Title: p es at
1???????µ?? ??p?? ?e??s?? ???ß??µat??
- ???????µ?? ??p?? ?e??s?? ???ß??µat?? (Decrease
and Conquer) - ?e??s? ?at? µ?a sta?e?? (decrease by a constant)
- ?e??s? ?at? ??a p?s?st? (decrease by a constant
factor) - ?e??s? ?at? µetaß??t? µ??e??? (variable-size-decre
3???????µ?? ?e??s?? ???ß??µat?? ?at? µ?a Sta?e??
- Ge???? ?e??d?????a
- ??t? ?a ??s??µe t? p?? d?s???? p??ß??µa µe??????
n, ?????µe t? p?? e????? p??ß??µa µe?????? n-m. - S?????? t? m1.
- ?p? t? ??s? t?? µ????te??? p??ß??µat?? µp????µe
?a ß???µe t? ??s? t?? p??ß??µat?? µe?????? n. - ?p?? ?a??de??µa ?p?????ste t? s????t?s? an
4???ß??µata ?a????µ?s??
- ??s?d?? ??sta A0,,n-1
- ???d?? ?a????µ?µ??? ??sta A0,,n-1
- InsertionSort
- ?as??? ?d?a
5???ß??µata ?a????µ?s??
- ??s?d?? ??sta A0,,n-1
- ???d?? ?a????µ?µ??? ??sta A0,,n-1
insertionsort(A0,,n-1) for i0 to n-1 new
Ai ji-1 while jgt0 and Ajgt
new Aj1 Aj j j-1 Aj1 new
6?p?d?s? InsertionSort()
insertionsort(A0,,n-1) for i0 to n-1 new
Ai ji-1 while jgt0 and Ajgt
new Aj1 Aj j j-1 Aj1 new
G?at? ?a ???s?µ?p???se? ??p???? t?
7??e?e???s? G??f?? (Tree Traversal)
- ?ed?µ???? e??? ???f??, p?? µp??e? ??p???? ?a
ep?s?efte? ????? t??? ??µß??? t?? ???f??. - ??t? e??a? ??a p??ß??µa t? ?p??? pa???s???eta?
s???? se ???f???. - ?p??e? ?a ?p?????? p????? ??se??. Ta µe?et?????
d?? t??p?? p?? eµp?pt??? ??t? ap? t?? ?at?????a
µe??s?? t?? p??ß??µat?? ?at? µ?a sta?e?? (??a). - ? ßas??? ?d?a e??a? ?t? t? p?? d?s???? p??ß??µa
e?e?e???s?? ???f?? µe n ??µß??? sp??e? se ??a
p??ß??µa ??a n-1 ??µß??? af?? p??ta ep?s?eft??µe
t?? aµ?s?? ep?µe?? ??µß?. - ?e t? ?d?? s?ept??? ?a µp????se ??p???? ?a
?atat??e? t??? a??????µ??? a?t??? ??t? ap? t??
?at?????a t?? greedy a??????µ??.
8Depth-First Search (DFS) ?a? Breadth-First Search
- ? Ge???? p??s????s? t?? DFS e??a? af?? ep?s?efte?
??a ??µß?, ?a ???e? ??a t?? aµ?s?? ep?µe??
?e?t????? ??µß?. - ???? ??????a ? a??????µ?? ap?µa????eta? ap? ??a
??µß?, p??? ep?s?efte? ????? t??? ?e?t??e?. - ???p??e?ta? a?ad??µ??? ? µe st??ßa.
- ? ?e???? p??s????s? t?? BFS e??a? ?a ep?s?efte?
????? t??? ?e?t??e? e??? ??µß?? p???
ap?µa?????e?. - ???p??e?te µe ????
- ?? d?? a??????µ?? ????? t?? ?d?a ap?d?s?
d?af????? st?? se??? µe t?? ?p??a ?a ep?s?eft???
t??? ??µß???.
10DFS ?a??de??µa
dfs(v) v.visited true for w 1 to wn if
w.visited false dfs(w)
BFS(GltV,Egt) for all v in V if v.visited
false bfs(v)
bfs(v) v.visited true while Q not
empty for w 1 to wn if w.visited
false w.visited true Q.enqueue(w) Q.
