Title: SOAP operas: Medical Hx, Px, and Chart Interpretations
1SOAP operasMedical Hx, Px, and Chart
- Andrew Reisman, MD, ATC
- C.A.Q. Sports Medicine
- PHYT-801
- Learn the basics of a medical history and
physical examination - What does this say?
- Understanding medical terminology 101
- Chart Communications
3Admission History and Physical
- Provides the reader with a thorough account of
recent and past events in a patients medical
history - Details a complete physical examination at time
of admission - Occasionally a truncated version is used for
specific purposes - Pre-operative physical
- Pre-procedure physical
4Identifying Data
- ID Identifying data
- Identifies the patient to the reader in a brief
way - Age
- Sex
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Occupation
- Residence
5Identifying Data - Patient ET
- ID ET is a 35yowf stock analyst from suburban
6Chief Complaint
- CC Chief Complaint
- What is the patients stated reason for being
here - Generally quotes or paraphrases the patient
7Chief Complaint - Patient ET
- CC I have a headache
- Sometimes ID and CC are combined into one line
- ID/CC 35yowf here for evaluation of a headache
8Source of History
- Only occasionally used
- States from whom or where the history was
obtained - Generally more relevant in patients who are
unable to answer questions or if a family member
is acting as a translator - Often will quote old chart records
9Source - Patient ET
- Information was obtained directly from the
patient who seemed to be a reliable source.
Additional information was obtained from old
hospital records.
10History of Present Illness
- HPI History of Present Illness
- Gives a brief chronological course of events
leading up to this visit or admission to the
hospital - Should follow two basic principles
- Five Bs
11History of Present Illness - Patient ET
- HPI This 35yowf with PMHx significant for HTN
and DM presents with a 3d Hx of Bilateral
throbbing head pain. She stopped taking her
medications 4 days ago because she wasnt sure if
they were doing anything for her. The pain is
constant in nature. Denies visual disturbances.
( -) n/v/d. Worst headache of her life. Does
not usually get headaches. Denies fevers. (-)
12Past Medical History
- PMHx Past Medical History
- Thorough review of all past medical concerns and
hospitalizations - Operations listed separately unless specifically
relevant to episode
13PMHx - Patient ET
- Hx of Type I DM since age 4
- Episode of DKA age 21 2o UTI
- Hospitalized at Down State U for 5 days
- Hx of Hypertension, Dx age 25
- Multiple admissions for atypical chest pain
- All at this institution 6/97, 7/99, 5/00
- Had asthma as a child
14Past Surgical History
- PSHx Past Surgical History
- Lists any and all surgical procedures during
patients life - Should list who the surgeon was and where the
operation was done if known
15PSHx - Patient ET
- TA age 4 Dr. Knife at Merciless Memorial
- Appendectomy age 7 - Dr. Killame at Weteach U.
