Title: New Beginnings
1New Beginnings
Supporting NEET Young People to Move on Fiona
Harvey Business Development Manager Rainer City
Training Solent
2Core service areas
- Supported accommodation
- Tackling crime
- Supporting young people and families
- Learning and employability
arresting the progress of crime and vice
through prevention rather than punishment. Philan
thropic Society report, early 1800s Offence
after offence appear to be the lot of him whose
foot has once slipped. Can nothing be done to
arrest the downward career? Frederic Rainer,
1876 Led the reform schools movement
Foundation of modern probation service
4Involvement opportunities
Ive spoken at conferences about my experiences.
Its good for me and I hope it helps others
too. Rainer service user, 19 We interviewed
three people for the post of support worker on
the next day and what one of the
candidates/interviewees said made me think I
could do this job it inspired me to become a
support worker. Rob, Rainer Leicester,
22 Rainer intervention service user
involvement Hear by Right standards framework
5Voices from New Deal for Young People
13 weeks may not be long enough to set up and
find a work placement, then there isnt
sufficient time to have a worthwhile or
beneficial work experience Tom, 24 There is
more impetus to get a job when on New Deal.
Coming to Rainer is a kick up the arse because
youve got to come in and try to achieve
something Brad, 22
6Motivating Young People
- The New Deal has permitted perennially
unemployed young people to become re-treads,
repeatedly passing through the phoney training
schemes while continuing to live on benefits. - Janet Daley comment
- Spending 7 hours a day sat in front of a
computer reading the same vacancies as the day
before is boring and pointless - Dan 19
7Underlying issues
- Family Risk Factors
- Poor discipline, family conflict
- School Risk Factors
- Low achievement, lack of commitment to school
- Community Risk Factors
- Disadvantaged neighbourhood, availability of
drugs - Individual and Peer Group Risk Factors
- Alienation, attitudes that condone problem
8Contractual Targets Meeting individual needs
Our experience has shown that finding appropriate
work placements is key to motivating young people
on New Deal at Rainer City Training Getting my
First Aid qualification has really given me a
boost. Im also finding my work placement will
actually mean I have something real to show an
employer. It was hard at first but Im learning
new things and its good to do something Joe 20
9Our Recommendations
Working to targets is not addressing the
underlying problems 20 weeks will give us more
time Greater linkage between providers
employers JCP
10Summing up
Its easy to give up on young people when theyre
giving you a hard time. Most people give up. But
young people know this look to adults for
guidance. We know straight away when youve given
up on us. It was the staff at Rainer that helped
me grow up.. Now I look at myself and Im
starting to make a success of my life Jordan 19