Title: Bicriteria Scheduling for Parallel Jobs
1Bicriteria Scheduling for Parallel Jobs
- Dror Feitelson and Ahuva Mualem
- Hebrew University
2Talk Structure
- The Model
- Reordering and Reductions to Single Machine
- List Algorithm for Parallel Jobs
- Applications
3Parallel Job and Machine (def.)
- Parallel machine has
- m identical processors
- Parallel job j has
- Processing time pj ?? 0
- Number of processors for execution mj ?1, , m
- Release time rj ?? 0
- Preemptions We also assume that a job may be
preempted and later continued to run on a
possibly different set of mj processors without
affecting its processing time.
4Makespan (Cmax) and Sum of Completion Times (?Cj
- Goal to find a schedule that simultaneously
minimizes both objectives P mj , rj , pmtn
? wj Cj , Cmax -
5Makespan (Cmax) and Sum of Completion Times (?Cj
- Goal to find a schedule that simultaneously
minimizes both objectives P mj , rj , pmtn
? wj Cj , Cmax - But
- Conflicting objectives
6Makespan (Cmax) and Sum of Completion Times (?Cj
- Goal to find a schedule that simultaneously
minimizes both objectives. P mj , rj , pmtn
? wj Cj , Cmax - But
- Conflicting objectives.
- Optimization of each objective alone is NP-hard
- LLLR84 1 rj , pmtn ? wj Cj
- Droz 94 P mj , pmtn Cmax
- Goal to find an efficient schedule that
approximately meets both objectives.
7 Bicriteria Results
8Reorderings and Reductions to Single Machine
9Reordering Technique
- Framework Reorder Phillips, Stein, Wein 95
- Simulate a schedule for relaxed version of the
problem. - Reorder the jobs by their relaxed completion
times, and use List schedule.
10Reordering Technique
- Framework Reorder Phillips, Stein, Wein 95
- Simulate a schedule for relaxed version of the
problem. - Reorder the jobs by their relaxed completion
times, and use List schedule.
11Reordering Technique
- Framework Reorder Phillips, Stein, Wein 95
- Simulate a schedule for relaxed version of the
problem. - Reorder the jobs by their relaxed completion
times, and use List schedule. - Thm PSW95 Simulating SRPT, algorithm Reorder
achieves (2, 2)-approximation
for - 1 rj ? Cj , Cmax .
- On-line result.
12Reduction to Single Machine
- Framework Resize Chekuri, Motwani, Natarajan,
Stein 97 - Resize the jobs. Simulate a relaxed schedule on
a single machine. - Reorder the jobs by their simulated completion
times, and use List schedule.
13Reduction to Single Machine
- Framework Resize Chekuri, Motwani, Natarajan,
Stein 97 - Resize the jobs. Simulate a relaxed schedule on
a single machine. - Reorder the jobs by their simulated completion
times, and use List schedule.
14Reduction to Single Machine
- Thm CMNS97 Simulating SRPT on the instance
- rj rj , pj pj / m, algorithm Resize is
a - (3, 3) -approximation for P rj ? Cj ,
Cmax . -
- Remark It is not clear how to plug in the List
algorithm for parallel jobs. The analysis of the
former algorithm relies on the prefix property
Cj essentially depends only on the preceding
jobs 1,..,j. - (Cj depends on the reordered prefix, not on
the suffix).
15List Algorithmfor Parallel Jobs
16List Algorithm for Parallel Jobs
- Algorithm Parallel List Garey and Graham 75
- Scan the input list and run any job whose
processors demand is not greater than current
number of free processors. Repeat until the input
list is empty.
17List Algorithm for Parallel Jobs
- Algorithm Parallel List Garey and Graham 75
- Scan the input list and run any job whose
processors demand is not greater than current
number of free processors. Repeat until the input
list is empty.
18List Algorithm for Parallel Jobs
- Thm GG75 Parallel List is a 2-approximation
- for P mj Cmax.
- The makespan achieved by parallel list in
presence of release times is - ?
19Preemptions provide the prefix property
- Algorithm Preemptive Parallel List
- Scan the input list and run any job whose
processor demand is not greater than current
number of free processors. Whenever a job
finishes, preempt all running jobs. Repeat until
the input list is empty.
20Preemptions provide the prefix property
- Algorithm Preemptive Parallel List
- Scan the input list and run any job whose
processor demand is not greater than current
number of free processors. Whenever a job
finishes, preempt all running jobs. Repeat until
the input list is empty.
22SRA (Smallest Remaining Area)
- On-line Algorithm SRA
- Resize Define the instance I
- rj max rj , pj , pj mj pj / m,
mj 1. - Simulate SRPT on I on a single machine.
- Reorder the jobs by their simulated completion
times, and use Preemptive Parallel List.
Remark to ensure makespan factor of 3 we can do
the simulation step and meanwhile apply the
Preemptive Parallel List. Then we avoid the idle
times in this example.
- Thm (A slightly modified) SRA is a
- (6, 3)-approximation for P mj , rj , pmtn ?
Cj , Cmax. - Proof
- Show that ? CjOPT ( I) ? 2 ? CjOPT ( I ).
- Then, CjSRA ?
- ? 3 CjOPT ( I).
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