Title: SEAONC Seismology Subcommittee on Ground Motions
1SEAONCSeismology Subcommittee on Ground Motions
- Kickoff Meeting, April 21, 2009
2Rough Agenda
- Current code provisions for site-specific ground
motions (10mins) - OSHPD CANs and DSA Bulletins modifying these
provisions (10mins) - Implementation of modifications into new code
editions (5mins) - Aim of the subcommittee (5-10mins)
- Discussion of subcommittee goals
3Code Provisions (Pre-CAN)
- ASCE 7-05 Chapters 11 and 21
- 2007 CBC Chapter 16 and 16A
- Application in ASCE 7-05 Chapter 12 and CBC
4Site-Specific Procedures
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)
- Derive 2475 year return period ground motion
- Use site lat/long and attenuation relationships
- Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Relationships
(2008) or - Previous Attenuation Relationships (1997 through
2003) - Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA)
- Ground Motions for Individual Faults
- Calculated based on Characteristic Magnitude of
the fault and the distance to the site - Uses same Attenuation Relations as PSHA
5PSHA, DSHA, and Statistics
- PSHA Provides a Probability of Exceedance in
Return Period - Can be calculated for confidence intervals
- Confidence associated with Attenuation
Relationships - Median, Mean s, Mean 2s, etc.
- DSHA - No Return Period
- For analysis purposes, use the worst case
earthquake, or the largest magnitude at the
closest distance (and the greatest PGA) - Median, Mean s, Mean 2s, etc.
6PSHA Probability of Exceedance
7Derive Site-Specific Design Response Spectrum
- Objective 2/3 of the Site-Specific Maximum
Considered Earthquake - Compares Probabilistic MCE with Deterministic MCE
- Probabilistic MCE 2/50 year (2475) event
- Deterministic MCE
- greater of 1.5xDSHA and
- Deterministic Lower Bound ASCE 7-05 21.2.2
8Graphically 2475 Spectrum
9Graphically Deterministic Spectrum
- Deterministic spectra shown are for the 84th
ile, following the provisions of the OSHPD CANs,
discussed later. Current Code specifies use of
150 of the Median Deterministic Spectrum
10Graphically Deterministic and Probabilistic
Comparison(Take the lower of the two.)
11Graphically Comparison of Probabilistic and
Deterministic MCEsResult of comparison must fall
above 80 of Simplified Method Spectrum from ASCE
7 11
12SDS and SD1
- SDS Short Period Acceleration Parameter
- SD1 Acceleration Parameter at 1-second Period
- Code Specifies How to Calculate These
- Base Shear Equations (ASCE 7-05 Chapter 12) Use
- Apply Rotation Requirement to Motions Calculated
with NGAs Maximum Rotated - DSHA To Use Means Instead of 1.5x
- Older Relations Not Mixed with NGAs
- Modify SD1 Calculation for use in ASCE Chapter 12