16Obstetrical/Gynecological History
- OB/GYN Hx Obstetrical/Gynecological History
- GGravida - Number of pregnancies
- PParity - Number of babies delivered
- Term How many children were delivered near the
expected due date - Premature How many were delivered before 37 wks
- Abortions Spontaneous or induced
- Living How many are currently alive
- Onset of menarche and menopause if applicable
17OB/GYN History - Patient ET
- OBHx G4P2022 NSVD X1 and LTCS X1
- LMP 10 days ago, Nl flow and duration, 28 days
- Menarche age 12
- So this patient was pregnant four times, has
delivered two children, and has had two abortions
(either spontaneous of induced) - NSVD Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
- LTCS low transverse C-section (should also be
listed in PSHx)
18Childhood History
- Childhood History
- Reviews
- Birth History
- Childhood Illnesses
- Immunization History
19Childhood Hx - Patient ET
- Born at 35 wks EGA w/o complications
- Chicken pox age3
20Review of Systems
- ROS Review of Systems
- This is information generally, but not
necessarily, related to the HPI - Often pertinent positives are included in the HPI
- If listed this way, author will often state ROS
is non-contributory - Will provide a system by system review
21ROS - Patient ET
- ROS Significant for ()tinnitus (-)thyroid
problems occas CP and SOB, particularly with
exertion (-) abd pain long standing back
pain without change sugars have remained
stable denies paresthesias or weakness wears
- Hopefully will provide an inclusive lists of all
prescription and OTC medications/supplements the
patient is taking - Frequently, woman forget that birth control pills
are a medication - People generally do not tell about nutritional
supplements or vitamins unless asked
23Medications - Patient ET
- Insulin 70/30 human
- 24 Units SQ Qam
- 12 Units SQ Qpm
- Insulin Regular Human
- 12 Units SQ Qam
- 10 Units SQ Qpm
- Adjusts via sliding scale
- Atenolol 50 mg PO QD
- HCTZ 25 mg PO QD
- Chromium Picolinate 2Tabs BID
- Gingko Biloba PRN
- GNC Fat Buster
- A list of both medicinal and environmental
allergies - Separate out true allergies vs adverse drug
reactions - Generally focuses on medication induced
- NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
- Pay close attention to specific environmental
concerns such as a latex allergy
25Allergies - Patient ET
- NSAIDs with question of swelling and respiratory
difficulties - Ultram makes her feel weird
- No known environmental allergies
26Social History
- SH Social History
- Gives us information about the patients
- family
- occupation
- hobbies
- habits
- Religious beliefs
27Social History - Patient ET
- SH Pt is married to her husband Stefan for 5
years. They have 2 children, Marliece age 7 and
Troy age 2. She was divorced once, 6 years ago.
She has a 40 pack year hx of tobacco abuse
smoking 1.5-2ppd. She states she is a social
drinker, drinking a 12 pack on weeknights with
her friends. Denies IVDA. Patient works as a
stock analyst. She does frequent craft work at
home, often using a glue gun.
28Family History
- Lists significant illnesses in close family
members - Cause, age, and date of death of relatives
- Sometimes done as a family tree
29Family History - Patient ET
- Father committed suicide 6/95 at age 57
- Had history of DM and HTN
- Mother with Hx of frequent headaches, otherwise
healthy - Paternal Grandfather with multiple CVAs, died age
30(No Transcript)
31Physical Examination
32Admission Physical Examination
- Packed with information but often difficult to
interpret due to abbreviations - An important frame of reference for all future
physical exams - Should be closely scanned for pertinent findings
prior to your evaluation to help avoid the
unexpected and provide baseline expectations - Usually done in a standard sequence
33Physical Examination
- PE Px Physical Examination
- Beware ! !
- (PE also pulmonary embolus or pulmonary edema)
34General Appearance
- Describes the general state and appearance of the
patient - Well vs ill
- Level of distress
- Chronological Age vs appearance
- Race/ethnicity
35Appearance - Patient ET
- 35 yo ill appearing wf in moderate discomfort who
appears older than stated age
36Vital Signs
- VS Vital Signs
- Temperature
- Fahrenheit vs Celsius
- Oral vs Rectal vs Tympanic vs Axillary
