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3The Dominion Virginia Power, Allegheny Power and
PJM Interconnection have proposed a 500-kV
transmission line that would cross through
Northern Virginia. The proposed 240 mile line
would have towers 12-15 stories tall and has been
dubbed the Meadow Brook Loudoun Line" by
Dominion and the Trans-Allegheny Interstate
Line" by Allegheny.
4The Towers could average 125 to150 feet in
5 The Applicants
- Dominion Power Allegheny Power
- PJM Interconnection
6PJM Interconnection
- Regional transmission organization
- Ensures reliability of power system serving 51
million people - Coordinates and directs operation of regions
transmission grid in 13 states and DC - Administers competitive wholesale electricity
market - Plans regional transmission improvements to
maintain grid integrity relieve congestion
7 The Approval Process
- State Corporation Commission (SCC)
- (Historically)
- US Department of Energy
- (Corridor Designation)
- Energy Policy Act of 2005
8Requested Allegheny Mountain Corridor
9Dominions Planned Routes
10New I-66 Alternative Route
11New Existing Corridor Alternative
12New Underground Alternative
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24Affected Neighborhoods in Prince William County
25The Power Line Impacts
- Over 48,000 Acres Under Easement
- 6 Historic Districts
- 11 Potential/Proposed Historic Districts
- 1 National Historic Landmarks
- 17 State and National Historic Sites
- 7 Civil War Battlefields
- 3400 Home Planned Community
- Multiple residential areas
- Is a new transmission line needed?
- Pollution
- Impacts to historic areas, schools and green
space - Impacts on home values in established communities
- View shed
- Federal eminent domain
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28 Jurisdictions Opposed
- Prince William County
- PWC School Board
- PWC Planning Commission
- Town of Haymarket
- Clarke County
- Fauquier County
- Frederick County
29Jurisdictions Opposed (continued)
- Loudoun County
- Town of Middleburg
- Rappahannock County
- Virginia Farm Bureau Federation
- Virginia Outdoors Foundation
30Pending State Legislation
- SB 1362/HB 2614 Colgan/May
- SB 1361/HB 2615 Colgan/May
- HB 3031 Delegate Bob Marshall
- HB 2402 Delegate Clay Athey
- HB 1649 Delegate Mark Cole
- HB 2708 Delegate Tim Hugo
31 What you can do
- Contact Virginia Legislators and track
legislation - Write letters
- Stay informed
- Attend public meetings
- Spread the word
32 Tonight
- Send an email message to Governor Kaine
- www.governor.virginia.gov
- We need his leadership on this issue!
33 Tomorrow
- Attend the Stop the Power Towers Rally
- 130PM 230PM
- General Assembly Building Gardens
- Richmond
34What would a 500-kV power line look like in your
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