- Disease and disease triangle
- Pathogen
- Native vs. exotic diseases
- Type of diseases
- Long term effect of disease
- Density dependence- Janzen Connol
- Gene for gene- Red queen hypothesis
2Evolution and Population genetics
- Positively selected genes
- Negatively selected genes
- Neutral genes normally population genetics
demands loci used are neutral - Loci under balancing selection..
3Evolution and Population genetics
- Positively selected genes
- Negatively selected genes
- Neutral genes normally population genetics
demands loci used are neutral - Loci under balancing selection..
4Evolutionary history
- Darwininan vertical evolutionray models
- Horizontal, reticulated models..
5Phylogenetic relationships within the
Heterobasidion complex
Pine Europe
Pine N.Am.
6Geneaology of S DNA insertion into P ISG
confirms horizontal transfer.Time of
cross-over uncertain
890 bp CIgt0.9
7Because of complications such as
- Reticulation
- Gene homogeneization(Gene duplication)
- Need to make inferences based on multiple genes
- Multilocus analysis also makes it possible to
differentiate between sex and lack of sex
(Iaindex of association)
8How to get multiple loci?
- Random genomic markers
- Total genome RFLPS (mostly dominant)
- Microsatellites
- SNPs
- Multiple specific loci
- Sequence informat5ion
9Sequence information
- Codominant
- Molecules have different rates of mutation,
different molecules may be more appropriate for
different questions - 3rd base mutation
- Intron vs. exon
- Secondary tertiary structure limits
- Homoplasy
10Sequence information
- Multiple gene genealogiesdefinitive phylogeny
- Need to ensure gene histories are comparable
partition of homogeneity test - Need to use unlinked loci
- Biological species
- Reproductively isolated
- Measurable differential size of structures
- Gene-for-gene defense model
- Sympatric speciation Heterobasidion, Armillaria,
Sphaeropsis, Phellinus, Fusarium forma speciales
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13Phylogenetic relationships within the
Heterobasidion complex
Pine Europe
Pine N.Am.
- Ability to recombine and adapt
- Definition of population and metapopulation
- Different evolutionary model
- Why sex? Clonal reproductive approach can be very
effective among pathogens
15Recognition of self vs. non self
- Intersterility genes maintain species gene pool.
Homogenic system - Mating genes recognition of other to allow for
recombination. Heterogenic system - Somatic compatibility protection of the
16From the population level to the individual
- Autoinfection vs. alloinfection
- Primary spreadby spores
- Secondary spreadvegetative, clonal spread, same
genotype . Completely different scales - Coriolus
- Heterobasidion
- Armillaria
- Phellinus
17Basic definitions again
- Locus
- Allele
- Dominant vs. codominant marker
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19Root disease center in true fir caused by H.
20Ponderosa pine
Incense cedar
21Yosemite Lodge 1975 Root disease centers
22Yosemite Lodge 1997 Root disease centers
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26Are my haplotypes sensitive enough?
- To validate power of tool used, one needs to be
able to differentiate among closely related
individual - Generate progeny
- Make sure each meiospore has different haplotype
27RAPD combination1 2
- 1010101010
- 1010101010
- 1010101010
- 1010101010
- 1010000000
- 1011101010
- 1010111010
- 1010001010
- 1011001010
- 1011110101
- Only one RAPD combo is sensitive enough to
differentiate 4 half-sibs (in white) - Mendelian inheritance?
- By analysis of all haplotypes it is apparent that
two markers are always cosegregating, one of the
two should be removed
29Dealing with dominant anonymous multilocus markers
- Need to use large numbers
- Repeatability
- Graph distribution of distances
- Calculate distance using Jaccards similarity
- Only 1-1 and 1-0 count, 0-0 do not count
- 1010011
- 1001011
- 1001000
- Only 1-1 and 1-0 count, 0-0 do not count
- A 1010011 AB 0.6 0.4 (1-AB)
- B 1001011 BC0.5 0.5
- C 1001000 AC0.2 0.8
32Now that we have distances.
- Plot their distribution (clonal vs. sexual)
33Now that we have distances.
- Plot their distribution (clonal vs. sexual)
- Analysis
- Similarity (cluster analysis) a variety of
algorithms. Most common are NJ and UPGMA
34Now that we have distances.
- Plot their distribution (clonal vs. sexual)
- Analysis
- Similarity (cluster analysis) a variety of
algorithms. Most common are NJ and UPGMA - AMOVA requires a priori grouping
35AMOVA groupings
- Individual
- Population
- Region
- AMOVA partitions molecular variance amongst a
priori defined groupings
36Now that we have distances.
- Plot their distribution (clonal vs. sexual)
- Analysis
- Similarity (cluster analysis) a variety of
algorithms. Most common are NJ and UPGMA - AMOVA requires a priori grouping
- Discriminant, canonical analysis
37Now that we have distances.
- Plot their distribution (clonal vs. sexual)
- Analysis
- Similarity (cluster analysis) a variety of
algorithms. Most common are NJ and UPGMA - AMOVA requires a priori grouping
- Discriminant, canonical analysis
- Frequency does allele frequency match expected
(hardy weinberg), F or Wrights statistsis
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41The scale of disease
- Dispersal gradients dependent on propagule size,
resilience, ability to dessicate, NOTE not
linear - Important interaction with environment, habitat,
and niche availability. Examples Heterobasidion
in Western Alps, Matsutake mushrooms that offer
example of habitat tracking - Scale of dispersal (implicitely correlated to
metapopulation structure)---
42S-P ratio in stumps is highly dependent on
distance from true fir and hemlock stands
San Diego
43Have we sampled enough?
- Resampling approaches
- Saturation curves
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46If we have codominant markers how many do I need
- Probability calculation based on allele frequency.
47White mangroves Corioloposis caperata
48Distances between study sites
White mangroves Corioloposis caperata
49Forest fragmentation can lead to loss of gene
flow among previously contiguous populations.
The negative repercussions of such genetic
isolation should most severely affect highly
specialized organisms such as some
plant-parasitic fungi.
AFLP study on single spores
Coriolopsis caperata on Laguncularia racemosa
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51From Garbelotto and Chapela, Evolution and
biogeography of matsutakes
Biodiversity within species as significant as
between species
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54Using DNA sequences
- Obtain sequence
- Align sequences, number of parsimony informative
sites - Gap handling
- Picking sequences (order)
- Analyze sequences (similarity/parsimony/exhaustive
/bayesian - Analyze output CI, HI Bootstrap/decay indices
55Using DNA sequences
- Testing alternative trees kashino hasegawa
- Molecular clock
- Outgroup
- Spatial correlation (Mantel)
- Networks and coalescence approaches
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