Title: Administrative Domain
1Administrative Domain
Reqest Interface (access interface)
Response Interface (inter-domain interface)
Characteristic parser
Tool check
Schedule check
Remote check
PMC database
PMC controller
Inter-domain controller
2RequestInterface input message
- ltin0gt
- ltcharacteristic namenetwork.delay.roundtrip/gt
- lttool nameping rank1/gt
- lttool namepingmon rank3/gt
- ltsource hosta.b.c.d/gt
- ltsink hoste.f.g.h/gt
- ltwhen nowtrue/gt
- ltcredentialgtlt/credentialgt
- lt/in0gt
Normally the client would specify either a
characteristic or a (set of) tools, and the tools
would be filled out by the domain interfaces
Tools to use, ranked in order of preference
Source and sink hosts
A time specification
Credentials for authorisation and authentication.
This is an anyType element, for extensibility
3RequestInterface output message
- ltout0gt
- ltlocation xsitypeSQLQuerygt
- lthostgtfoo.barlt/hostgt
- ltquerygtSELECT FROM measurements WHERE
idmyuniqueidlt/querygt - lt/locationgt
- lt/out0gt
The location is of type anyType, so any sort of
reference can be put in here (this SQLQuery is
just an example)
4RequestInterface - faults
- Faults are used to indicate failures.
- ltBlahExceptiongt
- ltmessagegtGone wronglt/messagegt
- further information for some faults
- lt/BlahExceptiongt
- ToolUnavailableException
- CharacteristicUnavailableException
- TimeUnavailableException
- MalformedRequestException
- Takes a MeasurementRequest
- Returns a MeasurementRequest or one of the faults
- Both interfaces may add new source/sink elements
- ltsource hosti.b.c.d typepmc/gt
- ltsink hostj.f.g.h typepmc/gt
- Either may remove tool elements
- Either may add credentials
6More Information
- See http//www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/pdm/e2epipes/domain.