Title: Can I order and compare fractions?
1Todays learning questions are
Can I order and compare fractions?
Can I find decimal equivalents of fractions?
2Lets start by ordering these fractions on a
numberline. Remember to draw a diagram if you
need to.
3How did you do?
Best start with this one
...then this ones easy!
... and this one too!
4Now wed better compare them
5Did you find any of these?
Which others did you find?
6If these were fractions of 1.00 How much money
would we have?
100 pence
? pence
? pence
? pence
? pence
Solve these on your whiteboard
7If these were fractions of 1.00 What about these
Six tenths is a bit trickier but I know one
tenth of a pound is 10p, so six tenths must be 6
x 10p. Thats easy!
One fifth of 100 is the same as 100 divided by 5
or how many 5s in 100
8What do you notice about the fractions of one
pound (1.00) and the fractions of a kilogram
1/2 of 1.00 50p 1/4 of 1.00 25p 3/4 of
1.00 75p 11/2 of 1.00 1.50 1/5 of 1.00
20p 6/10 of 1.00 60p
1/2 of 1 kg 500g 1/4 of 1kg 250g 3/4 of 1kg
750g 11/2 kg 1500g 1/5 of 1kg 200g 6/10 of
1kg 600g
9Plenary Explanation Presentation Members of
Squares group will explain how they solved
Activity 106 - Compare fractions They might draw
on whiteboards to help show their thinking