Introduction to Programming with Data Structures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Programming with Data Structures


Efficient Implementation of Maps and Dictionaries. Hash Tables ... Maps hash codes to indices of containers in a hashtable's array ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Programming with Data Structures

Introduction to Programming with Data Structures
Computer Science 187
Lecture 20 Sets, Maps, and Hashtables
  • Recursion OWL is still open.
  • Programming project 5 up.

Sets and the Set Interface
  • This part of the Collection hierarchy includes 3
    interfaces, 2 abstract classes, and 2 actual

The Set Abstraction
  • A set is a collection of elements containing no
    duplicate elements
  • Operations on sets include
  • Testing for membership
  • Adding elements
  • Removing elements
  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Difference
  • Subset

The Set Interface and Methods
  • // element oriented methods
  • boolean contains (E e) // member test
  • boolean add (E e) // enforces no-dups
  • boolean remove (Object o)
  • boolean isEmpty ()
  • int size ()
  • IteratorltEgt iterator ()

The Set Interface and Methods (2)
  • // Set/Collection oriented methods
  • // subset test
  • boolean containsAll(CollectionltEgt c)
  • // set union
  • boolean addAll(CollectionltEgt c)
  • // set difference
  • boolean removeAll(CollectionltEgt c)
  • // set intersection
  • boolean retainAll(CollectionltEgt c)

The Set Interface and Methods (3)
  • Constructors enforce the no duplicates
  • Add methods do not allow duplicates either
  • Certain methods are optional
  • add, addAll, remove, removeAll, retainAll

Set Example
  • String aA Ann,Sal,Jill,Sal
  • String aB Bob,Bill,Ann,Jill
  • SetltStringgt sA new HashSetltStringgt()
  • // HashSet implements Set
  • SetltStringgt sA2 new HashSetltStringgt()
  • SetltStringgt sB new HashSetltStringgt()
  • for (String s aA)
  • sA.add(s) sA2.add(s)
  • for (String s aB)
  • sB.add(s)

Set Example (2)
  • ...
  • System.out.println(The two sets are
  • \n sA \n sB)
  • sA.addAll(sB) // union
  • sA2.retainAll(sB) // intersection
  • System.out.println(Union sA)
  • System.out.println(Intersection sA2)

java -cp ./Users/allenhanson/Desktop/SetTest/Jav
aClasses.jar SetTest The two sets are Set A
Sal, Jill, Ann Set B Bob, Jill, Ann,
Bill Union Bob, Sal, Jill, Ann,
Bill Intersection Jill, Ann logout Process
Lists vs. Sets
  • Sets allow no duplicates
  • Sets do not have positions, so no get or set
  • Set iterator can produce elements in any order

No order or sense of position
  • Searching for information is ubiquitous.
  • Search is often key-based
  • medical record based on persons name (the key)
  • look for property records based on an
    address-based key
  • Java Collections classes support efficient
    search over various kinds of data structures.

  • Many, many examples in our everyday life of
  • The primary purpose is to look things up using
    some key. The motivation being is that there is
    some information in addition to the key that we
    would find useful
  • account number in our bank
  • a set of windows open in a graphical interface
  • Websters
  • A concordance for a document
  • Variable-value tables

Dictionary class replaced by the Map interface.
Looking Stuff Up
Key Associated Element Allen 339 Joan 0 Bar
b 32 Phil 458
Maps and the Map Interface
  • Map is related to Set it is a set of ordered
  • Ordered pair (key, value)
  • There are no duplicate keys
  • Values may appear more than once
  • Can think of key as mapping to a particular
  • Maps support efficient organization of
    information in tables
  • Mathematically, these maps are
  • Many-to-one (not necessarily one-to-one)
  • many keys might map to the same element
  • Onto (every data element in the map has a key)

The Map Interface
  • // some methods of java.util.MapltK, Vgt
  • // K is the key type
  • // V is the value type
  • // may return null
  • V get (Object key)
  • // returns previous value or null
  • V put (K key, V value)
  • // returns previous value or null
  • V remove (Object key)
  • boolean isEmpty ()
  • int size ()

