Chapter 18 Glaciers and Glaciation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18 Glaciers and Glaciation


Glacier a thick mass of ice that originates on land from the accumulation, ... Kames (steep-sided hill or mound) Kame terraces (along sides of a valley) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 18 Glaciers and Glaciation

Chapter 18 Glaciers and Glaciation
  • Glaciers are parts of two basic cycles
  • Hydrologic cycle
  • Rock cycle
  • Glacier a thick mass of ice that originates on
    land from the accumulation, compaction and
    recrystallization of snow

NOTE Glaciers cover 10 of Earths land surface
Glaciers are powerful agents of erosion
Fig 18.1
Example Glacier National Park, Montana - a
classic glaciated landscape
  • Types of glaciers
  • 1/ Valley (or alpine) glaciers
  • Exist in mountainous areas
  • Flow down a valley from an accumulation center at
    its head
  • 2/ Ice sheets
  • Exist on a larger scale than valley glaciers
  • Two largest ice sheets on Earth are over
    Greenland and Antarctica

Fig 18.2 Valley glacier in Alaska
Fig 18.3 The Greenland Antarctic Ice-sheets
(the Antarctic Ice-sheet occupies 14 million sq.
  • Types of glaciers
  • Ice sheets
  • Often called continental ice sheets
  • Ice flows out in all directions from one or more
    snow accumulation centers
  • Other types of glaciers
  • Ice caps - e.g. Iceland
  • Outlet glaciers - tongue of ice that enters the
  • Piedmont glaciers - broad sheet of ice in broad
    plain at base of mountains

  • What if all the ice on Earth melted?
  • Slightly more than 2 of the worlds water is
    tied up in glaciers
  • Antarctic ice sheet
  • 80 of the worlds ice
  • Nearly two-thirds of Earths fresh water
  • Covers almost one and one-half times the area of
    the United States
  • If melted, sea level would rise 60 to 70 meters

Fig 18.6 Predicted coastline if current
ice-sheets melted
Formation of glacial ice
  • Glaciers form in areas where more snow falls in
    winter than melts during the summer
  • Steps in the formation of glacial ice
  • Air infiltrates snow, outer part evaporates
    central part contains vapor that condenses
  • Snowflakes become smaller, thicker, and more
  • Air is forced out

Formation of glacial ice
  • Steps in the formation of glacial ice
  • Snow is recrystallized into a much denser mass of
    small grains called firn
  • Once the thickness of the ice and snow exceeds 50
    meters, weight forces firn to fuse into a solid
    mass of interlocking ice crystals glacial ice

The transformation of snow to glacial ice
Fig 18.7
Movement of glacial ice
  • Overall movement is referred to as flow
  • Two basic types
  • Plastic flow
  • Occurs within the ice
  • Under pressure, ice behaves as a plastic material
    (ie. bonds between layers are weaker than within
    layers, stress applied and slide in response)
  • Basal slip
  • Entire ice mass slipping along the ground
  • Meltwater acts as lubricant between ice rock
  • Most glaciers are thought to move this way by
    this process

Glaciers move by basal sliding and internal flow
Fig 18.8
NOTE Ice in Zone of fracture is carried along
piggy-back style
Movement of glacial ice
  • Overall movement is referred to as flow
  • Zone of fracturing - in the uppermost 50 meters,
    ice acts in brittle manner and carried along by
    deeper ice
  • Travel over irregular terrain causes tension
    large cracks (or crevasses) form in brittle ice
  • Rates of glacial movement
  • Average velocities vary considerably from one
    glacier to another but generally several meters

Fig 18.9 Crevasse in the zone of fracturing
NOTE Some glaciers exhibit extremely rapid
movements in short periods of time called surges,
growth is 20 to 50 times faster than normal.
E.g. surge of Variegated Glacier in Alaska,
Movement of glacial ice
  • Budget of a glacier
  • Zone of accumulation the area where a glacier
  • Zone of wastage the area where there is a net
    loss to the glacier due to
  • 1/ Melting
  • 2/ Calving the breaking off of large pieces of
    ice (icebergs where the glacier has reached the
  • NOTE The snowline separates the zone of
    accumulation and the zone of wastage. Elevation
    of the snowline varies greatly depending on many

Movement of glacial ice
  • Budget of a glacier
  • Balance, or lack of balance, between accumulation
    at the upper end of the glacier, and loss at the
    lower end is referred to as the glacial budget
  • If accumulation exceeds loss (or ablation), the
    glacial front advances
  • If ablation increases and/or accumulation
    decreases, the ice front will retreat

