Title: Advanced FEL Beamline for Infrared SASE Experiments
1Advanced FEL Beamline for Infrared SASE
- L-band linac
- 17-MeV e-beam
- Solenoid focusing
- 2-m wiggler
- Sextupole focusing
- OTR diagnostics
- Streak camera
- Infrared detectors
- A joint effort between LANL, SLAC and UCLA to
achieve SASE saturation in the infrared is
underway at the Los Alamos Advanced FEL facility.
This experiment is an extension of two previous
SASE experiments that have achieved very large
single-pass gains, e.g. 300 at 16 µm and 3 x 105
at 12 µm. The new experiment will use a
two-meter-long uniform permanent-magnet wiggler
with natural (sextupole) two-plane focusing. By
reducing the wiggler gap, we achieve an on-axis
magnetic field of 0.75 T and a corresponding rms
wiggler parameter of 1.0. Analytical
calculations indicate that with a 270-A, 16.5-MeV
electron beam, the SASE radiation at 18 µm will
reach saturation in 1.9 meters of wiggler length.
A low-power re-injection of the SASE output can
also be used to verify saturation of the
single-pass SASE.
3Analytic Model for Calculating SASE Power vs.
Wiggler Length
Dattoli Model for Saturation Yu Model for
Startup Calculations agree with Measurements
4Saturated SASE Experimental Setup and Beam
- Beam Energy 16.5 MeV
- Peak Current 270 A
- Bunch Length 17 ps FWHM
- Emittance 8 mm-mrad
- Energy Spread 0.3
- Betatron Period 0.94 m
- Wiggler Period 2 cm
- Wiggler rms aw 1.0
- 1-D r 0.021
- 3-D Gain Length 7.7 cm
- Saturation Length 1.7 m
- Saturated Power 50 MW
5First SASE Experiment at LANL Achieves 300X
Single-Pass Gain
- 1-m Uniform wiggler,
- rms aw 0.92
- SASE pulse energy was measured as a function of
charge. - From current dependence on Q, plot SASE pulse
energy versus I. - Fit measurements to predicted dependence and
obtain SASE gain versus I. - Analytical calculations agree with measurements.
Log-log plot of measured and predicted SASE pulse
energy versus current
6UCLA-LANL-RRC-SLAC Joint SASE Achieves 3x105 Gain
- 2-m Uniform wiggler rms aw 0.7
- Calculated saturation length 2.9 meters
- Highest SASE gain in the infrared to date
- Fluctuations agree with prediction of 8.8
cooperation lengths - Measured pulse energy agrees with predictions.
Log-log plot of measured and predicted pulse
energy vs current
7High-brightness Electron Beams for Saturated SASE
Measured rms radius and inferred normalized
emittance vs charge
Measured FWHM pulse length and inferred peak
current vs charge
8SASE Wiggler Has 2-m Uniform Length with
Two-plane Focusing
- lw 2 cm
- SmCo PM
- Bpeak 0.75 T
- aw 1.0
- a 5.4 mm
- b 3.9 mm
- c 1.5 mm
- d 5.5 mm
- bx 0.19 m/rad
- by 0.15 m/rad
9Taut-wire Measurements of Corrected 50-cm Wiggler
- First integral indicates uniformity of aw
- Second integral is a measure of straightness of
electron trajectory - Quadrupole field is determined by off-axis 2nd
integral measurements - Sextupole field is determined by off-axis
magnetic field measurement.
Plots of first and second integrals of fourth
50-cm section of wiggler
An experiment underway at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory is aimed at achieving SASE
saturation at 18 µm. This experiment, a joint
effort between LANL, SLAC and UCLA, is an
extension of two previous SASE experiments that
have achieved very large single-pass gains. The
new experiment will use a two-meter-long uniform
permanent-magnet wiggler with natural (sextupole)
two-plane focusing. A successful demonstration of
SASE saturation in the infrared will provide
validation of SASE theory as well as the
capabilities to measure the SASE spectral,
temporal and spatial characteristics. Also,
using the regenerative amplifier FEL feedback
optics to reinject a low-power signal to restart
the amplification process, in principle one can
reduce the pulse-to-pulse amplitude and spectral
fluctuations of the single-pass SASE signal.