona - Elected to the National Academies of 5 countries
- U.S., Japan, Russia, Sweden, India
- 50 years championing/practicing
interdisciplinarity in - Materials Research
- Science Technology Society
- Science Art Science Religion
- Role of sex/money, in culture
5Immersed in Hard Science for 60 years
Ruby (14 lb.) Union Carbide
Diamond biggest ever cubicZrO2
Ruby dinner plate Kyocera-Meissen
Black silicon carbide carborundum
The materials this hard scientist works on!
6What is Hard Science, Really?
- One which deals in FACTS
- Reproducible experiments connecting
- Cause Effect
- Repeated 2-10 times depending on how
extraordinary - Repeated in other labs
- Explanations or theories are NOT needed
- to be hard science. They come later - and change
7Science for the Citizen
- Useful Science About water
- The 1st Law of Materials Science
- comes right after the 1st two laws of
thermodynamics, - it is
8- Thousands of scientists,
- ignorant outside their specialty,
- have never heard of it.
- They mainly think of composition
- as the way to change properties.
- It is one way, but routine...
9- Hence, they ask if the water is
- PURE, and if so, they exclaim
- i.e. Liquid H2O always has the same properties
- Nothing could be further from the truth.
10- That was the argument against homeopathy
- for nearly 200 years, up to today,
- by so-called scientists/physicians
- (who never read the literature outside their
Nor do the journalists who take their word for
11- Now, that argument
- has been forever laid to rest.
- Hence, homeopathy must now
- be judged only on its efficacy.
- And, head-to-head
- compared to pharma products for patient
satisfaction, efficacy and cost.
12So, what, then is the Structure of Liquid Water?
- First It is made up of building blocks
(molecules) of different size and shape
Those blocks are NOT the structure anymore than
the bricks describe your home
13Small to large building blocks
Obviously in the liquids/solids one must describe
the concentration and 3-D location of all such
blocks( see Martin Chaplins website)
14The building itself. Very messy.
A very crude cartoon of a realistic
Paracrystalline section of a structure of
liquid water incorporating several Chaplin
molecules With very very different bonds between
units (esp. black//black)
R. Roy, W.A. Tiller, I. Bell and M.R. Hoover,
Materials Research Innovations, Vol. 9, Is. 4,
pp. 577-608 (Dec. 2005).
15The Tale of Two Materials
More Science for the Citizen
Anisodesmicity Key to waters uniqueness
- Diamond Graphite
- Compare/contrastProperties/structure
Its Just Carbon!
16Its Just Carbon
All bonds equal
Very unequal
17Shows the dramatic difference that
Anisodesmicity (unequal bonds) makes
- Diamond
- Worlds hardest material.
- Very strong, bonds in 3 all dimensions
Bonds all equal
- Graphite
- Worlds (nearly) softest material.
- Even stronger within sheets
- Very weak between
Very unequal
18Your Key Questions
- So, how many kinds of liquid water are there?
- Very, very many.
- How long do the new structures last?
- Some last at least hours and days some for very
long times near room temperatures. - Why do we have so many? and
- How can you tell?
19How can you change water?
- Vast majority of scientists
- would reply
- Only by temperature (T)
- and pressure (P)
20They are terribly wrong.
How can it be? For 100 years?
21- Unfortunately, thermodynamics
- has a bigger black hole than astronomy one
that is much more significant to humans - because it deals (almost) exclusively with
changes of G (free energy) - But limits them to only P T
22But there are several other common vectors which
change matter
- Electric fields
- Magnetic fields
- (Strain fields)
- (Epitaxy)
Ignoring all these is the real black hole in
modern science but the matter is complicated!
- The special contribution of Materials-Science
- Imprinting of one structure on to another,
especially from a solid to liquids, without any
transfer of matter it is pattern or information
24- The power of these vectors
- have now been thoroughly proven
- in our and others research
- on our most important solids
- as we show in dozens of key papers.
