Title: John Wand Head of Programme
1Nanoscience through Engineering to Application
John Wand - Head of Programme Liam Blackwell -
Senior Portfolio Manager
2Nanoscience through Engineering to Application
Background Strategy Where next?
3Why nanotechnology?
- Scientific Rationale
- New science enabled by technology manipulation,
measurement and manufacture at nanometre length
scales. - Genuinely interdisciplinary
- High adventure potential of research potential
high impact of outcomes - Exploitation Rationale
- Estimated 1trillion global market by 2015 (NSF)
- Stages of industrial development passive to
molecular nanosystems - Key contributor to future developments in areas
such as Energy Medicine Environmental
Remediation ICT.
4Why this strategy?
Theme day 2005 Agility of response but dispersed
and unfocussed Review of strategy 2006
Recommended a three tiered approach Council
meeting in 2006 Agreed this strategy
Build on existing strengths and exploit new
- Responsive mode
- Cross-cutting infrastructure
- Grand Challenges
Grand Challenge 1 Energy
Grand Challenge 2 Healthcare
Grand Challenge 3 Environment?
Grand Challenge 4 ICT?
Grand Challenge 5 ???
Equipment access Six projects supporting a range
of techniques funded - approx 2M GC1 -
Nanotechnology for Energy Five projects funded -
approx 6.5M
8Grand Challenges stage-gate approach
9Grand Challenges consultation
process for GC2
10Doctoral Training Centres scoping
Represent breadth of nanotechnology Support
interdisciplinary training Connect to other
activities, e.g. GCs, DE Support approx. 30 - 40
students a year Planning call intend to
announce in March 2008
11Development of strategy
Grand Challenge 1 Energy
Grand Challenge 2 Healthcare
Grand Challenge 3 Environment?
Grand Challenge 4 ICT?
Grand Challenge 5 ???
12Current and future opportunities
GC2 Nanotechnology for Healthcare consultation
and call DTCs call for proposals March 2008 GC3
area to be identified Equipment will revisit
survey What else? Talk to our Senior Strategic
13Nanoscience through Engineering to Application