12DFS ?a??de??µa
bfs(v) v.visited true while Q not
empty for w 1 to wn if w.visited
false w.visited true Q.enqueue(w) Q.
13??p??????? ?a????µ?s?
- ???ß??µa ?ed?µ???? e??? ?ate?????µe??? ???f??,
?p???e? t??p?? ?a ta????µ?s??µe ????? t???
??µß??? ?ts? ?ste e?? ?p???e? a?µ? ap? t?? ??µß?
u st?? v, st?? ta????µ?µ??? se???, ? u ?a
eµfa???eta? p??? ap? t?? v - ?a?ade??µata
14??p??????? ?a????µ?s?
- Te???µa ?? p??ß??µa t?? t?p???????? ta????µ?s??
??e? ??s? e?? ?a? µ???? a? ? ?ate?????µe???
???f?? p?? pe?????fe? t? p??ß??µa de? ??e?
??????? (?ate?????µe??? ??????? ???f?? directed
acyclic graph (dag)).
- ?fa?µ???? t?p???????? ta????µ?s??
- ???apa?t??µe?a µa??µata
- ?????p????aµµat?sµ?? (scheduling)
- ??e??as??? se ?p?????st?
- ???as??? ??a t?? s?µp????s? µe????? ?????.
- ??e?d??e?µ??e? ??se??
- Critical Path Method (CPM)
- PERT (Program Evaluation and Review)
15??s? µe DFS
dfs(v) v.visited true for w 1 to wn if
w.visited false dfs(w)
16??s? µe DFS
dfs(v) v.visited true for w 1 to wn if
w.visited false dfs(w)
17??p??????? ?a????µ?s? ??s? ßas?sµ??? se µe??s?
?at? ??a
- ?as??? ?d?a
- Se ???e ß?µa ??????µe ??a ????? se ??a ???f? ?
?p???? e??a? ?at? ??a µ????te??? ap? ?t? ?
p??????µe???. - ?p? t?? µe?a??te?? ???f?, afa????µe ??a ??µß?
st?? ?p??? de? ?ata???e? p??? t?? ?aµ?? a?µ?
?a??? ?a? ??e? t?? a?µ?? p?? ?e?????? ap? t? e?
???? ??µß?. - ?a??de??µa
18??µ??????a ???? t?? p??a??? ?p?s?????? ?a?
- ???ß??µa S??µat?ste ??a ta p??a?? ?p?s????a
(power set) p?? µp????µe ?a d?µ??????s??µe ap?
??a s????? n st???e???. - ???ß??µa S??µat?ste ??e? t?? p??a??? d?at??e??
(permutations) t?? ?p??e? µp????µe ?a
d?µ??????s??µe ap? ??a s????? n st???e???. - ?p? t? f?s? t??? ta p??ß??µata a?t? de? µp?????
?a ????? ap?d?t??? ??s?! G?at? - ?? d??f???? s??d?asµ?? ?a? d?at??e??
d?µ????????ta? se???a?? ?p?ta? p????? f????
e??a? ep???µ?t? ?a µ?? ?p?????? µe???e? e?a??a???
ap? t? ??a ?p?s????? st? ep?µe?? ? t? µ?a d??ta??
st?? ep?µe??.
19Power Set
?????sµa n st???e??? ?p?? t? ???e st???e?? µp??e?
?a p??e? t? t?µ? 0 (e?? t? st???e?? de?
pe???aµß??eta? st? ?p?s?????) ?a? 1 (e??
?????sµa n st???e??? ?p?? t? ???e st???e?? µp??e?
?a p??e? t? t?µ? e??? ap? ta st???e?a t?? s??????.
- ???a?? permutations ??a n5
21Permutations ???????µ?? ßas?sµ???? se µe??s?
?at? ??a
- ?p???ste p?? ?????µe p?? ?a d?µ??????s??µe ??a ta
permutations ??a n-1, p?? µp????µe ?a
d?µ??????s??µe ta permutations ??a n - ?p?? t?p??et??µe t? ??? st???e?? µeta?? ???? t??
st???e??? ap? t?? ?p?????se? d?at??e??