- Go to http//www.mri.psu.edu/centers/mpec/
25In addition we can now conceive of an explanation
for the well documented effects of
- Human intention
- Prayers
- Because they can be seen as
- similar vectors.
- Interesting new line for research?
26What is much more important is
- That such vectors have been shown to work in
changing water - thoroughly proven worldwide, for
millennia, including the present - Now we can also claim an explanation in our
scientific dialect!
27Dr. Tania Slawecki, PhD
20 years at the bench (in USA)
28Water can be changed by
- Silver Colloids
- Ultra-dilute Solutions
- Homeopathic remedies
- Holy waters!
- Microwave
- Radio Frequency
- Ultra-Violet etc..
3. Especially Controlled by RESONANCE and
29How do we LOOK at and STUDY Water Solutions?
- pH
- Surface Tension
- Zeta Potential
- Spectroscopy
- Raman (Infrared)
- FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
- UV-Vis (Ultra-violet Visible Spectroscopy)
Also CHEMICAL analysis as needed!
30Raman Spectroscopy
Raman Spectrum for Pure Water
Inphotonics Raman Spectrometer Laser Raman Probe
in Water Sample
Vibrational Energy
31Raman Spectra
Homeopathic Remedies (Samples from M. Sue Benford)
- 3 Potencies labeled
- (6X, 30X, CM)
- 3 samples unknown (1, 2, 3)
- Raman Spectra are UNIQUE
Sample 1 6X Sample 2 30X Sample 3 CM
Sample 2
Sample 1
Sample 3
Unexpected! STRUCTURED! Its not just water!
32Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer
We examine how liquids ABSORB certain frequencies
of visible and ultra-violet light
What happens when we add FEW PARTS PER MILLION
of Silver to Water?
The water gets structured by the silver in the
UV range
Typical UV-Vis Spectrum for Water (De-ionized
200 ppm silver
Electrons are being excited to higher energy
22 ppm
32 ppm
10 ppm
No absorption in either the UV or Visible
range! Nothing to see!
34Dr. Manju Lata Rao, PhD
10 years at the bench (India USA)
35What is a colloid?
Permanent suspension of a solid/ liquid in a
second liquid phase.
Dispersed Solid
Liquid Medium (Water)
Common examples Milk, blood mayonnaise
Colloidal Silver
36Structuring Water with NanoParticles
- Suspend permanently billions of solid
nanoparticles in liquid water - As a sol or a colloid.
- Einsteins remark colloid acts like an atom,
implying, presumably, some structuring of the
water by the presence of the charged solid - Made after his Brownian motion paper
- 3 Nobel prizes in 2 years for colloids
Einstein A 1905 Ann. Phys., Paris 17 549
37Synergism of Silver-Water Dispersion with
Colloidal Silver
- __________________________________________________
_______________________________________________ - Antibiotic E. coli Ps. MRSA S.aureus S. Sh. B
. - Discs (MDR) aeruginsao 6538 P typhi
flexneri subtilis - (mcg) (MDR)
- __________________________________________________
_______________________________________________ - Amikacin -- -- Syn.. Add. -- -- Add.
- Amoxicillin -- -- Ant. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Carbenicillin -- -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Cefoperazone -- -- Syn. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Ceftizidime Syn. Syn. Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Ciprofloxacin -- -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Clindamycin -- -- Add. Add. -- Add. Add.
- Doxycycline -- -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Erythromycin -- -- Add. Add. -- Add. Add.
- Gentamycin Add. -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Kanamycin Syn. -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Nalidixic Acid -- -- -- Add. Add. Add. Add.
- Oxacillin -- -- Ant. Add. -- Add. Add.
- Penicillin-G -- -- Add. Add. Add. Add. Add.
