Title: Long Term Vision for water, Life and Environment
1GEMS/Water Questionnaires
Intersecretariat Working Group on Environment
Statistics, International Work Session on Water
Statistics, Vienna, June 20-22, 2005
- There are two approaches
- Establish monitoring laboratories and staff
worldwide to operate a global programme this
would be exorbitantly expensive and impossible at
the present time. - Create a network of participating countries that
provide data to a central global database.
Faecal Coliform (No./100 ml MPN)
1979 - 2002
Oxygen Dissolved (mg/L O2)
1979 - 2002
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L O2)
1979 - 2 002
3GEMS/Water Data Collection
- Voluntary from national WQ programmes but also
universities and other organizations
non-aggregated. - Living database.
- Do not control type of data, analytical methods,
frequency of analysis or submission to
GEMS/Water. - Have three classes of stations trend, impact and
flux. - Historically data has been very classical but
moving to collect newer data including
biological data.
4Global Water Quality Network
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7Database Access Data Distribution
New online water quality database GEMStat
launched on March 22nd, World Water Day
- www.gemstat.org -- searchable
- Station(s) selection
- Time period
- Parameter(s) selection
- Statistical Analysis
- promote access to information worldwide
- promote interoperability and comparability of
datasets - as up-to-date and comprehensive as possible
8 UNEP GEMS/Water Programme Aare River at Brugg
Figure 1 Station photograph
Figure 2 Watershed Region
Figure 3 Geographical Location
Station Number (Country/Sequent) 200004
Water Type River
Octant 3
Latitude (Deg. Min. Sec.) 47 2902 N
Longitude (Deg. Min. Sec.) 008 11 45 E
Mean Surface Water Level (m) 332.0
Average Sounding Depth (m) 4.1
Date Station Opened 1978-01-01
Regional Centre Europe
Sub-regional Centre Eastern Europe
Geographical Region EURA
Responsible Collection Agency
Watershed/Basin Rhine Meuse
Station Type (Baseline, Trend, Global Flux Station) Trend
GRDC Number 6935301
River Width (m) 56.4
Discharge (m3/sec) 314
Upstream Basin Area (km2) 11750
Area Upstream of Tidal Limit (km2) Data not available
Country Name Switzerland
9 UNEP GEMS/Water Programme Aare River at Brugg
Station Identifier Aare River at Brugg Aare River at Brugg
Station Narrative Measuring station lies before the confluence of the Aare with the Limmat and the Reuss rivers. Catchment area of over 11, 000 km2 with approximately 2 million inhabitants. Measuring station lies before the confluence of the Aare with the Limmat and the Reuss rivers. Catchment area of over 11, 000 km2 with approximately 2 million inhabitants.
Additional Information
Data Date Range January 3, 1978 December 29, 2002 January 3, 1978 December 29, 2002
Applicable Parameters Full method description and codes can be found in the Analytical Methods for Environmental Water Quality at http//www.gemswater.org/quality_assurance/index-e.html Physical Characteristics 02041Elec. Conductance 02062Temperature 08001 Do Saturation 08102Dissolved Oxygen 10101Alkalinity Total 10301pH 10401Suspended Solids Organic Matter 06001Carbon Organic Total 06101Carbon Organic Dissolved Nutrients 07001Nitrogen Kjeldahl Organic (TKN) 07207Nitrite 07313Nitrate 07555Ammonia 15255Orthophosphate Dissolved 15405Phosphorous Total Major Ions 11105Sodium Dissolved 12102Magnesium Dissolved 14101Silica Reactive 16309Sulphate 17207Chloride Dissolved 19105Potassium Dissolved 20105Calcium Dissolved Metals 24002Chromium Total 28001Nickel Total 29005Copper Total 30005Zinc Total 48002Cadmium Total 80011Mercury Total 82002Lead Total Hydrological/Sampling 97160 Instantaneous Discharge
Related Links Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL) http//www.umwelt-schweiz.ch/buwal/eng/ Bundesamt für Wasser und Geologie (BWG) http//www.bwg.admin.ch/d/ Eidg. Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz (EAWAG) http//www.eawag.ch/ Binderheim-Banky, Jakob, Liechti, Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr. 319, Gewässerschutz, Messresultate 1977-1998, Nationales Programm für die analytische Daueruntersuchung der schweizerischen Fliessgewässer Binderheim-Banky, Jakob, Liechti, Series of environmental publications Nr. 319, Water Protection, Measuring Results 1977 1998, National program for the analytic continuous investigation of Swiss running waters Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL) http//www.umwelt-schweiz.ch/buwal/eng/ Bundesamt für Wasser und Geologie (BWG) http//www.bwg.admin.ch/d/ Eidg. Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz (EAWAG) http//www.eawag.ch/ Binderheim-Banky, Jakob, Liechti, Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr. 319, Gewässerschutz, Messresultate 1977-1998, Nationales Programm für die analytische Daueruntersuchung der schweizerischen Fliessgewässer Binderheim-Banky, Jakob, Liechti, Series of environmental publications Nr. 319, Water Protection, Measuring Results 1977 1998, National program for the analytic continuous investigation of Swiss running waters
Additional Photos
10UNEP GEMS/Water Programme
Thank You
Canada, UNEP Nairobi