- ? a??????µ?? Johnson-Trotter d?µ?????e? ??a ta
permutations ????? ?a p??pe? ?a d?µ??????se? ta
n-1, n-2, 1, permutations ?a? se ???e ß?µa
a??????? µ??? 2 st???e?a ??s?.
22???????µ?? µe??s?? t?? p??ß??µat?? ?at? ??a
- Ge???? ?e??d?????a
- ??t? ?a ??s??µe t? p?? d?s???? p??ß??µa µe??????
n, ?????µe t? p?? e????? p??ß??µa µe?????? n/m. - S?????? t? m2.
- ?p? t? ??s? t?? µ????te??? p??ß??µat?? µp????µe
?a ß???µe t? ??s? t?? p??ß??µat?? µe?????? n. - ???? ap?d?t???? a??????µ?? (a?a??t?s? se d?ad???
d??t??)! - ?p?? ?a??de??µa ?p?????ste t? s????t?s? an
23???p??? ??µ?sµa
- ?p???ste ?t? ??ete n ??µ?sµata e? t?? ?p??? t?
??a ???p???. ???e ??µ?sµa ?????e? w ??aµµ???a
e?? t? ???p??? ?????e? qltw ??aµµ???a. - ?p???ste p?? ??ete st? d???es? sa? µ?a ???a???.
- ??? µp??e?te ?a e?t?p?sete t? ???p??? ??µ?sµa
?????ta? ????te?a ap? n ????sµata - ??sa ????sµata ??e???este
24???p??? ??µ?sµa
- ??sa ????sµata ??e???este
findCoin(C1,,n) if(n l) return C fake
found ffloor(n/2) P1C1,,f
P2Cf1,,2f P3Cn-C2f X weight(P1,
P2) if X1 return findCoin(P1) P1 weights
more if X0 return P3 P1 P2 weigh the
same if X-1 return findCoin(P2) P2 weights
25????ap?as?asµ?? ??e?a??? se ????? (Hardware)
- ??? µp??e? ??p???? ?a p???ap?as??se? d??
a???a???? a???µ??? m, n
- ?p???ste ?t? t? n e??a? ??t??, t?te
- ?p???ste ?t? t? n e??a? pe??tt?, t?te
- ??p???? µp??e? ?a ???p???se? ??a p???ap?as?ast?
µe µ??? a????sµata ?a? µetat?p?se??!
26?p???s? µ? ??aµµ???? e??s?se?? µ?a? µetaß??t??
- ??? µp??e?te ?a ß?e?te t? ??s? t?? p?? ??t? µ?
??aµµ???? e??s?s?? st? d??st?µa a,b
- ?p???ste p?? µa? e?d?af????? µ??? ta p?? ??t?
- ??e?te ??a a??????µ? p?? ?a p??se????e? t? ??s?
27Bisection Method Divide-and-Conquer
- ???a? ????? ? a??????µ??
- ??te te?µat??e?
28Bisection Method Divide-and-Conquer
solve(f(),a,b,e,iter,N) x(ab)/2 if (b-a)lte
or itergtN return x fxf(x) if fx0 return x
if fxf(a)gt0 return solve(f,x,b,e,iter1,N) r
eturn solve(f,a,x,e,iter1,N)
- ??? µetaß???eta? t? µ???st? d??at? sf??µa t??
a??????µ?? ap? epa?????? se epa??????.
29False Position Method Divide-and-Conquer
- ???s?s? t?? e??e?a? p?? pe??? ap? ta s?µe?a
(a,fa), (b,fb)
- St? s????e?a e??????µe t? t?µ? t?? s????t?s?? st?
s?µe?? x ?a? s??e?????µe a?????a t?? a?a??t?s?. - ? a??????µ?? a?t?? eµp?pte? st?? ?at?????a
µe??s?? t?? p??ß??µat?? a??? ?at? µetaß??t?
µ??e??? (variable size decrease). - ?p??e?te ?a s?efte?te a?t?st???? t??p? µe t??
?p??? ?a µetaß??ete t? a??????µ? a?a??t?s?? se
d?ad??? d??t?a (binary search)