Colloidal Silver ENHANCES the effects of
38Response of HIV patients to Nanosilver therapy
Colloidal Silver
39In Vitro study of silver in Falciparum Malaria
Colloidal Silver
- Our studies have shown that silver effectively
kills falciparum in human blood culture. - In addition, it is very effective in chloroquine
resistant Malaria. - Urgent human studies are needed.
- Prof. V. S. Chauhan Director International Centre
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi 110 067 INDIA - Tel 91-11-26102317 (Direct) 26189358/60/61
(EPBX) Fax 91-11-26162316 - Email virander_at_icgeb.res.in
- Website www.icgeb.org
40GROUP 2 Name Pandhari Bhiva Malode Age 60
Years. Size After Treatment 3 Cm Long 2 Cm Wide
History Patient was admitted for Ulcer on Lt.
Foot which was full of Maggots. His 3rd , 4th
and 5th toes were completely eaten by maggots.
There was severe oozing with pus discharge.
41Colloidal Silver
Observation After application of Hydrogel on
Alternate days. The wound was clear, there was no
oozing. Healthy Granulation Tissue was seen and
the size of the wound reduced drastically.
Parts Per Million of Silver in a Gel (which is
mostly WATER)
42Summary on colloids
- It is well established now that colloidal silver
acts as an antibacterial agent. - Extends the action of antibiotics.
- Not only bacteria, but also attacks viruses.
- Preliminary clinical evidence with positive
effects on - Malaria
- - Leprosy
And research opportunities
43Radiation Effects on Water
Microwave Steve Sedlmayr device
- Microwave Distillation Process
- Produced water with healing properties
- Corrodes plastic and stainless steel!
44Radiation Effects on Water
Single Mode 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation effects-
Sedlmayr Process
Raman spectra
O-H Stretch bond (sym and antisym)
O-H Stretch bond (sym and antisym)
M. Rao, R. Roy, S. Sedlmayr and J. Kanzius,
Effect of polarized microwave and radio
frequency fields on the structure and stability
of liquid water Presented at MRS conference at
Boston Nov 2007.
45Radiation Effects on Water
Polarized 13.56 MHz Radiofrequency radiation on
the Structure of water- Kanzius Process
John Kanzius- Inventor of the RF generator
46First Experiments run by the team using Kanzius
RF instrument at Penn State on Sept 7, 2007
47Radiation Effects on Water
Mixtures of various concentrations of NaCl and
water combusting (when ignited) in the presence
of a 13.56 MHz RF radiation (a) 0.3 NaCl (b) 3
NaCl (c) 30 NaCl (a-c) were carried out in
pyrex test tubes (d) 3 NaCl in PTFE tube (e)
3 NaCl in Silica glass and (f) DI water either
in Silica glass or in PTFE (not shown here) do
not ignite
48Radiation Effects on Water
Structural changes Evidence from spectroscopy
- Raman spectra 2 hours following combustion in
the RF field. - Both samples at room temperature.
- Prolonged burning reduces the water content in
the test tube and increases the salinity.
Emission Spectrum
49Radiation Effects on Water
Spontaneous ignition of sea water in the RF
Photo showing a drop of sea water taken in Mr.
and Mrs. Kanzius Sanibel home in Florida,
self-igniting into a flame in presence of the
radiofrequency field.
- The facts are voluminous, indisputable,
- and compelling.
AND LIQUIDS. - We have shown some very spectacular effects.
51The Future of Water
- The new vectors for designing water-based
products (for use in major industries and for
maintaining health or causing healing) - We already know for sure that we can change it
and retain it for simple experimental times or
longer. - GO TO rustumroy.com for details
52Structuring Water
- The use of sols (solid particles permanently
suspended in a liquid), e.g. Colloidal Silver is
the leaderbut dozens beyond. - All natural waters are sols, with specific
materials - Some may be remarkable for healing due to
specific now-controllable properties. - 2. The use of specifically chosen radiation (EM,
Acoustic vibrational and Subtle energies) - - Targeted or enhanced using Resonance and/or
- Polarization