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Respiratory Rate
- Pulse Oximetry
- Orthostatic Vital Signs
- BP and Pulse in supine, sitting, and standing
position - Height
- Weight
37VS - Patient ET
- VS 38oC, 210/96, 110, 20, SaO2 97 on 2l NC
- HEENT Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Exam
- Includes
- General Appearance
- Pupilary Reflexes
- Eye Movements
- Fundoscopic and Otoscopic Exam
- Oral Cavity
- Nasal and Sinus Exam
39HEENT - Patient X
- NC/NT, PERRLA, EOMI, Fundoscopic exam with few
hemorrhagic changes, TM wnl, OP wnl, (-) sinus
tenderness, nasal mucosa inflamed, visual fields
full by confrontation
40Neck Exam
- General Appearance
- Lymph nodes
- Pulses
- Bruits
- Motion
41Neck - Patient ET
- Symmetrical, (-) lymphadenopathy, (-) carotid
bruits with 2 Carotids B, (-) JVD
42Pulmonary Exam
- Describes presence of and type of breath sounds
heard (auscultation). - Usually preceded simply by lungs
43Pulmonary Exam - Patient ET
- Lungs - CTA P, (-) wheezes, Nl IE ratio
44Cardiac Examination
- Describes pattern of heart beats
- Denotes the presence of murmurs
- location
- R 2nd ICS aortic murmur
- L 2nd ICS pulmonic murmur
- LLSB Tricuspid murmur
- Apex Mitral
45Cardiac Examination (Contd)
- Type of murmur
- Graded I-VI/VI
- I/VI barely audible
- VI/VI can be heard across the room without a
stethoscope - Occasionally pictographs are used
- Preceded by Heart, CV, or drawing of a heart
46Cardiac Exam - Patient ET
- Heart - RRR, -m/r/g, PMI 5th ICS in midclavicular
47Breast Exam
- Describes generally appearance and texture of the
breast - Medicaid and most insurance guidelines require
documentation of current or recent exam in
hospital chart of all female patients - Will often see stamp in chart placed by medical
records - Physicians often write deferred unless directly
48Breast Exam - Patient ET
- Symmetrical w/o masses, (-) lymphadenopathy,
- (-) discharge
49Abdominal Exam
- Denoted by GI
- Describes
- General appearance
- Presence or absence of bowel sounds
- Areas of tenderness or pain
- General evaluation of organ size
50GI - Patient ET
- GI Scaphoid, () BS, Soft, NT, ND, (-)HSM
- Other possibilities
- liver percusses to 15cmin R MCL (Nl lt12)
- rebound and involuntary guarding
51Genital and Urinary Exam
- GU Genital and Urinary
- Obviously differs in male vs female patients
- Male Exam
- Circumcised vs uncircumcised
- Describe number of and contour of testicles
- Hernia check
52Genital and Urinary Exam
- Female Exam
- Describe external genitalia
- Describe speculum exam
- Appearance of cervix
- Bimanual exam
- Cervical motion tenderness
- Ovarian discomfort
- Size of uterus
- Again, documentation of this exam is required by
multiple sources
53GU Exam - Patient ET
- GU Nl external genitalia, Cervix wnl, uterus
non-palpable, (-) adnexal tenderness, Nl rectal
tone, Guaiac (-)
54Rectal Exam
- In female patients, generally covered under GU
- External appearance
- Tone
- Particularly important in spinal cord patients
- Presence or absence of blood
- Hemoccult testing
- Prostate exam
55Back Exam
- General appearance
- Kidney check
- Areas of tenderness
- Often included with abdominal or musculoskeletal
exam - Particularly important in older or immobile
patients for wound care
56Back Exam - Patient ET
- (-) Scoliosis, (-) CVA tenderness, (-) skin
- Briefly describes any abnormalities of the
extremities - Appearance
- Range of motion
- Special Tests
- Sometimes will also include neuro and peripheral
vascular component
58Extremities - Patient ET
- Ext Symmetrical with full ROM (-)edema, unable
to evaluate gait.
59Neurological Exam
- Reviews
- Patients state of cognition
- Cranial Nerves
- Motor function
- Sensory function
- Reflexes
- Stickman
60Neuro - Patient ET
- Patient AOX2 (unable to state date), Able to
perform serial 7s X3, Able to remember 1/3
objects at 3 minutes. Able to follow complex
commands. CNII-XII grossly WNL, Motor with 3
RLE strength, hyper-reflexive patellae and
achilles reflex on R, RUE, LUE, LLE WNL for
strength and reflexes . Sensation is grossly in
- Describes peripheral pulses on scale of Tr-4 with
2/4 generally considered normal. - Denotes presence or absence of bruits when
appropriate - Reviews venous state as well
- Stickman
62Vascular Exam - Patient ET
- Vasc 2 pulses throughout. Good cap refill.