(No Transcript)
The glacial budget
Fig 18.11
Glacial erosion
  • Glaciers are capable of great erosion and
    sediment transport
  • Glaciers erode the land primarily in two ways
  • 1/ Plucking lifting of rocks
  • 2/ Abrasion
  • Rocks within the ice act like sandpaper to smooth
    and polish the surface below

Fig 18.13 Glacial erratic dumped by retreating
Fig 18.14 Glacial striations (or grooves) and
polishing are distinctive glacial features
Glacial erosion
  • Glacial erosion
  • Glacial abrasion produces
  • Rock flour (pulverized rock)
  • Glacial striations (grooves in the bedrock)
  • Landforms created by glacial erosion
  • Erosional features of glaciated U-shape valleys
  • Glacial trough
  • Truncated spurs
  • Hanging valleys
  • Cirques aretes
  • Horn

Glaciated topography
Fig 18.15 AB
The Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps
Glacial deposits
  • Glacial drift refers to all sediments of
    glacial origin
  • Types of glacial drift
  • Till material that is deposited directly by the
    ice, a very poorly-sorted mix of debris
  • Stratified drift sediments laid down by glacial

Glacial till - typically unstratified and unsorted
Fig 18.19
Glacial deposits
  • Landforms made of till
  • Moraines
  • Layers or ridges of till
  • Moraines produced by glaciers
  • Lateral moraine
  • Medial moraine
  • Terminal moraine
  • Ground moraine

Glacial depositional features
Fig 18.25
Glacial deposits
  • Landforms made of till
  • Drumlins
  • Smooth, elongated, parallel hills of bedrock
  • Steep side faces the direction from which the ice
  • Occur in clusters called drumlin fields

A drumlin in upstate New York
Glacial deposits
  • Landforms made of stratified drift
  • Outwash plains (from ice sheets)
  • Broad ramp-like surface composed of stratified
    drift deposited by meltwater leaving a glacier
  • Located adjacent to the downstream edge of most
    end moraines
  • Often pockmarked with depressions called
    kettle-holes (originally large blocks of stagnant

Glacial deposits
  • Landforms made of stratified drift
  • Ice-contact deposits
  • Deposited by meltwater flowing over, within, and
    at the base of motionless ice
  • Features include
  • Kames (steep-sided hill or mound)
  • Kame terraces (along sides of a valley)
  • Eskers - long sinuous ridge of sand gravel

Glaciers of the past
  • Last Ice Age - last 3 million yrs
  • Four major stages recognized in North America
  • Nebraskan
  • Kansan
  • Illinoian
  • Wisconsinan
  • Most recent Ice Age peaked 18 000 years ago and
    ice covered 30 of Earths land area

Maximum extent of ice during the Ice Age
Fig 18.27
Glaciers of the past
  • Ice Age
  • The Ice Age began between two million and three
    million years ago
  • Most of the major glacial stages occurred during
    a division of geologic time called the
    Pleistocene epoch

Glaciers of the past
  • Indirect effects of Ice Age glaciers
  • Forces migration of animals and plants
  • Changes in stream courses
  • Rebounding upward of the crust in former centers
    of ice accumulation
  • Worldwide change in sea level
  • Global climatic changes

Crustal rebound following the removal of glacial
Fig 18.28
Causes of glaciation
  • WHY? Any successful theory must account for what
    causes the onset of glacial conditions.
  • Some possible causes of glaciation
  • Plate tectonics
  • Continents were arranged differently in the past
  • Changes in oceanic circulation
  • BEST THEORY The Milankovitch hypothesis
  • Changes in climate over the past several hundred
    thousand years are closely associated with
    variations in the geometry of Earths orbit

Causes of glaciation
  • Some possible causes of glaciation
  • Milankovitch hypothesis
  • Shape (eccentricity) of Earths orbit varies
  • Angle of Earths axis (obliquity) changes
  • Earths axis wobbles (precession)
  • All of these factors vary the amount of
    INSOLATION (incoming solar radiation)
  • Other factors are probably also involved

Fig 18.32A
Shape of Earths orbitals changes from spherical
to elliptical on a cycle of 100 000 years
Fig 18.32B
The angle of tilt of the Earth varies from 22 to
25 on a cycle of 41 000 years. Today,
the angle of tilt on the axis of rotation is
Fig 18.32C
Precession The Earths axis wobbles like a
spinning top. Thus, the axis points to different
parts of the sky on a cycle of 26 000 years
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