Title: System Architectures for 5'9GHz DSRC Wireless Communications
1System Architectures for 5.9GHz DSRC Wireless
- Christopher J Skinner
- Principal DISplay Pty Ltd
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4The requirement for high availability, low
latency DSRC wireless communications
- High availability, low-latency HALL
- High availability because it must support
services that are safety-critical - Low latency because the combined closing velocity
of surface transport vehicles may exceed 300kph
(more in some countries)
5The logical architecture of V2V
6In-vehicle logical architecture
7IEEE P802.11p/D0.25, November 2005 Figure
p4Connecting an OBU to an Onboard Vehicle Host
8CVIS Vehicle System
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11The logical architecture of V2I
12IEEE P802.11p/D0.25, November 2005Figure
p1RSU, OBU, and a Portable Unit Communicating
13The logical architecture for control centres,
roadside units RSU and vehicles
14Distribution System (DS) Portal at RSUIEEE
P1609.3/D21, November 2006 Figure 5
15The choice of 5.9GHz band
Australian fixed links
Vic Police
Vic Police
17IEEE P802.11p/D0.25, November 2005Figure
p7OFDM PHY WAVE frequency channel plan for North
18Introduction to CALM - what is it and how does it
engage with DSRC
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21CALM High-level Architecture including references
to standards
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23 24EU COMeSafety Relationships
25Car2Car ? WAVE
26Reference IEEE P1609.3D20, page 9, Figure 1,
WAVE Standards, July 2006quoted in IEEE DSRC
Application Services (P1609) Status Report by Tom
Kurihara dated 2007-04-22
27IEEE P1609.3/D21, November 2006The WAVE protocol
28CALM FAST exchange of data VSCF Vehicle
Service Context Frame RSIF Roadside Service
Information Frame
29Figure 4Reference architecture of the MAC with
channel coordinationIEEE P1609.4/D09, August 2006
30Figure 7Sync interval, guard interval, CCH
interval and SCH intervalIEEE P1609.4/D09,
August 2006
31Japanese approach
32Issues for standards
33Issues for spectrum allocation
34Issues for this workshop
- Need to agree that 5.9GHz is the first priority
for DSRC in Australia - Need to agree to work together to present a
compelling case for allocation of spectrum - Need to agree on the objectives for a cluster
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