- Important to note when reviewing chart
- Will give you general sense of patient well-being
- Pay attention to skin breakdown or wound care
issues - Remember, skin is the largest organ of the body
64Skin - Patient ET
65Laboratory Evaluations
- Frequently coded in Dr. speak shorthand
- gt-lt
- ---lt or --lt
- Chemistries
- Chem 7/SMA 7/SMAc/SMA12/LFTs
- Hematology
66Laboratory Evaluations
- Urine
- UA
- Blood Gasses
- ID
- cultures
- plain films
- CT scan
- Angiography
- Nuclear Studies
- Ultrasound
68Lab Studies - Patient ET
- 18.3gt12.3/38lt325k
- 131/4.2108/2022/0.9lt325
- ABG - 7.31/31/75/95 on 2lncO2
- U/A - SG - 1.010, -WBC, -RBC, Tr Leuc, -ketones
- CT scan - midline shift to the R with loss of
normal gyri, blood in L ventricle
69Assessment and Plan
- The summation of everything described above
- When reading a chart, you should focus on the HPI
and the A/P - States what the treating physician feels is going
on (and in a well written note why)
70Assessment and Plan
- Will give you plan of action to treat the various
findings and should let you know where you fit
into the picture - Sometimes divided into a problem list with most
severe problems first followed by other concerns - Frequently combined and described in a narrative
71Assessment and Plan - Patient ET
- 35yowf who presented with progressive headache.
CT scan revealed an intraventricular hemorrhage
on the left side with physical findings c/w a
left sided CVA yielding weakness in the RLE and
some confusion. CVA likely secondary to rebound
of her hypertension after patient stopped taking
her B-blocker and other antihypertensive
medications. Will admit patient for
stabilization of her BP. PT/OT/Speech consult
once patient stable. ? Neuro consult.
72Assessment and Plan - Patient ET
- We will continue to monitor her glucose carefully
and place her on a sliding scale regimen.
Consider endocrine consult if unable to control.
- Patient may need help with nicotine withdrawal
however do not wish to sedate while evaluating
her post CVA - Social work consult for D/C planning
73SOAP notes
- This constitutes the daily progress note and will
be the primary form of communication in the
chart. - S Subjective
- What has happened in the last 24 hours
74SOAP notes
- O Objective
- Review vital signs for the past 24 hours
- Describes current physical exam
- Targeted to systems of concern
- Reviews new lab data
75SOAP notes
- A Assessment
- How the author feels things are progressing
- Often done as a problem list
- P Plan
- What interventions are planned for the next 24
hours based upon all of the above data - A/P often combined
- Again, this is the meat of the data and should be
reviewed daily
- Remember ! ! ! All patient information is
confidential - Do not discuss anything about the patient where
others can overhear - Even vague descriptions may be recognized by a
family member in the elevator or cafeteria line
77(No Transcript)
78Evaluation of Medical Testing
- Sensitivity
- Probability that a person having the disease
will be correctly identified by a clinical test - Specificity
- Probability that a person not having the disease
will be correctly identified by a clinical test
79Evaluation of Medical Testing
80Evaluation of Medical Testing
- Sensitivity
- TP/(TP FN)
- Specificity
- TN/(TN FP)
81Evaluation of Medical Testing
- Predictive Value
- How likely is the result to be true or false
based upon the result of a test - Positive Predictive Value
- Given a result, how likely is the result to
truly be - TP/(TP FP)
- Negative Predictive Value
- Given a negative result, how likely is the result
to truly be negative - TN/(TNFN)
82Evaluation of Medical Testing
- Prevalence
- Prior Probability
- All patients with the disease out of the total
number of patients tested - TPFN/Total number of people tested