Map Example
Map Example
  • // this builds the Map in previous picture
  • MapltString, Stringgt m
  • new HashMapltString, Stringgt()
  • // HashMap is an implementation of Map
  • m.put(J , Jane)
  • m.put(B , Bill)
  • m.put(S , Sam )
  • m.put(B1, Bob )
  • m.put(B2, Bill)
  • //
  • System.out.println(B1-gt m.get(B1))
  • System.out.println(Bill-gtm.get(Bill))

No order or sense of position
Efficient Implementation of Maps and
DictionariesHash Tables
  • Problem phone company wants to implement caller
  • given a phone number (the key), look up persons
    name (the data)
  • lots of phone numbers (P107-1) in a given area
  • only a small fraction of them are in use
  • Possibilities
  • an array indexed by key retrieval is O(1), but
    huge amount of space potentially wasted.

A List Representation
  • Nodes store keys and data
  • Only phone numbers in use are stored
  • Retrieval is O(N) and the space requirement is
    cNt (Nphone numbers in use)

A Tree Representation
  • Nodes contain key (phone number) and data (name).
  • Tree balanced search is O(log N) and space is on
    the order of the number of nodes.

As a Hash Table
  • Use a function of the key( h(K)) to determine
    where key (and associated data) is stored
  • M h(K)-gtan address
  • Go directly to location rather than searching
  • O(n) or O(log n) -gt O(1).
  • For any key K
  • store K and a reference to the data associated
    with K at location h(K) in the hash table (an
  • When looking for K, compute h(K) and go to that
    location in hash table to find key and the other

Theres always a catch..
  • The problem is collisions - two keys k1 and k2
    for which
  • h(k1) h(k2)
  • Use a collision-handling scheme to solve the
    problem of pairs that need to be stored at the
    same location
  • Two important issues
  • hash functions and
  • collisions

Hashing Observations
  • A hash table is a container which is used to
    hold some number of items of a given set K (the
  • Generally, the size of the set of keys, K, is
    relatively large or even unbounded.
  • For example, if the keys are 32-bit integers,
    then K232
  • If the keys are arbitrary character strings of
    arbitrary length, then K is unbounded.
  • We also expect that the actual number of items
    stored in the container to be significantly less
    than K.
  • That is, if n is the number of items actually
    stored in the container, then nltltltK .

As a Hash Table
  • New phone number 348-8905 for Mike

Add Mike at Location 0 in Hash Table
Mike 348-8905
Hash function evaluates to the range 0..N-1 or
0-4 in this example.
A Collision
  • New phone number 352-2188 for Karen

Uh-oh! Als already there!
Karen 352-2188
  • Called a collision.
  • Collisions are unavoidable in hash tables. WHY??

What Can Be Hashed?
  • Anything!
  • numbers, strings, structures, etc.
  • We just have to be clever about how we define the
    hash function.
  • Java defines a hashing method for general objects
    which returns an integer value.
  • may not be too good, in general - sometimes
    returns the address of the object -- what
    problems does this cause?
  • This method is overridden by the String class
    (for example)

to provide a better method - one that guarantees
that the value returned for two strings that are
equal (same character sequence) are the same.
  • Hash on content, not address

Hash Function General Idea
hash code
. . .
. . .
compression map
Hash Table (e.g. an array of size N)
N - 1
. . .
. . .
Another Example Counting CharactersA Simple
Hash Function
  • Want to count occurrences of each character in a
  • There are 216 possible characters, but ...
  • Maybe only 100 or so occur in a given file
  • Approach hash character to range 0-199
  • That is, use a hash table of size 200
  • A possible hash function for this example
  • int hash unicodeChar 200
  • Collisions are certainly possible.

