Title: Civilization Exists Through Geologic Consent
1Civilization Exists Through Geologic
Consent NESTA 2007 Michael Wysession, Professor
of Geophysics Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences Washington University, St. Louis,
Lisbon earthquake, 1755.
2Earthquake Distribution
3Volcano Distribution
4Volcanoes and earthquakes largely at plate
5Example The Complex India/Asia Plate
Boundary Northward motion of India deforms the
entire region
6Example The Complex India/Asia Plate
Boundary Northward motion of India deforms the
entire region This is the cause of many
destructive earthquakes
Pakistan EQ, 2005
Sumatra EQ, 2004
7Burma Microplate
Indian Plate
The process of subduction that has created
Indonesia through volcanic activity, also makes
it dangerous, like with the deadly 2004 Sumatra
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13Mt. St. Helens, Following the 1980 Eruption
14Mt. Mazama erupted in 4860 BC ? 42x larger
than Mt. St. Helens
Crater Lake, Oregon
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17Tsunami, Sumatra 2004 Earthquake
Courtesy of K. Sataki
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23Banda Aceh Before.
24Banda Aceh Before. and After..
25Banda Aceh Before. and After..
What was the previous largest tsunami in the
Indian Ocean?
26Giant Volcanic Eruption of Krakatau in 1883.
27Giant Volcanic Eruption of Krakatau in 1883.
Can something like this change history?
28The tsunami from the 1650 BCE eruption of Mt.
Thera may have destroyed the cities there, giving
rise to the legend of Atlantis.
29So.could this happen in America?!?
30Massive landslides in places like the Canary
Islands could possibly cause enormous Atlantic
Based on Ward and Day, 2001
31There have also been Giant Undersea Landslides in
the Puerto Rico Trench!
32An enormous tsunami from the Chixulub impact
likely hit North America 65 million years ago.
Chixulub Crater
33But the most significant affects on the history
of life and civilization come from changes in
(d18O ? measure of ice on land ? global
34But the most significant affects on the history
of life and civilization come from changes in
What drives the long-term temperature changes?
35Mountains!! ? Erosion (Carbonic Acid) ?
Deposition of Carbonates in the Oceans ?
Reduced CO2 in Atmosphere ? Global Cooling
36Allegheny Mtns Ouachita Mtns
Himalayan Mtns
Taconic Mtns
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38What drives the intermediate-term temperature
39Fluctuations in Earths Orbit (Milankovich Cycles)
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41What about some of the narrow, sharp spikes?
75,000 years ago
42Toba Volcano 75,000 years ago ? 280,000 km3
ejected! ? 1 gigaton tnt explosion!
43- Volcanic eruptions can lower temperatures through
ejection into the atmosphere of - Ash
- Aerosols like H2SO4 droplets
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45Based on genetic diversity, it is estimated that
all modern humans evolved from only 1000-10,000
individuals following the Toba eruption.
46Warning!!!! Correlation does not necessarily
imply causation!! This is a new field, and a lot
of geological and archaeological work remains to
be done!
47By 100,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens was emerging
as dominant hominid. Why?
48?? Selection for large brains during strong Ice
Ages that occurred 120,000-90,000 years ago??
4950,000-40,000 years ago there was a cultural
explosion in Europe. Why? Warming trend in
Europe. Life was easier?
50North American Mammoths evolved in Asia. How did
they get here 20,000 years ago?
51- 20,000 years ago was time of Ice Ages. Sea levels
were low. Mammoths walked here! - Native Americans followed 14,000 years ago!!!!
52The start of civilization didnt occur until
10,000 years ago. Why?
53The start of a warm and relatively stable climate
54Many cultures have a myth similar to the story of
the expulsion from Eden. Why?
55Rising Sea Levels After the End of the Ice Age
forced many people from their homelands!!
Ancient Persian Gulf Shoreline
56The Egyptian and Semitic peoples originated in
Eastern Europe. Why did they leave?
57The Black Sea flooded dramatically 5,600 BCE!!
Most of these cultures have similar flood myths!!
583000 BCE Time of alternating droughts and
flooding. ? Complex societies like Akkadian
Empire evolve in order to survive.
59Story of Joseph warning the Egyptian Pharoah to
prepare for 7 lean years.
602200 BCE Period of extended drought causes
Akkadian Empire to collapse.
611900 BCE Cold and dry period. ? Desertification
destroys Indus Civilizations.
621200 BCE Variable atmospheric circulation
patterns hurt agriculture. ? Also causes mass
migrations of Phrygian and Hittite peoples.
63Europe is warmed by the Gulf Stream.
64It is believed that an a period of global warming
could freeze Europe.
65The sudden flood of fresh water melted from
Greenland (not salty ? less dense ? doesnt sink)
could shut off the Atlantic thermohaline
66Alexander the Great
500-400 BCE North Atlantic thermohaline
circulation shuts down. ? Colder temperatures in
Europe cause more southward migrations.
Macedonians overrun Greece.
67300 BCE Warming period in Asia. ? Opening of
the Silk Route.
680 100 AD Stable temperatures allow Roman
Empire to thrive. Empire gt60 million people.
Rome gt1 million.
Sowhy did Rome collapse?
69400-500 AD Cold spell prolonged freezing. ?
Southward migration of Northern Europeans
70Why was Leif Ericsson able to sail to America?
71Why was Leif Ericsson able to sail to
America? 950-1300 AD Warm and dry period
72950-1300 AD Warm and dry period ? Mayan culture
73950-1300 AD Warm and dry period ? American
Southwest cultures like the one at Chaco Canyon
collapse. Anasazi peoples disappear.
74Why does the plague strike in the 1300s?
75- 1300 AD Cold spell due to a minimum in solar
activity - Great famine of 1315-1317
- Black Death, 1345
76Begins with flooding in China. More than 7
million drown in Yangtze River.
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78Plague returned in 1563, 1578, 1593, 1603, 1625,
1636, and 1665. The 1563 outbreak in places like
England was worst than for the Great Plague.
79After 1815 there is a huge push of U.S. Westward
Expansion. Why?
801816 is known as the Year without a summer. It
snows in New England in the summer.
1812 Soufriere volcano, St. Vincent Island 1814
Mayon volcano, Philippines 1815 Tambora volcano,
82Why does the French Revolution occur in 1789?
831783 Hekla volcano, Iceland Asama volcano, Japan
84Examples of some other historic volcanic
eruptions 1150-1136 BCE Hekla, Iceland
Ashes rained in China for 10 days 90 of
population of Scotland and North England
died 209 BCE Possibly Iceland Pan Ku
(China) great famine killed more than half the
population, people ate each other, the
Emperor lifted legal prohibitions against the
sale of children Stars were not seen at night
in 208 BCE for 3 months 536 CE Mt. Rabaul (New
Guinea) Procopius (Byzantize historian) The
sun gave forth its light without brightness,
like the Moon, darkness lasted 18 months, and
each day the sun shone for only 4 hours, 80
of the population starved to death
85Last 10,000 years VERY warm AND stable!!
86Future implications Look at where the CO2 is