T-76.4115/5115 Software Development Project I/II Experience Exchange Session: QA Managers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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T-76.4115/5115 Software Development Project I/II Experience Exchange Session: QA Managers


Asiakkaan suorat laatuun liittyv t vaatimukset ... Re-testing bug fixes and changes. Formal documentation reviews and acceptance. Acceptance testing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: T-76.4115/5115 Software Development Project I/II Experience Exchange Session: QA Managers

T-76.4115/5115Software Development Project
I/IIExperience Exchange SessionQA Managers
  • Jari Vanhanen
  • Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja tuotannon
  • Software Business and Engineering Institute
  • (SoberIT)

  • Esittäytyminen
  • nimi, projekti
  • riittävä laatutaso kahdella lauseella
  • Laatutavoitteiden asettaminen
  • Laatukäytännöt laatutavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi
  • Seuranta ja raportointi

Laatutavoitteiden asettaminen
  • Projektin laatutavoitteet
  • Osa projektin tavoitteita
  • Asiakkaan näkökulma
  • Asiakkaan suorat laatuun liittyvät vaatimukset
  • Asiakas ei aina koe laatutavoitteita tärkeiksi
    tällaisessa projektissa
  • Ryhmän täytyy silloin asettaa laatutavoitteet
  • Yrittää selvittää asiakkaan implisiittiset
    odotukset laadun suhteen
  • Asettaa itse sellaiset laatutavoitteet, jotka
    ovat tarpeen asiakkaan asettamien muiden
    tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi
  • Ryhmän näkökulma
  • Projektin hallinnan ja sujuvan etenemisen
  • Liian suurten yllätysten välttäminen
  • Kurssin vaatimusten ja ryhmän arvosanatavoitteiden

Quality goals point out what is important
  • What are the most important quality
    characteristics for this project and product
  • Quality goals show where to focus
  • With clearly stated goals it is easier to select
    good practices and methods
  • Quality goals steer every activity of the project
    into the right direction
  • Helps decision making
  • Goals reflect the different qualities for
    different parts of the system

How to measure the quality goals
  • Some quality characteristics can be measured
  • Hard metrics
  • Set exact goals and measure
  • e.g. defect counts, performance
  • Some can be assessed subjectively
  • Subjective evaluation
  • Try to quantify, track progress regularly
  • e.g. usability, conformance to a standard
  • Some cannot be measured at all (in a practical
  • Indirect metrics
  • Select practices or guidelines and track
  • e.g. maintainability, reusability

Discussion on quality goals
  • What kinds of quality goals do you have in your
  • What problems and challenges you have encountered
    in quality goal definition?
  • Questions, experiences, ideas?

Quality Practices
A Project Plan
A Project Plan
The Reality
What quality practices can do for my project?
  • Provide headlights
  • Quality information
  • where are we
  • and what lies ahead
  • Enable changing our plan
  • We can get almost there and stick to our schedule
  • We can get there, but later than planned
  • But if we run full steam ahead according to our
    plan we will definitely crash

Quality Practices
  • Plan which practices are used to achieve and
    measure each of the quality goals
  • Select existing practices in use
  • Find good best practices from outside
  • Invent new practices
  • The goals give guidance for performing the
  • Many practices strive for better quality
  • Testing
  • Reviews, inspections
  • Conventions, guidelines
  • Documenting
  • Design and development methods techniques

Mapping the goals and practices
Practices Quality goals Quality goals Quality goals Quality goals Risks Risks
Practices Functional correctness Conform-ance to standard X Usability Change-ability DB changes break existing client sw One developer has no experience in J2EE
Functional testing X X
GUI prototyping X
Code reviews X
  • Documents how quality goals are to be achieved
    and risks handled
  • Focuses activities into right issues
  • Reveals and communicates quality risks
  • explicitly identified risks
  • risks of quality goals with weak practices

Mapping the goals and practices
Practices Quality goals Quality goals Quality goals Quality goals Risks Risks
Practices Functional correctness Conform-ance to standard X Usability Change-ability DB changes break existing client sw One developer has no experience in J2EE
Functional testing X X
GUI prototyping X
Code reviews X X X
Regression testing client sw X X
  • Can be used to emphasize different goals for
    different parts of the system
  • Can be used to focus quality practices into right
  • E.g. provides the exact goals of some review and
    testing practices

Who is responsible for quality?
  • Make sure that quality is everybodys
  • and it shows in the project plan
  • It is good to have a project QA manager role
  • Responsibility to actively track quality and help
    project manager to make QA activities to happen
  • Reports projects progress from the quality point
    of view in the project meetings
  • Tracking quality goals
  • Tries to be less eager sacrificing quality to the
    new fancy features
  • Does not mean personal responsibility to create
    the quality or to do all quality assurance

Recognize heartbeat and iteration quality
  • Heartbeat quality practices
  • Quality practices are part of each development
  • In-synch quality practices that help building
    in quality during design and implementation
  • E.g.
  • Automated unit testing
  • Continuous integration and nightly builds
  • Peer reviews
  • Continuous exploratory testing
  • Iterative function testing
  • Iteration quality practices
  • Assuring the quality of each increment
  • E.g.
  • Systematic test rounds
  • System tests for non-functional qualities
  • Re-testing bug fixes and changes
  • Formal documentation reviews and acceptance
  • Acceptance testing

Blue QA practices
Discussion on quality practices
  • What kinds of quality practices you have planned
    in your projects?
  • What problems and challenges you have encountered
    in defining the quality practices?
  • Questions, experiences, ideas?

Test-Case Based and Exploratory Testing
  • Test case based approach
  • Test cases are documented
  • Inputs, data
  • Execution steps
  • Expected outputs
  • Documented test cases can be reused later
  • Perhaps automated
  • Exploratory testing approach
  • Exact test cases are not designed and documented
  • Based on knowledge and skills of the tester
  • Focuses on revealing defects
  • Only higher level instructions are planned
  • Can be structured by functionality, components,
    main GUI areas, scenarios, use cases, etc.
  • Must be planned, tracked and reported

Plan how do you design your test cases
  • On what levels do you test, and why?
  • Unit, integration, system, acceptance
  • What is the goal of your test cases?
  • What your test cases are based on?
  • Use cases
  • Technical specification
  • Requirements document, functional specification
  • User interface functions
  • Some other interface
  • What is the level of detail in test case design?
  • Cover all GUI components
  • Set of test for each feature/function
  • One test case per use case
  • How do you document and track your test cases?
  • Do you automate your tests?
  • What tests, why?
  • How?
  • How much does it cost?

Discussion on testing and test case design
  • What kind of testing have you planned in your
  • Questions, experiences, ideas?

Discussion on QA Reporting
  • How to report the results of quality practices?
  • How to report the quality status of the system?
  • Questions, experiences, ideas?
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