Example Hashing Functions
  • Integer translation of memory location
  • Ignores equality by state
  • Default for most Java implementations
  • Integer translation of object state
  • Implies state equality hash code equality
  • Integer translation of memory bits
  • Often ignores large portions of object state
  • Good for primitive values
  • Lots of possibilities

Devising Hash Functions
  • Simple functions often produce many collisions
  • ... but complex functions may not be good either!
  • It is often an empirical process
  • Adding letter values in a string same hash for
    strings with same letters in different order
  • Better approach
  • int hash 0
  • for (int i 0 i lt s.length() i)
  • hash hash 31 s.charAt(i)
  • This is the hash function used for String in Java

Devising Hash Functions (2)
  • The String hash is good in that
  • Every letter affects the value
  • The order of the letters affects the value
  • The values tend to be spread well over the
  • Table size should not be a multiple of 31
  • Calculate index int index hash size
  • For short strings, index depends heavily on the
    last one or two characters of the string
  • They chose 31 because it is prime, and this is
    less likely to happen

Devising Hash Functions (3)
  • Guidelines for good hash functions
  • Spread values evenly as if random
  • Cheap to compute
  • Generally, number of possible values gtgt table size

Compression Map
  • Translates integers in one range into integers in
    another range
  • Maps hash codes to indices of containers in a
    hashtables array
  • Can be implemented in various ways
  • A separate CompressionMap object
  • A separate HashFunction object
  • Example Compression Maps
  • Divide by range size and take remainder
  • Known as the division method
  • hash(k) k mod N
  • Poor if range size is not prime
  • Compute with constant values
  • One possibility the MAD method
  • hash(k) ak b mod N
  • Good if a mod N ¹ 0

Rehashing The Hashing Function
  • What we need is a function h K -gt 0, 1, 2,
    .,N-1 .
  • h is called a hash function .
  • In general, since KgtgtN , the mapping defined by
    a hash function will be a many-to-one mapping .
  • That is, there will exist many pairs of distinct
    keys x and y for which h(x)h(y).
  • This situation is called a collision.
  • What are the characteristics of a good hash
  • A good hash function avoids collisions.
  • A good hash function tends to spread keys
    evenly in the array.
  • A good hash function is easy to compute.
  • However, remember that collisions are inevitable
    because the mapping is many to one.
  • do we handle collisions

Strategies for Handling Collisions
  • Attempts to solve the problem of two keys hashing
    to the same location
  • Depends on individual container capacity and may
    result in a fixed or arbitrary capacity hashtable
  • The running times for a hashtables operations
    depend on its collision-handling strategy

Dealing with Collisions
  • Three standard methods
  • Chaining use a list at each array index to store
    keys and data
  • Linear/Quadratic Probe if hashed index is full,
    start walking down array looking for an empty
    slot and put key and data there.
  • Double Hashing use two hash functions - second
    is an offset to add to the value of the first.
  • Chaining stores data outside the table and is an
    example of a technique called open hashing.
  • The other two store the data in the hash table
    and are examples of techniques called closed
    hashing (also called open addressingjust to be
    really confusing).
  • All three methods introduce some problems.

Open Hashing
  • Colliding elements are placed in a list whose
    head is located in the array.

  • When looking for a key, and list head is not
    null, we may have to look down the list to find
    our key.

Closed Hashing
  • All records are stored in the table.
  • Call h(ki) the home position (the position
    computed by the hashing function).
  • If a slot is already occupied, the data will be
    stored at some other slot in the table.
  • How do we find this slot? (aside mediated by a
    conflict resolution policy).
  • Any closed hashing collision resolution method
    can be viewed as generating a sequence of hash
    table slots that can potentially hold the key and
  • First slot generated is the home slot.
  • If occupied, go to next slot generated if
    occupied, go to next slot, etc.
  • Array must be treated circularly.

Closed Hashing Example Linear Probing
  • What about
  • Searching follows same probe sequence--- when can
    we stop?
  • Deletions are a pain! WHY????

Linear Probing Summary
  • Uses less memory than chaining
  • dont have to store all the links
  • Can be slower than chaining
  • may have to walk along the table for a long way
  • notice were walking over the elements at their
    legitimate home positions as we go.
  • Difficult to delete a key and associated record.
  • has an impact on the search process
  • Keys have a tendency to clump, leading to long
    search sequences.

