Title: K Scott, S Setterfield, M Douglas
1PROGRAM B Project 3.2, Prescribed fire and
biodiversity in northern Australia
Soil temperatures in the Top End
K Scott, S Setterfield, M Douglas Faculty of
Education, Health and Science, Charles Darwin
University, Northern Territory A Andersen CSIRO
Sustainable Ecosystems, Northern Territory
Knowledge of soil temperatures is important
because they determine if seeds germinate
- 1. Diurnal change on surface
- Up to 35C difference between night and day
- Soil under leaf litter and tree canopy stays
- 2. Depth and season (at 1.00 pm)
- Hotter on surface than at 1 cm below
- Hotter in late dry season than early dry season
Canopy gap (no litter)
Surface 1 cm depth
Canopy gap (under litter)
Under canopy and litter
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)
Late dry season (October)
Early dry season (June)
Time of day (16/11/06)
- 3. During a fire
- Peaks rapidly and falls slowly
- Surface gets hotter than 1 cm below
- Fires hotter in late dry season than early dry
season - Soil temperature in early dry season fire
similar to diurnal max
Early dry season (June) Late dry season (October)
Late dry season - surface Late dry season 1 cm
Early dry season surface Early dry season 1
cm depth
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)
1 cm depth
Time (min)
- 4. Implications
- Temperatures are never low enough to prohibit
germination in the growing season (starts
November) - Seeds which bury themselves (hygroscopic awns),
or fall in shady microclimates, are protected
from high diurnal temperatures - Seeds dont have a direct advantage of being
heated by early dry season fire they experience
similar temperatures at time of germination - Hotter fires in the late dry season should
release more hardseeded legumes from dormancy (a
given temperature extends deeper)