Linear Probe PseudoCode
  • linear_probe_insert(K)
  • if (table is full) error
  • probe h(k)
  • while (tableprobe is occupied)
  • probe (probe1) mod N
  • tableprobeK

Closed Hashing Example Double Hashing
  • Use two hash functions
  • one as before that generates the home position.
  • second one generates a sequence of offsets from
    the home position that define the probe sequence.
  • probe (probe offset) mod N
  • If the size of the table is prime, this method
    will eventually examine every position in the
  • take a number theory course to find out why.

Double Hashing Example
h1(K) K mod 5 h2(K) 3 - K mod 3
h2(3522188) 3 (offset)
2. OK!
Probe Sequence
1. Full
352-2188 -gt 3 1 4 2 0
  • What about
  • Searching follows same probe sequence--- when can
    we stop?
  • Deletions are still a pain!

Double Hashing
  • Pseudo-Code for Insert
  • double_hash_insert(K)
  • if (table is full) error
  • probe h1(K)
  • offset h2(K)
  • while (tableprobe occupied)
  • probe (probeoffset) mod M
  • tableprobe K
  • Many of same (dis) advantages as linear probing.
  • Tends to distribute keys more uniformly.

More on the Hash Function
  • Need to choose a good hash function
  • efficient to compute
  • distributes keys uniformly throughout table
  • For non-integer keys
  • find a way of turning the keys into integers
  • for phone number, remove - to get integer!
  • for strings, add up Unicode value of characters?
  • use the standard hash function on the integers
  • Standard function
  • h(K) K mod N
  • K is the key, N is the size of the table
  • How do we choose N?

Choosing the Size of the Hash Table
  • Make it big enough to last for awhile.
  • N2p is bad
  • h(K) gives the p least significant bits of K
  • all keys with the same ending go to the same
  • N prime is good
  • helps ensure a uniform distribution
  • again, need a number theory course to see why.

Theoretical Results
  • Define the load factor of a hash table as
  • a m/N
  • N is the size of the table
  • m is the number of entries in the table with
    something in them.
  • a is the average number of keys per array entry
  • Theoretical results are obtained using a
    probabilistic analysis, rather than worst case.

Expected Number of Probes Needed to Find a Key
  • So What????

Performance of Hash Tables (2)
L is our load factor a
Same Results Graphically
Performance of Hash Tables (3)
  • Hash table
  • Insert average o(1)
  • Search average o(1)
  • Sorted array
  • Insert average o(n)
  • Search average o(log n)
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Insert average o(log n)
  • Search average o(log n)
  • But balanced trees can guarantee O(log n)

Average case, not worst case. Worst case for
chaining is O(n)
Performance of Hash Tables (4) Space
  • Hash table
  • Open addressing space n/a e.g., 1.5 to 2 x n
  • Chaining assuming 4 words per list node (2
    header, 1 next, 1 data) n(14a)
  • Sorted array
  • Space n
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Space 5n (5 words per tree node 2 header, 1
    left, 1 right, 1 data)

Terminology Review
  • hash table Tables which can be searched for
    an item in O(1) time using a hash function to
    form an address from the key.
  • hash function Function which, when applied to
    the key, produces a integer which can be used as
    an address in a hash table.
  • collision When a hash function maps two
    different keys to the same table address, a
    collision is said to occur.
  • linear probing A simple re-hashing scheme in
    which the next slot in the table is checked on a
  • quadratic probing A re-hashing scheme in
    which a higher (usually 2nd) order function of
    the hash index is used to calculate the address.
  • chaining a conflict resolution strategy where
    colliding values at a hash table slot are stored
    in a list associated with the slot.
  • clustering Tendency for clusters of adjacent
    slots to be filled when linear probing is used.
  • secondary clustering Collision sequences
    generated by addresses calculated with quadratic
  • perfect hash function Function which, when
    applied to all the members of the set of items to
    be stored in a hash table, produces a unique set
    of integers within some suitable range.

Implementing Hash Tables
  • Interface HashMap used for both implementations
  • Class Entry simple class for (key, value) pairs
  • Class HTOpen implements open addressing
  • Class HTChain implements chaining
  • Further implementation concerns

Interface HashMapltK,Vgt
  • Note Java API version has many more operations!
  • // may return null if key not in map
  • V get (Object key)
  • // returns previous value null if none
  • V put (K key, V value)
  • // returns previous value null if none
  • V remove (Object key)
  • boolean isEmpty ()
  • int size ()

Class Entry
  • private static class EntryltK, Vgt
  • private K key
  • private V value
  • public Entry (K key, V value)
  • this.key key this.value value
  • public K getKey () return key
  • public V getValue () return value
  • public V setValue (V newVal)
  • V oldVal value
  • value newVal
  • return oldVal

Class HTOpenltK,Vgt
  • public class HTOpenltK, Vgt
  • implements HashMapltK, Vgt
  • private EntryltK, Vgt table
  • private static final int INIT_CAP 101
  • private double LOAD_THRESHOLD 0.75
  • private int numKeys
  • private int numDeletes
  • // special marker Entry
  • private final EntryltK, Vgt DELETED
  • new EntryltK, Vgt(null, null)
  • public HTOpen ()
  • table new EntryINIT_CAP
  • ... // inner class Entry can go here

Class HTOpenltK,Vgt find
  • private int find (Object key)
  • int hash key.hashCode()
  • int idx hash table.length
  • if (idx lt 0) idx table.length
  • while ((tableidx ! null)
  • (!key.equals(tableidx.key)))
  • idx
  • if (idx gt table.length)
  • idx 0
  • // could do above 3 lines as
  • // idx (idx 1) table.length
  • return idx

Class HTOpenltK,Vgt get
  • public V get (Object key)
  • int idx find(key)
  • if (tableidx ! null)
  • return tableidx.value
  • else
  • return null

Class HTOpenltK,Vgt put
  • public V put (K key, V val)
  • int idx find(key)
  • if (tableidx null)
  • tableidx new EntryltK,Vgt(key,val)
  • numKeys
  • double ldFact // NOT int divide!
  • (double)(numKeysnumDeletes) /
  • table.length
  • if (ldFact gt LOAD_THRESHOLD) rehash()
  • return null
  • V oldVal tableidx.value
  • tableidx.value val
  • return oldVal

Class HTOpenltK,Vgt rehash
  • private void rehash ()
  • EntryltK, Vgt oldTab table
  • table new Entry2oldTab.length 1
  • // the 1 keeps length odd
  • numKeys 0
  • numDeletes 0
  • for (int i 0 i lt oldTab.length i)
  • if ((oldTabi ! null)
  • (oldTabi ! DELETED))
  • put(OldTabi.key, oldTabi.value)
  • // The remove operation is an exercise

Class HTChainltK,Vgt
  • public class HTChainltK, Vgt
  • implements HashMapltK, Vgt
  • private LinkedListltEntryltK, Vgtgt table
  • private int numKeys
  • private static final int CAPACITY 101
  • private static final double
  • // put inner class Entry here
  • public HTChain ()
  • table new LinkedListCAPACITY
  • ...

Class HTChainltK,Vgt get
  • public V get (Object key)
  • int hash key.hashCode()
  • int idx hash table.length
  • if (idx lt 0) idx table.length
  • if (tableidx null) return null
  • for (EntryltK, Vgt item tableidx)
  • if (item.key.equals(key))
  • return item.value
  • return null

Class HTChainltK,Vgt put
  • public V put (K key, V val)
  • int hash key.hashCode()
  • int idx hash table.length
  • if (idx lt 0) idx table.length
  • if (tableidx null)
  • tableidx
  • new LinkedListltEntryltK, Vgtgt()
  • for (EntryltK, Vgt item tableidx)
  • if (item.key.equals(key))
  • V oldVal item.value
  • item.value val
  • return oldVal
  • // more ....

Class HTChainltK,Vgt put, contd.
  • // rest of put not found case
  • tableidx.addFirst(
  • new EntryltK, Vgt(key, val))
  • numKeys
  • if (numKeys gt
  • (LOAD_THRESHOLD table.length))
  • rehash()
  • return null
  • // remove and rehash left as exercises

Implementation Considerations for Maps and Sets
  • Class Object implements hashCode and equals
  • Every class has these methods
  • One may override them when it makes sense to
  • Object.equals compares addresses, not contents
  • Object.hashCode based on address, not contents
  • Java recommendation
  • If you override equals, then
  • you should also override hashCode

Example of equals and hashCode
  • Consider class Person with field IDNum
  • public boolean equals (Object o)
  • if (!(o instanceof Person))
  • return false
  • return IDNum.equals(((Person)o).IDNum)
  • Demands a matching hashCode method
  • public int hashCode ()
  • // equal objects will have equal hashes
  • return IDNum.hashCode()

Implementing HashSetOpen
  • Can use HashMapltE,Egt and pairs (key,key)
  • This is an adapter class
  • Can use an EntryltEgt inner class
  • Can implement with an E array
  • In each case, can code open addressing and
  • The coding of each method is analogous to what we
    saw with HashMap

Implementing the Java Map and Set Interfaces
  • The Java API uses a hash table to implement both
    the Map and Set interfaces
  • Implementing them is aided by abstract classes
    AbstractMap and AbstractSet in the Collection
  • Interface Map requires nested type Map.EntryltK,Vgt
  • Interface Map also requires support for viewing
    it as a Set of Entry objects

Applying Maps Phone Directory
  • public String addOrChangeEntry (
  • String name, String newNum)
  • String oldNum dir.put(name, newNum)
  • modified true
  • return oldNum
  • public String lookupEntry (String name)
  • return dir.get(name)
  • public String removeEntry (String name)
  • String ret dir.remove(name)
  • if (ret ! null) modified true
  • return ret

Applying Maps Phone Directory (2)
  • // in loadData
  • while ((name ins.readLine()) ! null)
  • if ((number ins.readLine()) null)
  • break
  • dir.put(name, number)
  • // saving
  • for (Map.EntryltString,Stringgt curr
  • dir.entrySet())
  • outs.println(curr.getKey())
  • outs.println(curr.getValue())

Applying Maps Huffman Coding
  • // First, want to build frequency table
  • // for a given input file
  • public static HuffData buildFreqTable (
  • BufferedRead ins)
  • MapltCharacter, Integergt freqs
  • new HashMapltCharacter, Integergt()
  • try
  • ... process each character ...
  • catch (IOException ex)
  • ex.printStackTrace()
  • ... build array from map ...

Applying Maps Huffman Coding (2)
  • // process each character
  • int next
  • while ((next ! -1)
  • Integer count freqs.get((char) next)
  • if (count null)
  • count 1
  • else
  • count
  • freqs.put((char)next, count)
  • ins.close()

Applying Maps Huffman Coding (3)
  • // build array from map
  • HuffData freqTab
  • new HuffDatafreqs.size()
  • int i 0
  • for (Map.EntryltCharacter,Integergt entry
  • freqs.entrySet())
  • freqTabi
  • new HuffData(
  • entry.getValue().doubleValue(),
  • entry.getKey())
  • return freqTab

Applying Maps Huffman Coding (4)
  • // build ENCODING table
  • public void buildCodeTab ()
  • codeMap
  • new HashMapltCharacter,BitStringgt()
  • buildCodeTab(huffTree, new BitString())

Applying Maps Huffman Coding (5)
  • public void buildCodeTab (
  • BinaryTreeltHuffDatagt tree,
  • BitString code)
  • HuffData datum tree.getData()
  • if (datum.symbol ! null)
  • codeMap.put(datum.symbol, code)
  • else
  • BitString l (BitString)code.clone()
  • l.append(false)
  • buildCodeTab(tree.left() , l)
  • BitString r (BitString)code.clone()
  • r.append(true)
  • buildCodeTab(tree.right(), r)

Applying Maps Huffman Coding (6)
  • public void encode (BufferedReader ins,
  • ObjectObjectStream outs)
  • BitString res new BitString()
  • try
  • int next
  • while ((next ! -1)
  • Character nxt (char)next
  • BitString nextChunk
  • codeMap.get(nxt)
  • res.append(nextChunk)
  • res.trimCapacity() ins.close()
  • outs.writeObject(res)outs.close()...
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